Tonio Fenech’s response to that lowlife snake and his Fearless Leader

Published: February 22, 2013 at 12:24am

DOI – Press Release



Mhux veru li George Farrugia tani xi rigal kif allega d-deputat laburista Evarist Bartolo. Din hi gidba tal-Partit Laburista li qed jipprova johloq diversiv wara li gie zvelat li l-kontrollur finanzjarju tal-Partit Laburista Joe Cordina jinsab fil-qalba tal-iskandlu taz-zejt.

Jien se nkun qieghed niehu passi legali bi kwerela kontra l-Onor Evarist Bartolo u kontra l-Onor Chris Cardona li rrepeta l-gidba ta’ Evarist Bartolo.

Jekk George Farrugia ghamel din l-allegazzjoni, Farrugia qieghed jigdeb ukoll. Jien qatt ma rcivejt rigali minghandu latal-valur li semma Evarist Bartolo u lanqas ta’ xi valur iehor.

9 Comments Comment

  1. malti u kburi says:

    Xriha tinten

  2. Jozef says:

    ‘Jekk George Farrugia ghamel din l-allegazzjoni, Farrugia qieghed jigdeb ukoll.’

    Guess who’s trying to get rid of the pardon.

    Evarist always seems to want to have a hand in directing this thing.

    What’s he scared of?

  3. AllIWantIsToLiveInPeace says:

    Tonio Fenech needs to take that other snake, Joseph Muscat, to court for repeating what can only be a desperate attempt at distracting the great unwashed into thinking that the PN is as dirty as Labour is proving to be.

    I guess once you’ve lied to the nation once, it comes naturally to just keep going…

  4. Pied Piper says:

    They’re hating the day the presidential pardon was given. Now they’re pointing their finger at Tonio, but three fingers are pointing at them. Viva l-Lejber ghax Malta taghna kollha.

  5. silvio says:

    This country of ours has becme a nation of liars.

    Thanks that we still have persons like Tonio, who wouldn’t even cross his mind to lie.

    I don’t think the Madonna would talk to anyone who would even think of lying.

    How miserly can some be, making all those millions and not even a hamper.

  6. Francis Saliba MD says:

    Once a proven liar, always a liar.

    Unfit for a premiership in any civilised country.

  7. ciccio says:

    I believe Tonio Fenech.

    I do not believe the bunch who lied to the country about a case of drug trafficking on their property which they use as a public club.

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