An interview with the Law Commissioner

Published: March 29, 2013 at 9:13am

You know what they say about the lunatics having taken over the asylum?

Well, here we go.

Note to Franco Debono: this does not mean you are literally a lunatic or that we are literally living in an asylum (though the jury’s out on that). This is a much-used quote though the original source is usually missed. It’s Richard Rowland’s (d. 1947) comment on hearing that United Artists had been taken over by Charlie Chaplin, Mary Pickford, Douglas Fairbanks and D. W. Griffith.

Oh, and I would suggest that now you have become an Important Personage Delegated To Reform Our Laws And Reconstitute Our Constitution, you do something about that very audible sniffing and that very pronounced shoulder-and-neck jerking. It gives the wrong impression.

As for the Nationalist MP(s) who phoned you, I won’t be getting any prizes for guessing exactly which one. The extent of your self-delusion is phenomenal. It is not the adulation of the unthinking that decent people want, but the respect of the respectable.

Franco Debono ghax m'hemmz bzonn nkun espert tal ligi kostituzzjonali

45 Comments Comment

  1. Plotinus says:

    I watched that for breakfast.

    He doesn’t stop gassing on and on when talking about himself and his suffering, to the extent that no interviewer can get a word in.

    But this interviewer asked him one question about the Constitution and he stalled,paused, and repeated errrm errrm.

    It seems that his speech only flows when he talks about himself.

  2. La Redoute says:

    His first interview as Malta’s brand new law commissioner and head of constitutional reform and we get thirty minutes of ranting about his suffering and three minutes about the constitution.

    That sort of puts him into perspective.

  3. ciccio says:

    Dear Dr. Joseph Muscat, in the name of God, stop embarrassing the country, me, and yourself, and ask for the resignation of the Law Commissioner you appointed sooner rather than later.

    The international institutions and agencies should take note of the contents of this interview, and the state of mind Dr. Debono is in.

    How convenient of Dr. Debono to avoid any reference to the Editorial of The Times. The Chief of Staff at Castille will surely not be happy at this omission by Dr. Debono.

  4. george grech says:

    Kemm hu bravu !
    Kemm hu gharef !
    Kemm hu kapaci !

    U dan il-law commissioner bravu, gharef u kapaci jirreferi ghal Eddie Fenech Adami bhala Fenech Adami ix-xih.


  5. Adam says:

    Pure paranoia.

  6. Petrus says:

    Franco Debono – inti l-ikbar persuna ridikolu li hawn f’Malta.

  7. Betty says:

    Franco Debono –

    Jekk qed tahseb li inti xi Dr Giovanni Bonello insiha, ghax dawk li tghid li ghandom hafna warmth lejk, jghaddik biz-zmien min wara daharek u dawk il-partitarji tal-PN stmerrija ghandhom lejk. Dan nghidu ghax int tahseb li titkejjel mil-attenzjoni li n-nies jaghtuk.

    Ifimha li int irrilevanti, ghadek u tibqa’ u insiha li tista’ tkun xi persuna kwalifikata ghat-tmexxija tal kummissjoni tal-konvenzjoni, purcinell.

    Int qed tghix fis-shab tal-fantasija u dawn il-hafna kwotazzjonijiet tal-artikli tal ligi u kostituzzjoni jimpressjonaw biss lil min hu injorant.

    Sewwa tghidlek Daphni li ‘mummy’s boy”. Kemm int bravu bil-qies tighek. U ahna wkoll nimxu l-Belt naraw lill-kullhadd jitbissem u jikkummenta minn warajk pampalun.

  8. Joseph Muscat's Foresight says:

    Top news on the BBC today:

    “North Korea ‘readies rocket force’ after US stealth flights

    North Korea says it has put missile units on stand-by to attack US targets in response to US stealth bomber flights over the Korean peninsula.

    State news agency KCNA said leader Kim Jong-un signed off on the order at a late-night meeting of top generals.

    The time had come to “settle accounts” with the US, KCNA quoted him as saying, with the B-2 flights an “ultimatum”.”

    Meanwhile, in April 2012, The Times had reported that “the Labour leader told the ambassador that satellite launch was a legitimate right of sovereign states”

  9. king rat says:

    A certain statue standing bang in the middle of a roundabout at Luqa needs a bust of our dear Franco at the base .

  10. Mark says:

    Does he keep a midget knight on his desk in order to feel big and powerful?

  11. otto moll says:

    Hu int, Franco, trid tqabbel lilek innifsek ma Simon? Hallina man, l-anqas biss tibda.

  12. vanni says:

    Who badly needs a shag than?

  13. Tinu says:

    Franco Debono, the PN must never forgive you for the harm you did to the party and the way you cheated the people of the 5th district who voted for you on the PN ticket.

  14. H.P. Baxxter says:

    What an incredibly pathetic twit.

  15. A country gets the government that it deserves.

    This is the type of leadership/government that the majority of the Maltese electorate deserves.

    Unfortunately, for the rest.

  16. watchful eye says:

    Jien, mieghi, tieghi

  17. Catherine says:

    Franco has very weird ears. I know this is a very flippant and irrelevant observation, but you know, what’s the point of other forms of observation in times such as these?

  18. Baggio says:

    L-isbah wahda li qal “Jiena team player”

    Hallina, Baggio. Lanqas taf xi tfisser.

  19. C Grech says:

    Mamma mia kemm hu mimli bih nnifsu! … Beppe Fenech Adami jghir ghalih! Nahseb li hu jghir ghal Beppe!

