Look at Evarist in these pictures

Published: February 22, 2013 at 11:47am

brave new world 1

brave new world 2

brave new world 3

brave new world 4

brave new world 5

46 Comments Comment

  1. mattie says:

    Kemm qeghdin sew: the men are dressed like women, the women are dressed like men.


  2. Cikku says:

    what a freak show

  3. Reporter says:

    At least we know that he is not so pro-gay as he would like us to believe.

  4. Fran says:

    Picture perfect.

  5. Were these photos taken during a “Who’s the Only Gay in the Village” contest final?

    That’s the “Maltese gay community” as Labour likes to stereotype it: women dressed like men, middle aged men (or mature as they are called) with strangely coloured jackets and clashing jeans, glasses which are too big for their cheekbones, golden-plastered walls (ha nidru linef naqra iktar), men of 50 with Mowhawks they should have left behind when they were 20, and a pseudo-accademic air of flamboyance.

    All that’s missing is the requisite hairdressers, ‘cooks’ and ‘dress designers’.

    All represented by someone who couldn’t take a relationship break-up and like a 13-year old-chav sent his ex’s compromising sex photos to his employers biex jidru gay and proud.

    Not even Daffyd Thomas would have come up with something like that.

    God forbid my boyfriend and I would ever end up in that state. I’ll give anyone here the right to shoot us immediately.

  6. ajs says:

    I hope that Varist is heralding the alternative meaning of the acronym ‘PM’: post mortem.

  7. afm says:

    His expressions? Holy crap ara fejn spiccajt. Cringe, cringe.

  8. Natalie says:

    What on earth is he doing?

    And a suitable caption for the last photo would be: Has he used It recently? I wonder who was the lucky fella.

  9. David S says:

    Kenneth and Swan Lake .

  10. francesca says:

    And Evarist is laughing at them all

  11. billy goat says:

    He looks disgusted. That’s really progressive and liberal of him.

  12. Oops says:

    Gives me the impression he is not comfortable.

  13. Min Jaf says:

    Qiesu l-anglu tal-monument Varist, bil-musmar f’sormu.

  14. Bob says:

    He sticks out like a sore thumb.

  15. Tania says:

    If I was gay I would not want to be seen dead with that lot. They give the impression that being gay means being creepy, which is untrue and wrong.

  16. caflisa says:

    1: I’m in a minority here. I’ll keep my back to the wall as much as possible. Should I stay or should I go?
    2: I’m really scared now.
    3: oh look there’s Owen, phew.
    4: I really really wish I were somewhere else, like the fearless leader once said, ‘I prefer having a burger elsewhere’.
    5: Owen’s gone, I’d better run…. where’s the door?

  17. Lomax says:

    Varist looks disgusted.

  18. anthony says:

    I would really like to comment.

    I will refrain from doing so because I cannot think of anything to say that would not be really unkind.

    So I will keep mum.

  19. lorna saliba says:

    Evarist is trying very hard to look gay and blend in. But he just looks like he’d rather be somewhere else.

  20. Simone says:

    “Iva, Joseph, hawn fejn baghatni?

  21. mattie says:

    Some of those people in the pictures seem to have a very short memory span.

    They forget that most of their progress is due mainly thanks to the golden years spent working under PN in Government.

  22. maryanne says:

    During the divorce referendum campaign journalists phoned each and every MP and asked them how they were going to vote.

    Labour’s big guns have gone into hiding. Can journalists phone them, email or fax them to get their opinion on this scandal?

    We don’t want to hear what vipers and snakes tell us. It would be interesting to see what Edward, Louis and Manuel have to say. After all these are the muviment gdid u progressiv and they are avukati u ekonomisti stilla.

  23. Brian Ellul says:

    Kemm qedin kollha sew….

  24. Qeghdin Sew says:

    I’d probably react in the same way if I were surrounded by some of the individuals in those photos.

  25. Katrin says:

    Donnu jidher mhasseb u xi ftit bezghan ukoll.

  26. el bandido guapo says:

    Bet some progressive “tefghawni mall-pufti” thoughts were going through his mind.

  27. just me says:

    His expressions are an indication of what he is thinking. He is obviously just using these people.

  28. GABS says:

    Jaqaw Varist spicca AC-DC jew bye-bye, Xehta ta’ wiehed minnhom sar ghandu. Kemm qeghdin sew.

  29. RosanneB says:

    Inkwetat donnu, Varist.

  30. Francis Saliba MD says:

    Evarist couldn’t possibly look more uncomfortable and more scared, no matter how hard he tries.

  31. Paul Bonnici says:

    Kemm huma tan-n*jk!

    Evarist with a Lacoste sweater; these don’t come cheap. Chavs wear them in rough parts of London, and the white t-shirt under his open neck shirt is a faux pas.

    You should organise a caption competition for these photos.

    Zammit Tabona in bow tie and faded jeans. He is a bit too old for jeans like those.

  32. ciccio says:

    Evarist is like squeezing in the only space available between Gabbi and Kenneth while trying not to make any physical contact with them because he might contract some serious disease.

  33. Censu says:

    Every one seems to be having a gay time except Evarist.

  34. Trojan says:

    Look at that fruit loop. But Cyrus is the nicest of them all.

  35. Dunstan says:

    A really `HAPPY` group!

  36. And bigears Cyrus too!

  37. Paul Bonnici says:

    Evarist’s body language give it all away, it shows what he really thinks about gay rights.

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