YOU READ IT HERE FIRST: Looks like Toni Abela and Joseph Muscat have a spot of bother with another Labour Party club

Published: February 18, 2013 at 11:19pm

This picture was taken with a smartphone at the Rabat Labour Party club, just before the trouble began which led to that big brawl breaking out and one man fighting for his life in intensive care right now.

The woman with the long blonde hair and red top, seen from the back, is Maria Vassallo, who is married to the man who runs the club, Herbert il-Bumblu.

The girl standing on the table and engaging in some form of performance activity with the older gentleman and a new Partit Laburista flag looks suspiciously like our Antonella tas-Snobby (I recognise the hat and the shape) who is somehow linked, though I can’t quite work out how, to Maria Vassallo.

A cocaine-dealing business in one club and it looks like another form of business altogether at Rabat.


30 Comments Comment

  1. Harry Purdie says:

    Lotsa red. Wonder if it’s that time of the month.

    • Grezz says:

      Maybe they just got a couple of ketsjuts from Marlene Mizzi’s boutique down the street. Incidentally, was she there too?

    • ciccio says:

      They still have the old Malta Labour Party torch on the ceiling. It will be officially back on 10 March, so why bother bringing it down?

  2. Kevin Zammit says:

    Oh! They were discussing the tablet proposal and whether to shift gas by pipeline or ships. At some point the discussion might have become too intellectual to handle so they decided to have a break.

  3. Grezz says:

    Madonna, what cheap and tacky people. Jaqq.

    Vote Joseph. Get trash.

  4. Kevin Zammit says:

    Toni needs more than a pulizija laburist here. He could call Karmenu Vella to send a few drivers over as it won’t be Austin heading to the police depot tomorrow!

    • Grezz says:

      Or he could call Manwel Mallia for advice, ghax jghozz il-familja, and I very much doubt that the couple on the table are husband and wife.

  5. E.Attard says:

    It’s very worrying knowing that these kind of people will be in power if trusted.

  6. francesco says:

    If the tattoo on her left foot matches, it’s Antonella.

    I thought she didn’t really exist.

  7. Min Jaf says:

    Both are members of the Tittoo Sorority, perhaps?

  8. Pavia says:

    If they are not even capable of controlling what goes on in their own clubs imagine them running an entire country in three weeks’ time. The thought alone gives you the creeps.

  9. Simon says:

    Antonella exists. And so do her equally horrendous sisters. It could be any of the ‘snobby’ clan.

  10. Natalie says:

    It’s obvious what’s going on. How would you otherwise explain that photo showing four girls in one of your earlier posts, declaring them as ‘L-Isnobbies’?

    They’re running a brothel and Snobby is the pimp. They go to the Labour Party Club for business.

    [Daphne – Yes, it occurred to me at some point that Snobby is not the family nickname and tal-iSnobby is not a reference to their father, nor are they sisters. I realised that Snobby is probably their pimp and they’re whores who use Facebook to promote their services and their wares, but thought it best not to say anything until some proper evidence cropped up.]

  11. Simon says:

    Maria Vassallo…

    [Daphne – Keep up. We’ve had a whole post dedicated to her and her interesting get-ups.]

  12. Manweli says:

    Nahseb jghidu r-ruzarju kienu qieghdin. Burdell shih!!! U dan hu l-post li Joseph Muscat jghid li jitwieldu l-idejat. X’futur ghandna, hej.

  13. ken il malti says:

    That PL club looks like the interior of a Masonic Lodge thats gone wild and upside down.

    I’ll bet its entrance door faces west too.

  14. Simon says:

    It is indeed Antonella. Here’s her mother…

  15. TinaB says:

    I don’t think that it’s the actual Antonella – the girl in this photo seems to be slimmer.

    There are hundreds, possibly thousands of Antonellas on the island, anyway, and funny enough they all look almost the same – they all wear similar skimpy clothing, heavy make-up, huge earrings, have piercings above the upper lip and of course those horrid false nails and tattoos.

    Half of them dye their hair blonde and the rest dye it black.

  16. ciccio says:

    One thing’s certain: with all this tarting about and cocaine dealing going on, Labour can’t have childcare centres at its clubs.

  17. Montebello says:

    Rumour has it that the trouble started when Kenneth Zammit Tabona went to play a bit of baroque music on the club jukebox.

  18. Qeghdin Sew says:

    Seems we have a match for the Mosta PN club.

  19. JPS says:

    Bongu Malta – Apparently this is the norm in most political party clubs, football clubs and a number of village ‘rabbit’ restaurants.

  20. Is the man in the background touching his crotch?

  21. Mister says:

    Hold your horses…. whats this talk about drugs?

    Joseph Muscat just said today that it was only a “block of ice”.

    Joseph Taghna ghandu risposta ghal kull twegiba! Qisu bil-magiks jahdem mohhu!

    Bla cajt eh Joseph. Anke jekk isiblek blokka silg fil-kcina… ikeccik bil-bar u mil-kumitat.

    Kemm huma cwiec dawk li jemmnuh?

  22. Joe Farrugia says:

    The guy in the doorway at the far end looks like he’s about to unzip.

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