Silvio goes for a fun run with his cheerleaders

Published: February 3, 2013 at 9:31pm

silvio parnis

29 Comments Comment

  1. bystander says:

    That’s not how you spell arsehole.

  2. Bob says:

    All the boys…

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Noticed it too, have you? All this male bonding in Labour. What’s going on? And will it be backs to the wall after 9th March?

  3. Min Jaf says:

    Heqq, irridu naraw xnivvintaw biex nibqghu indru, hux. Trejning tajjeb ghal-meta jkun fil- kabinett.

  4. Kevin Zammit says:

    His cheerleaders are unable to run due to their arthritis.

  5. Paul Bonnici says:

    Unbelievable, who paid for all those T-shirts?

    Silvio loves himself. He will probably build himself a monument in Paola.

  6. Bugia says:

    Miskin Silvio, jaghmel x’ jaghmel jaf sewwa li l- partit tieghu ma jriedux mill- gdid deputat.

  7. Grezz says:

    For a moment there I thought it was a joke. Kemm jiflah ikun ta’ Cacu?

  8. Paul says:

    These will be the guys distributing the pills. And picking them up from the toilets when some old lady accidentally drops them there.

  9. Viva lejber says:

    Silvio Parsnip?

  10. Matthew says:

    Were ladies purposely excluded from the fun or were they just too embarrassed to turn up?

  11. aJS says:

    To be fair, my impression of Silvio Parnis is that he is the most innocuous of the Labour lot.

  12. Charles says:

    Happy Farm runaways?

  13. Is the barrier serving any purpose?

  14. MMuscat says:

    “We all got our free pair of socks”

  15. MMuscat says:

    On the far right there was a guy with an ‘Esss’ print, and on the far right there were about for guys wearing these tops:

  16. MMuscat says:

    This is the last comment I am posting, I promise, but this picture captured my imagination.

    Where the guys going to rearrange themselves into something like: PORN IS ALIVE?

  17. Futur Imcajpar says:

    Their top curves would have distorted the letters. Also with some of the readers needing to run their fingers under the letters to sound out the name, he might have been slapped with a law suit.

  18. Grezz says:

    I really don’t know what is more shocking here – Muscat’s conspicuous absence, the Malta Labour Party’s taking advantage of seriously ill children for their electoral campaign, or the fact that the Malta Labour Party delegation was lead by Michelle Muscat, who holds no official position in the Malta Labour Party, and is simply the wife of the leader of the Opposition –

  19. village says:

    Lill-Anglu qatlu kiesah u biered. Silvio lilek kif?

  20. sokrate says:

    Alla jghinu, ghax veru ghandu bzonn! Dak tan-nofs tajjeb biex juzawh bhala re tal-karnival.

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