How can we trust the police, with this kind of thing going on?

Published: February 7, 2013 at 6:11pm

The wife of Assistant Police Commissioner Neil Harrison was one of the people reading out a hagiography to JosephMuscatDotCom at the Reverend Moon Convention last night at the Bay Arena.

Audrey Harrison, who read for a university degree or two at the University of Malta in and around serving as a police officer and later becoming a MEPA enforcement officer, said that she will be voting for JosephMuscatDotCom because she didn’t have enough opportunities under the Nationalist government and hopes for better under Labour.

Imagine if Mrs John Rizzo, wife of the Police Commissioner, were to take to the stage at the next Labour igloo session and say that she’s rooting for JosephMuscatDotCom because she’s now a cult convert and hopes for more opportunities.

But it’s OK for the wife of the man hoping to replace John Rizzo to do just that. It is common knowledge that Assistant Commissioner Neil Harrison hopes to become Police Commissioner Neil Harrison after March 10.

Sending your wife out into the arena – literally – to say what a great leader JosephMuscatDotCom is (or is that the name of the movement?) must go a long way to smoothing the path towards that.

Il-Klikka tal-Labour. Just watch them go. Let the grabbing begin.

And then ask me why I really, really don’t trust the bloody police with this kind of thing going on, and so much political involvement.

JosephMuscatDotCom cult fanatic Audrey Harrison and her husband, Asst Police Commissioner Neil Harrison

JosephMuscatDotCom cult fanatic Audrey Harrison and her husband, Asst Police Commissioner Neil Harrison

"Don't worry, hon, I'll make you Police Commissioner if it kills me. I'm a part-time actress, so going up on stage to say that I feel passion for JosephMuscatDotCom is just another job."

“Don’t worry, hon, I’ll make you Police Commissioner if it kills me. I’m a part-time actress, so going up on stage to say that I feel passion for JosephMuscatDotCom is just another job.”

25 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    Pissed off because she didn’t obtain teleworking facilities.

    Perhaps she could have explained what exactly it is she does for a living?

    Ramona Frendo went even further, she said she can’t stand the lack of opportunities unless people have connections.

    [Daphne – Ramona Frendo is married to Peter Borg, who owns Bortex. She is also a former Labour councillor and her mother was big in the Zejtun Labour Party club. She has all the connections she could possibly want.]

    She’s a lawyer in a legal firm, for heaven’s sake.

    Deborah Schembri better watch her back.

    • Zejtunija says:

      Ramona Frendo has been posing as an ex Nationalist or at least as someone who at one point voted Nationalist.

      This to make herself, she thinks, more credible in her support of Joseph Muscat’s Labour.

      The truth is that Ramona has supported only Labour all her life. To claim otherwise is false.

      I know her and her family well and she is Labour to the hilt. There is nothing objective about her.

      What is worse is she is intelligent, very intelligent. So she should know better and her statements on Facebook and elsewhere are showing her up as being dishonest and manipulative. This makes her dangerous.

      She would be far more credible if she said she has always been Labour and that the Labour Party is so much part of her DNA that it comes first before anything.

      • Jozef says:

        Blaming government is inherently Labour especially if in possession of a tertiary education.

        I found it odd why she had to underline her personal friendship with Muscat.

        It’s usually second rate individuals trying to raise the stakes.

  2. The Phoenix says:

    I am not surprised. The Police are falling over themselves to lick arse of anyone sporting a a “Partit Laburista Taghna Lkoll” logo.

    Long gone are the days of a service mentality above all else.

    It’s Joseph Joseph Joseph down at Floriana already. Even the guy at the door was listening to Super One radio while on duty…loudly.

    The state of affairs is directly the fault of inept PN ministers who were too afraid to get their hands dirty and who let John Rizzo run the show instead. Messkom Tisthu. Here the PM has let us down big time.

    God Help Us all. Because there will be nowhere to go on this island.

  3. TROY says:

    All the arse lickers are now taking centre stage.

  4. Pepe` says:

    Looks like things didn’t work out with Miriam Dalli after all.

    • The Phoenix says:

      No, Miriam married Karmenu’s son instead. He is much better off than a policeman.

      • Pepe` says:

        There was another relationship in between these two we mention, but that ended badly when ex-boyfriend had new-boyfriend arrested and charged for drug related offences.

        Funny though that it did not make it to the Super One newsroom.

  5. TROY says:

    No more Bortex suits for me.

    • maryanne says:

      No suits, no shirts, nothing. There are enough Laburisti mejtin bil-guh to keep the business running.

    • Qeghdin Sew says:

      Might explain the recent discovery of double-cuffed shirts and (usually) suits that are altered properly to fit the wearer’s body.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      I second that. Buy them from M&S, and get them tailored if you must. Quality’s superb. As are the fabrics. And now they’ve partnered with Timothy Everest so you’re looking at Savile Row quality (OK, he’s in Mayfair, but you get the point).

  6. paddy says:

    whilst we work so that Mrs Harrison studies at the university and says that she had no opportunities enough said the attached photos say it all!/photo.php?fbid=66497773676&set=a.66496368676.92455.822598676&type=3&theater

  7. Gahan says:

    Look, Joseph made a great show at the Eden Arena, testimonials, shiny colourful booklet and all that.

    Albert Gauci Cunningham, the one who remembers young Michelle spending the summer in her family’s boathouse at St Paul’s Bay, showed that the Labour Party people appeased every wish and idea he had and made him understand that they agreed with most of his ideas.

    Albert will have to wait for the price of electricity to go down.

    He expects that we owe him a living and subsidise his utility bills. That was his initial bone of contention with GonziPN.

    What naivety!

  8. Paul Bonnici says:

    But Beppe Fenech Adami insisted on TV that the police is the most respected government organisation. I think he meant ‘least’ not ‘most’.

    The PN is scared of the police. They failed to reform the police and everything is backfiring on them now.

  9. Marie says:

    What sleaze! I remember Audrey from secondary school. Then I met Karl Gouder at St Aloysius’ sixth. So we’re all of the same age. Can you imagine Karl behaving in this fashion? Breeding, breeding.

  10. Jeanette says:

    Not enough opportunities, says she?

    She even appears on NET’s programme Lift for crying out loud. In last Monday’s episode there was a line, ‘Mela Joseph biss delivers?’

    What a weirdo.

  11. anthony says:

    I pity the police force medical officer.

    He must be treating cases of oral infections, faecal glossitis and bad breath round the clock.

  12. Matthew says:

    Don’t the police have a code of conduct forbidding them and their immediate family members from doing this sort of thing?

    It’s all so improper.

  13. Paul Bonnici says:

    There is an unsolved double murder and many others. This is one of the reasons they remain unsolved, too busy updating Facebook.

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