What a ridiculous man. Bil-podium f’nofs ta’ triq.

Published: February 5, 2013 at 11:26am

Alfred Sant went everywhere with a wig as a security blanket. Muscat’s security blanket is this ridiculous podium which gets lugged around everywhere and set up on pavements or in the street.

Don’t they understand how stupid it is? It highlights the fact that he’s a total prat. He’s standing there and talking to six journalists and 10 stray admirers. He doesn’t need a podium. The only purpose it serves is the ‘Alfred Sant’ purpose of ‘tmissniex, jekk joghgbok’.

And look at the way he can’t cope with difficult questions because he’s had such an easy ride so far. It’s about time more journalists began doing what they’re paid to do and putting this electoral conman on the spot.

By the time he’s running the country they can forget about getting anywhere near him to ask anything.

All they have to do is remember that nine years ago he was doing their job and standing there with a tape recorder and a mike. That should put things into perspective.

34 Comments Comment

  1. VR says:

    Typically Orwellian. Reminds me of one of the discreet signs indicating that equality is being compromised: the pigs claimed that all are equal, but the leader sat on “the raised portion of the floor” (Animal Farm, Ch.5)

  2. marcus says:

    I imagine him going around with his Alpha with the podium in the luggage boot.

  3. MX says:

    The yellow tie really caught me off guard…

  4. Min Jaf says:

    That Joseph Muscat is not up to the job was plainly evident in his debate with Lawrence Gonzi on Xarabank at start of the election campaign.

    First Muscat insisted that the debating time be cut back from two hours to one hour, then he was visibly out of his depth halfway through.

    Joseph Muscat is not up to the job. The way he hid behind his wife Michelle’s skirt to cop out of the PL propaganda visit to Rainbow Ward is evidence of that.

  5. Jozef says:

    In Swieqi, the podium was parked on double yellow lines at the bottom of the ramp from Regional Road, with traffic redirected.

    Love the perspex sheet – why doesn’t he just wear it?

  6. Lilla says:

    Joseph doesn’t want to comment when he’s put on the spot and the idiots clap. Unbelievable.

    Ara vera trid tkun injorant biex tivvota Labour.

  7. Labour pains says:

    What a coward. He has been avoiding questions of any sort right from the beginning – on any subject, other than vague promises. What a joke of a man.

  8. yoyo says:

    That’s because he can’t carry his teleprompter everywhere. The podium helps give him confidence.

    • Qeghdin Sew says:

      I’ve seen photos of that f*cking teleprompter (and podium, obviously) even in Nadur when he was addressing the press at the Belveder a couple of days ago. Such a stately location, isn’t it?

      I’m starting to think he needs that podium everywhere. Gone are the days of going ‘fuq it-tron’…

  9. Adam says:

    Since he’s so fond of standing in the middle of the road, he should take some lessons from this guy.

  10. anthony says:

    Agree with you 100% that this man is going to bring Malta to its knees.

    It’s true PN government made some mistakes and they admit it but Labour never admits mistakes and if anyone opens his mouth God knows where he ends up.

  11. village says:

    Get the right journalists to grill him much harder. He will break.

  12. Joe Azzopardi says:

    It’s deja vu. Remember Alfred Sant’s “no comment”? Or the petition of protest signed by a long list of journalists in 2003 because Sant refused to answer any of their questions, and called them to press conferences just to listen to him speak?

    Re podium. Not everybody is 2 metres tall, so maybe that’s the reason. Otherwise “arani u tmissnix, jien Joseph”.

  13. bob-a-job says:

    That podium must give him those same feelings of physical and emotional security a teddy bear gives a toddler.

    Would removing it provoke him to burst into tears or resort to sucking his thumb? One wonders.

  14. bookworm says:

    Is Joseph serving as a counterweight to that podium? Is it to be interpreted as Joseph being the balancing act to our country?

  15. Mikiel says:

    I’d love ask him if he intends increasing or decreasing the 25-35% tax band, whilst he s on one of those pedestals.

  16. ciccio says:

    I think he is using the podium so that we do not get to see the advanced stage of his baldness.

    Of course, at this level, what we want to see is boldness, and to see that, he doesn’t have to stand on a podium.

  17. Paul Bonnici says:

    What a prima donna.

  18. Anon says:

    When I see that podium, I imagine them running from one place to another carrying that bloody thing to the theme song of Benny Hill.

    Joseph does look a bit like Benny Hill and Kurt reminds me of the bald little old man who was slapped on his head a lot.

  19. Fran says:

    He needs the podium to hide his notes.

  20. Grezz says:

    You keep on mentioning the podium. Hasn’t anyone yet noticed that it is NOT just a podium, but that there is always a (separate) perspex “wall” behind him, with the new election logo and slogan on it? (See the photo you posted above.)

    It is definitely separate to the podium, because, in a press conference parts of which were screened on Bondi+ today, it was actually supported by a brick or two.

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