The curious thing is that I remember their mothers and grandmothers doing exactly this

Published: February 21, 2013 at 2:20pm

Funny, isn’t it? Nothing about the language and gestures changes with these women. The clothes do, and certainly the figures (they were all a size 18, not 8, in those days), and the hair is not as badly dyed as it was then.

But otherwise it’s


I don’t know what it is, but despite the changing fashion in clothes and hair and make-up, it’s the women, and not the men, who manage to create that French-Revolution-Madame-Defarge-pitchforks vibe.

You get the impression that given a couple of those pitchforks and the go-ahead to let loose, they’d tear you apart in seconds and feed you to their uncle Tony’s chickens.

33 Comments Comment

  1. Mario says:

    Ha tqabbadni breakdown, Daphne. Dalwaqt nispicca nohlom b’xi corma Laburisti ghaddejjin f’xi carcade.

    [Daphne – M’ghandekx bzonn tohlom, Mario. In two weeks’ time you won’t be able to move for carcades of Laburisti.]

    • Mario says:

      Kien hemm bzonn li s-switchers jifthu mohhhom f’dawn l-ahhar two weeks forsi jidhol ftit sens u jaraw kemm hu perikoluz li nispiccaw taht il-Labour nergghu. Ma nistax nemmen kif parti mill-poplu lest li jarmi dak kollu li hdimna ghalih f’dawn l-ahhar snin.

    • Kurt Mifsud Bonnici says:

      God almighty … why the hell do you keep saying that Daphne?If the Labour win is such a forgone conclusion then why the hell write all this stuff. It just rubs it in!

      [Daphne – Sorry, I don’t follow your drift.]

      • Paul Bonnici says:

        Daphne is trying to bring sense to dithering floating voters who think any change is good for the country.

      • Last Post says:

        Kurt, she’s made of different stuff from us commoners. It’s what makes her stand out of the whole crowd.

        It’s also the reason why the JM-MTL laburisti hate her guts. That’s why they can’t even start to imagine (let alone understand) her frame of mind.

        Well done, Daphne. Thanks for making us all think!

    • Lestrade says:

      So it’s ” Head for the hills” ?

    • LE to LEjber says:

      Mario, Joseph will soon send out an invite to all the people of Malta and Gozo to celebrate ‘Malta’s victory’ as Malta would become taghhom ilkoll.

    • Miss O'Brien says:

      I am full of hope that common sense will prevail until I read how convinced you are of a Labour victory.

  2. Min Jaf says:

    The old hag ‘student’ with big tits, wearing a white top, appears to be still on the waiting list for a set of front teeth off the taxpayer.

  3. TGTBT says:

    I still haven’t lost hope yet. If they keep up with this behaviour and have no surprise recording on any PN minister then we might be in for a positive surprise.

  4. OMG says:

    They look so militant and unthinking. The maxim “you don’t know what you’ve got until its lost” never held truer.

    • Aunt Hetty says:

      The local ”sanscoulottes” of the New Reign of Terror that is about to be unleashed on us.

    • observer says:

      Wasn’t it yesterday morning that me shall on-the-podium encouraged her female admirers that they should ‘stennew minn kollox’ during the closing days of this campaign?

      I repeat ‘stennew minn kollox’ – ghax minn kollox gej, tibzghux, anki wara d-9 ta’ Marzu.

  5. Aunt Hetty says:


    Alons enfants de la patrie,
    Le jours de gloire est arrive……..

  6. Paul Bonnici says:

    Where were these primates released from? More of them will be let lose in 2 weeks.

  7. Tarzan says:

    I can’t imagine how anyone with half a brain would participate in a ‘mass’ anything, let alone a mass chanting of utter rubbish. The only case when I would do something like the people in the video, would be if I were demonstrating against some severe lack of civil liberties, or some severe violation of human rights. What reason do these bunch of nitwits have to be acting in this appalling manner?

    • ciccio says:

      The reason is that what you see was centrally orchestrated from the Fourth Floor so that JosephMuscatDotCom can then show those students on Super One and state that “a large majority of students have shown that they want change” – trying of course to impress us with the ‘change’ mantra.

      What they do not realise is that the students’ appalling behaviour is more likely to scare people from the movement, where things have clearly stayed the same despite the passing of 25 years.

  8. Felicity says:

    And this is how students skipped the queue at the MCAST debate and filled up the hall leaving the majority of students who were not PL supporters waiting outside.

  9. Pink says:

    Jien li jbezzani ghax tant jaghjtu bi hdura li certa li la jitilghu Malta ma tibqax “taghna lkoll”.

    Tant ghandhom ghatx ghal-poter li kollox qed jghamlu biex jidhru sbieh pero l-partitarji taghhom juru mod iehor.

    U lil Gonzi bdew jghidulu “shame on you”. Ghalfejn? Dan qed jghamel minn kollox biex l-istudenti jkunu jistghu ikomplu jistudjaw. Sa bdew jaqtghulu jdejhom.

    Ma niflahomx onestament. Ghax vera nies psataz.

    • Futur Imcajpar says:

      It made my blood boil too. That ‘shame on you’ chanting had me in tears as to its blatant unfairness.

      And Ginger Joey smirks and simpers like a jack-ass when those words are tailored-made for him.

      I think I need to buy a heavy-duty punch-bag to vent my spleen.

  10. Paul Bonnici says:

    Instead of ‘TAGHNA LKOLL’, they should say ‘STENNEW MINN KOLLOX’.

  11. clare says:

    same old story

    same old mentality

  12. Steve Forster says:

    The enemy truly is at the gates

  13. Frans Cassar says:

    The real Labour tsunami is about to hit home on our beloved Maltese shores. I am 40 and I do remember well the dark political years of the 80s, both my late parents (wish you were here) always told me not to trust Labour and I took that advice literally.

    I never did and never will, but unfortunately my vote counts equally to those brainwashed idiot students (or whatever they are) who were shouting off the prime minister.

    How ironic, I was fucked up learning Arabic at school just because Mintoff was a close friend to the terrorist Gheddafi and today we are having students booing the prime minister because he decided to invest millions of euros in a new campus and paying them stipends on a monthly basis for studying.

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