  20. Min Jaf says:

    Hail to the new Messiah!

    Miracle No.1: Franco talks non-stop for more than thirty minutes and his mobile phone, though switched off, never rings once.

  21. Victor says:

    Over inflated ego; megalomaniac; bizarre; outlandish; are not enough to describe him and his attitude.

    Gosh, does he honestly think that the elections were won by Labour due to him? It seems that that is the case according to this interview! And now not only those who voted the Labour Party in are praising him, but the whole of Malta. Wow! he also managed to unite the Maltese nation!

    It’s all about me, myself and I. Does Joseph Muscat know how dangerous these types are? Or is it all according to his plans?

    Yeh, I loved the bit about him being a team player!

    • La Redoute says:

      It’s even more impressive that he thinks that wild claim is worth boasting about, that he still claims to be “nazzjonalist ta’ veru” and that he believes he can become party leader.

      As someone eloquently put it, jidhol hu, johorgu 135,000+

  22. Francis Saliba MD says:

    The lunatics have not taken over the asylum.

    What has happened is that hospitals for mental diseases accept as in-patients only a very small representative sample of lunatics for teaching purposes and some others who are so actually stark raving mad that their families, the police and the law courts insist on having them segregated.

    All the others roam freely in public and they have taken over, not the lunatic asylums, but reputable institutions that were formerly expected to be run by a sane elite.

  23. Helen says:

    “Narcissistic personality disorder is a personality disorder in which the individual is described as being excessively preoccupied with issues of personal adequacy, power, prestige and vanity. The person may also display dominance, arrogance, show superiority, and seek power. Narcissists have such an elevated sense of self-worth that they value themselves as inherently better than others. However, they have a fragile self-esteem and cannot handle criticism, and will often try to compensate for this inner fragility by belittling or disparaging others in an attempt to validate their own self-worth.”

  24. carlos bonavia says:

    Pathetic deluded and narcissitic. V

  25. mark says:

    Nieklu bir-riformi!

    I guess Debono thinks that he has been given a very important and sensitive job. The salary that he has been given is 1000 euros more then a minister’s personal driver. Ma tantx ghandu bix jiftahar.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      On the contrary, ghandu hafna biex jiftahar. The driver’s job is full-time. Franco’s is part-time, so he is free to carry on with his sordid legal practice and rake in the six figures.

      • La Redoute says:

        Some drivers manage to work full time as TV presenters, as Roberto Francalanza did.

  26. M... says:

    Have you noticed the simian line on the palm of his right hand? In palmistry, individuals with a simian line (ie the head and heart lines overlap) find it difficult to disentangle their emotions from their logic. What a surprise.

  27. Ray Mifsud says:


  28. Gahan says:

    Jien , jien jien u jien DAK hu Franco.

  29. Natalie Mallett says:

    And I have to say it to you once again Dr. Franco Debono: “The man who sings his own praises is likely to be a soloist”.

  30. ken il malti says:

    I don’t know which is more irritating to listen to – Franco or his interviewer.

  31. Gahan says:

    Franco jista jiccajta ma’ Simon imma Joseph Calleja ma jistghax jiccajta ma’ Franco.

    Kelma lil Franco minghand bniedem serju u ta’ l-affari tieghu b’isem li jgiblek tbissima: “Franco urejtna kemm ma tafx tahfer ghax ma nsejt xejn milli tghid li ghamlulek, u insejt l-hmerijiet u hnizrijiet li ghidt u ktibt kontra l-istess nies li tistenna li jahdmu mieghek. Xbajna nisimghu l-istess diska ta’ kemm batejt u l-ftahir l-iehor.”

    Min ikun umli ma jiftaharx li hu umli, ghax kif jiftahar li hu umli jitlef l-umilta.
    Min jahfer, l-ewwel jitlob mahfra specifika ta’ xi nuqqas li jkun ghamel u wara jiddikjara li hafer u NESA’ dak li gara.

    Lil Carm ghandu jitolbu mahfra talli ghamillu u talli qallu:
    “Hekk, hu go fik! Halli tkun taf x’jigifieri taghmilli l-hsara mal-Prim Imhallef.”

    Lil Dr Gonzi ghandu jaghmillu apologija talli ghajjru Hitler.

    Lil Schiavone tat-tghajjir li ghajru minn fuq is-siggu ipprivelegjat parlamentari (Hemm wera’ kemm jemmen f’dak li jghid).

    Bhala wiehed li vvutajtlu (veru trid tkun Gahan mill-Hames distrett) ghadni qed nistenna apologija talli abbuza mis-siggu li tajtu u attakka l-istess partit li mieghu kien hareg bhala ziemel ta’ Trojja.

    Kont se nibda’ nikteb lista shiha tat-tghajjir li ghajjar lil shabu, ahjar nieqaf hawn.

  32. Village says:

    Tkunx giddieb Franco. Meta tkun Strada Irjali l-maggjoranza tan-nies jevitawk u jghidu bejniethom kemm jifilhu kontrik. Hlief naturalment dawk il ftit socjalisti li ghadhom juzawk.

    Bilhaqq dak iz-zarbun kannella cjar qdiem u spicca.

  33. M. Cassar says:

    Our new Prime Minister must be so proud! Seems that there is no end to Dr. Debono’s sense of entitlement. With people like this put in high office we will surely live in interesting times!

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