This is a Labour video, and not one made by PN supporters to frighten people
February 16, 2013 at 10:34pm
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The sense and stench of forboding on the rock has become overwhelming.
Waslet ir-rebha.
Takes me back to the dreaded Mintoff years.
Please, please, God, not again, because we’ve suffered enough.
Please don’t make our children go through what we did.
My thoughts exactly.
Mamma mia, xi dwejjaq gej.
It just struck me that Joseph not only has a weak personality, but also a weak voice.
Some of the words heard in this video are quite powerful and visionary, but he sounds unconvincing and uncertain about what he’s saying.
Of course the reason might well be that he’s reading the text not expressing the thought sincerely.
Just watched the video on of the Tal-Ajkla mass meeting.
He seems to have quite a few supporters which struck me as strange. Then I listened to what he had to say.
He too went on about the cost of living and how he’s going to bring it down, and introduce more nudist beaches.
What sort of agenda does this guy have?
Anyway, I guess it goes to show how easily many voters are swayed.
Oh please. They’re just taking the piss. It’s obvious.
The people went there for fun — remember “Il Farfett”?
Are you really believing that all those present at this meeting will vote for this man?
They just went there to pass some time and get their minds off serious politics which have taken up 2/3 of our days and will last a couple of more weeks.
CAN assure you he won’t get more than 20 votes but to be honest to him, on the contrary he was totally against nudist beaches.
Prosit Jonathan hi, x’ naqa editin!
Too funny and at the same time scary.
Nhobb nara diversi video tal-mass meetings ghal kurzità u ma nara l-ebda differenza hlief li tal-PN ikunu iktar blu u tal-PL iktar homor.
His voice, purporting to be addressing the vast crowd, is, apparently, a technical audio superposition – or whatever one calls it.
Do you believe it the PRESIDENT OF THE EU SOCIALISTS addressing the mass meeting of Labour today referred to the PN as enemies… how’s that for unity!
Is it portraying a ‘new royal family’ idea going on there?
Looks like a trailer for Jaws.
Ghidli ma min taghmiha u nghidlek x’int.