Published: February 26, 2013 at 11:53am

And when I say ‘two Maltas’ I don’t mean tribes and I don’t mean red or blue either. I mean that half the country thinks in a totally f**ked up way and there doesn’t seem to be any solution because education isn’t doing it.

Watch this video and ask yourself: would you have voted for this man, even if you were raised Labour? Even if you had switched to Labour for a myriad reasons that don’t make sense – would you still have voted for him after watching this?

Well, remember this speech was given in the 2008 election campaign and yes, this man almost won. He lost by a whisker – against the man who had taken Malta into the Eurozone and helped changed the way we live so much for the better.

Something is very seriously wrong.

10 Comments Comment

  1. L.Gatt says:

    Mr. Fake. In the first part of this video Muscat does not sound like himself any more (slighly squeeky) he is sounding exactly like Eddie Fenech Adami. Has he had voice modification lessons ?

    [Daphne – Trying hard to emulate Fenech Adami, but without the heartfelt passion, because he is not sincere and also a bad actor, so you can hear it in the voice.]

  2. canon says:

    And still no sense of regret for that speech.

  3. Wilson says:

    This guy moved away from whom he really would like to be to something else to please the labour crowds= complete failure; politically, nationally and personally.
    This speech was the culmination of this personal fight. A complete attribute to someone who does not really believe in what he does.

    • tinnat says:

      The only thing Joseph Muscat believes in is being the youngest PM – ie 10th March. After that date, he will slowly lose interest – after all, leading your nation is a huge anticlimax after becoming the youngest PM.

  4. Simone says:

    That´s how you speak to kindergarten kids when you either have no arguments or think they are too dumb to understand what you really want to say.

    The fact that those people in the crowd were not insulted but chimed in instead means Alfred Sant truly knows his audience.


  5. observer says:

    Bile and gut-hatred galore.

    Thanks, Daphne, for reminding us of the evil we had witnessed five years ago – and even before – when Sant was at Labour’s helm.

    All of it reminds of the evil thrown at adversaries by Sant’s political and ‘traitor’ mentor – old Dom himself – during the decades since that creature took over the reigns of the Labour party from Dr Boffa.

    I remember the crowds chanting “Boffa, dalwaqt jizbroffa” and “Mabel, ghandha l-scabies” in the early 50s when I was old enough to understand what hatred was about.

  6. Futur Imcajpar says:

    Good Lord! I had no idea of this at all. Well, I do try to keep myself sane at such times by shielding myself from anything with the Labour stamp on it.

  7. Bob says:

    …are you hinting failure by PN when it comes to education, but doing your utmost not to admit it?

    [Daphne – Have you ever known me to hint at anything? I always spell it out. No, it’s a socio-cultural problem which formal (i.e. schools and university) can’t seem to overcome, largely because most of the damage is done at home. It’s a self-perpetuating problem, and nothing seems able to break the vicious cycle. If you imagine I learned how to think rationally by going to St Dorothy’s Convent when it was almost Dickensian, you’re very mistaken.]

    • Jozef says:

      It’s our physical state, Daphne.

      The size in contrast to the expanse is unbearable. Joseph’s land reclamation, just an extension is evidence. His proposal will not detach itself for real perspective.

      Labour claims ‘superbia’ as essential to the national psyche. Counterbalanced by sickly sweet melanchony. So we’re either perfect or dead. No space or need for a life of choices, mistakes and learning.

      It’s not a coincidence that Labour ignored the metaphor offered by the pipeline. Trust them to shirk responsibility that goes with facing untold possibilities, demanding humble objectivity.

      That the route along the seabed, once defined, will pose the dilemma to do away with our nature. It becomes knowhow as much as the tunnel to Gozo. They will have it.

      If we can do a pipeline to pass gas, why not another one sitting next to it, wide enough for people and goods?

      I bet Joseph cannot afford that level of imagination. He knows the PN can.

  8. Gladio says:

    Since the education solution failed to change the new generation of Mintoffjani, the only solution left is the Cyprus solution.

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