The really evil clique (and still in Opposition)

Published: February 21, 2013 at 12:25am

And tomorrow afternoon, the Labour leader will pay an official visit to his friend and fellow Evil Click member, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, at the Malta Council for Science and Technology.

Min jaf kemm gejjin xenati ghall-cameras.

No birthday cake this time, I imagine. Neither of them did anything for the Malta Council of Science and Technology (well, Jeffrey threw a fancy dress party), and they’re both going to be acting and talking like they’re cock of the walk.


ĦIN: 15:45 hrs

POST: MCST, Villa Bighi, Triq Marina, Kalkara

SUĠĠETT: Il-Mexxej Laburista Joseph Muscat jiltaqa’ mal-Bord tad-Diretturi, il-ħaddiema u jżur proġetti tal-Malta Council for Science and Technology

9 Comments Comment

  1. MARY ANN BORG says:

    You never know, you might even see JPO crying for the cameras as he did five years ago.

  2. Gahan says:

    Tghid se jkun hemm Marlene Farrugia takkumpanja lil Joseph?

    Min jaf kemm se jibkilu biex izommu ‘jmexxi’ l-kunsill tax-xjenza u teknologij ?

    Min jaf jekk Jeffrey jiprezentax xi studju xjentifiku minghand xi habib fejn juri li hsejjes u dwal fl-inhawi tal-Mistra jghinu lil-flora u fawna tal-inhawi? Niftakar li biex jelimina l-progett tal-Muzew ta’ San Gwann kien qabbad lil-gejologiu Peter…dak li mar xi ftit jiem ilu jitkellem favur Joseph taht it-tinda.

    Taghna lkoll !Taghna lkoll !Taghna lkoll !Taghna lkoll !Taghna lkoll !

    • Gahan says:

      “Min jaf kemm se jibkilu biex izommu ‘jmexxi’ l-kunsill tax-xjenza u teknologij ?”

      Haqqni midalja?

      Nghiduha ma tantx trid tkun bravu biex tobsorha!

  3. PWG says:

    JPO could throw an ‘acid’ party in the science lab.

    That should raise a lot of money for Labour.

  4. Paul Bonnici says:

    Cyrus looks lovely in a Burberry scarf.

  5. Paul Bonnici says:

    Did you see that shifty looking character, who hid behind another man, when he came in view of the camera.

  6. Tinnat says:

    Having seen a photo of Keith tal-Casco I believe I recognise him. Old Aloysian Sixth Former from the same year as Joseph Muscat. Much much slimmer than 20 years ago.

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