A post-election testimonial from Norman Lowell, who wasn’t wheeled into the Labour igloo BEFORE we voted

Published: March 13, 2013 at 8:36pm

25 Comments Comment

  1. Matthew S says:

    And just when Joseph thought his moment had finally come, the pope came along and stole his thunder.

  2. FP says:

    Utter nutter.

  3. H.P. Baxxter says:

    But we knew he supported MLP, didn’t we? It’s Malta’s fault for pretending Lowell doesn’t exist.

  4. Vanessa says:

    Wow! Thanks! Needed a good laugh. Please pass the tissues… Barumbara. Indeed.

  5. Iz-zanzi says:

    What a Fascist twat!

    Reminds me of Captain Birdseye.


    He visits London, so I would suggest he be put on the UK’s Home Office band list, for incitng racial hatred.

  6. Spiru says:

    Even Zaren Bonnici fared better than this idiot.

  7. Redneck Rabti says:

    Where exactly is Lowell endorsing Muscat or the PL/moviment?

    I seem to have missed it.

    [Daphne – Not in this video. On his website some months ago: told his supporters to vote Labour given that he is not contesting.]

    • mattie says:

      Have you some doubts, Redneck?

      This man is just another chatterbox, blabber mouth, motor mouth, one big jabber jaws.

      Repeats only his own interests ad nauseum.

    • Daniel says:

      Daphne, I believe the only reason he ‘told his supporters to vote Labour’ is because whereas Dr Muscat promised to adopt a ‘push-back’ policy on illegal immigrants, Dr Gonzi seemed to be happy with the status quo. If I’m wrong, please let me know.

      [Daphne – This is not about happy or not happy. It is about wrong or right. A push-back policy is wrong. You don’t tow desperate people out to sea and leave them to their fate.]

      • Daniel says:

        I do understand that these people are desperate. I also believe we should demonstrate love and concern to all. However, I’d like to think we all agree that Malta just cannot continue to accommodate African immigrants. The consequences we shall have to face if there is no effective control will not be at all pleasant! That said, I can’t see the new PM being able to keep this electoral ‘promise’.

  8. MarkH says:

    Why are you giving this lunatic coverage on your blog? His message is disturbing; he’s not remotely funny; just an effing nutcase.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Why are you giving this lunatic coverage? Here we go again.

      Because this lunatic just won the election for Labour. PN’s big mistake was ignoring Lowell, pretending he didn’t exist.

    • Daniel says:

      This ‘lunatic’ happens to be right in principle on what he has been stating for years about the dangers of uncontrolled immigration. The new PM expressed his agreement with Norman Lowell on adopting a ‘push-back’ policy… and, as a result, he got elected with a greater majority than could have ever been imagined. Probably Dr Muscat will not be able to keep his ‘promise’ but fact remains that the majority of Maltese do not want a continuing African invasion of our beloved Island Nation. And to be honest, I don’t see this as lunacy at all. Hopefully, when you stop and think about it for a little while, you will understand why I say so.

  9. Jozef says:

    Is there something we don’t know? Lowell’s just presented the bill. On the internet.

    All I know is that Sharon Ellul Bonici, segretary of the Alliance for Freedom, a motley crew of Hungarian antisemites, fascists, Austrian ‘aryan’ millionaires, Lega and other moderate individuals, may soon be MEP.

    How does one belong to the PSS and receive funding as an autonomous alliance anyway?

    Perhaps Joe Sammut, whose office happens to be registered as Sharon’s address, could explain better.

    I suppose the IRA and the Imperium have the same goal.

    • kev says:

      Given that your research capabilities fare no better than your ability to sling mud, let me inform you that in the European Alliance for Freedom there are no Hungarians, no Austrian “Aryan millionaires”, and no Lega Nord members either. As usual, you’re mistaken.

      [Daphne – Oh hello, Kevin. Excited about the New Red Dawn?]

  10. one of us says:

    Norman and Kenneth agree on Piano.

  11. GP says:

    Yes, so?

  12. Chris M says:

    Hi Daphne, am glad you started posting on your blog again following last weekend s catastrophe. Welcome back and keep up all your excellent work

  13. Berti M. Grech says:

    Malta needs a rightwing party, and now it has one on FB Partit Lemini Malti

  14. Harry Purdie says:

    Stormin Norman at full throttle. Is that the end of a hookah he holds in his hand? Not to be confused with his hooker.

  15. AE says:

    Has he forgotten the token black man that Muscat had at one of his meetings to show how liberal he is?

    The man is a raving madman. Please have him committed as soon as possible, before he ropes in other madmen too. This is the ugly side to a democracy.

  16. manum says:

    I dislike this disgusting man who spreads racial hatred.

  17. mattie says:

    PN were too good to this old man.

  18. mattie says:

    “Malta is bankrupt”

    Ara min qed irid jitkellem.

  19. Anzjan says:

    Trid tkun taf min hu Norman Lowell. Saqsi lill-bank fejn kien jahdem qabel ma keccewh.

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