Now here’s Iosif Galea, the man implicated in the John Dalli snus scandal, at one of Jason Micallef’s election parties
Iosif Galea is the man pictured here with John Dalli and Silvio Zammit (tal-mqaret) on holiday in Italy. All three of them are involved in the snus extortion/bribery case that led to Jose Barroso demanding John Dalli’s resignation as EU Commissioner.
Oh, and after uploading the pictures with captions, I realised that I missed somebody: in the bottom-most picture, isn’t that singer Glenn Vella, sometime winner or runner-up of the Song for Europe contest? No wonder the Labour Party was so upset. He’s one of their golden boys.

In the prosecution case against Silvio Zammit re the snus scandal and John Dalli, lawyer Gayle Kimberley was revealed to have had an affair with Iosif Galea and became involved in the snus attempted extortion case through him.
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How many variations of the name “Joseph” exist on the Maltese islands?
Has anyone ever counted them ?
Let’s try:
Joseph (Muscat)
Guzeppi (Mercieca)
Joe (Borg)
Peppi (Azzopardi)
Josef (Bonnici)
Beppe (Hili)
Giuseppe (Mifsud Bonnici)
Zeppi (il-Hafi)
Iosif (Galea)
Yusuf (the immigrant)
José (Herrea)
Guzé (all writers)
Good compilation HP.
There is also Josie (Muscat)
And slight variations on variations such as Guzi, Gus, Zep and Peppu and Peppinu .
And I am sure someone will eventually use the German favorite, “Sepp”
as in Sepp Dietrich in the future.
Tinsiex Joey
Malta taghna lkoll……taht Gonzi imma.
The ghosts of lejber future.
Silvio tal-mqaret and George tad-doughnuts too
Contraception is – Silvio tal-mqaret and Iosif Galea separated by a Johnny.
Can anybody spot a straight man in the last picture? I’m beginning to feel like a member of a threatened minority.
Iva, Simon Busuttil
100% RIGHT.
The Zurrieq mayor has invested wisely. With all the fey boys now hugging the Labour leader he surely will not run out of business. Did he practise on Joseph?
Good to hear about la notre chanteuse chaude—our hot singer
Way to go Daphne, bring them all out in the open.
Gayle’s mother, one time Fusellu’s girlfriend (now if you can sleep with him you can do anything) is putting a lot of Labour propaganda on her Facebook, whilst rubbing shoulders with dear Kevin D.
In the last phot if I’m not mistaken there are the winner of last year’s Malta Eurovision Song contest,Glen Vella, and this year’s runner-up, Kevin Borg.
Well Iosif is on the verge to put a Red Touch hottie in bed post Kimberley. He’s great at it.
I was told that Iosif Galea was a PN sympathizer…..very curious personality….