The Jason Bourne Files

Published: February 3, 2013 at 1:29pm

11 Comments Comment

  1. canon says:

    Another lie from Joseph Muscat regarding Anglu Farrugia. Certainly, it is not a white one.

  2. Paul Bonnici says:

    I love this Daphne, well done.

  3. Jozef says:

    From the interview itself, regarding Farrugia’s impression that businessmen seem to have taken over the PL.

    ‘Is it because you weren’t allowed to get involved or didn’t want to?
    Let’s just say that I wasn’t interested in knowing everything

    I left it in the leader’s hands and he never involved me…’

    Keeping in mind Farrugia would have been on Joseph’s cabinet, perhaps some felt that wasn’t to their liking. Sitting at the same table ie.

  4. AE says:

    More like this please

  5. Riya says:

    Issa jekk hu onest imis li Joseph Muscat jitkellem. Anglu Farrugia qed jallega li l-partit ta’ Joseph Muscat ghandu konessjonijiet kbar ma’ negozzjanti kbar.

    Dan xi jfisser?

    X’inhu gej ghalina?

    Xi gvern li jaghmel biss dak li jaqblilhom in-negozzjanti il-kbar biss u jafgu liz-zghir u lill-haddiem?

  6. Riya says:

    Min hu ambizzjuz ikun zgur perikoluz.

  7. Antoine Vella says:

    What Anglu Farrugia revealed was not just that contractors and big businessmen are close to, and presumably giving money to, Labour but that this is happening in secret; even the deputy leader himself was not aware of all the details.

    This underhandedness is the crux of the matter.

  8. Mica says:

    This is what really scares me. I have no idea what these people have to offer, or indeed what they have up their sleeve.

    Should they commit to a ‘renewal’ of our blessed country, we’re done for.

    My only hope is that everything will eventually calm down and nothing of the terrors I’ve been told might happen will be put into effect.

    Though of course, I might be greatly mistaken. I won’t think of the latter.

  9. He has the smiling face of Bing Crosby and at calm and confident of what he is singing. Gianluca Good Luck….

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