CHER? Is there something we should be told?

Published: March 29, 2013 at 10:01am

Luciano Busuttil came through in the casual elections yesterday, and is now an MP again. This is what he posted on Facebook. Now bear in mind that this man is around 40, a lawyer, and has been a member of parliament for some years, sitting on parliamentary committees too.

It suddenly occurred to me this morning: no wonder they think Franco Debono and Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando are of normal psychology.

Malta is beginning to look increasingly like one giant asylum…or child’s playpen full of grown-ups whose mental and emotional development hasn’t kept up with their bodies.


18 Comments Comment

  1. David Buttigieg says:

    I don’t know ANY straight man who would go on about Cher like that, openly at least.

  2. Another boarded-up-in-the-closet gay man in the Labour Party? “I’m Amazed…”

  3. vanni says:

    Why does Luciano need to be seen in the Fearless Leader’s presence? Does he imagine that this somehow will enhance his respectability? Is Ole Joe some kind of prop to Luciano’s credibility?

    ‘Cause I have sad news for Luciano. It isn’t working.

  4. Jozef says:

    Who’s this jerk?

    ‘….Għadhom sal-lum qatt ma talbu apoloġija talli meta l-Maltin kollha kienu qed ibatu l-ġuħ u l-bumbardamenti biex jiġġieldu kontra l-Faxxiżmu u favur id-demokrazija u l-libertà, huma kienu qegħdin fuq in-naħa l-oħra, mar-reġimi ta’ Hitler u Mussolini li kienu jibagħtu lil-Lhud fl-ifran u jgħajtu li huma wlied razza superjuri…..’

    Using the jews to incite ‘racial’ hatred, so what’s new?

    You’re right Mr.Debattista, we are, under all circumstances, better.

    Now that we know you can’t work it out and have to revert to race and supremacy, please understand it’s a biological inadequacy to life and its spirit. Some can, some won’t.

    We can.

    Thank goodness we’re different, I wouldn’t bear being consciously dead, consumed by that degree of hate.

    You’re hideous when you use the holocaust to spawn even more camps.

  5. ciccio says:

    Forsi Luciano terggha torqodlu fil-Parlament.

    Ma nafx jekk hux siequ tal-lemin jew tax-xellug.

  6. Jimmy says:

    On a different note … the Labour Government is riding on the efforts done to make the interconnector a reality. Its propaganda machine is giving too much credit to the new Minister.

    Where is the PN media machine?

    • Victor says:

      They are not only claiming that it is their doing, but also that the previous government had problems and did not reach an agreement.

      Now this is where we need the PN to speak up and let us know the truth, if we really want to rebuild the party.

      If the Labour Government is publishing lies can we have them rebuked IMMEDIATELY PLEASE. If they are not, can we have an explanation, also immediately.

      The people NEED to know the truth in order to be able to judge accordingly.

    • Joseph Muscat's Inrahhsu l-Kontijiet says:

      The Labour movement government is desperate to have the interconnector working on time because how else will they be able to reduce the electricity tariffs by 25% to 35% in about 300 days?

    • old-timer says:

      What ghe PN needs is a GOOD secretary-general.

  7. Peter F says:

    I’m told that Jose Herrera has set up office at the Manoel Theatre. The result? People queuing up the stairs to speak to him, smoking and littering the place. Would Kenneth ZT not consider this a desecration of that hallowed building? No, I would suppose not. It-tarag tat-teatru taghna lkoll, after all.

    • La Redoute says:

      Jose’ Herrera wasn’t given an office so he looked around at what’s available, found the Manoel Theatre staff office, decided that it was to his liking, threw everyone out and moved himself in.

      It is now a constituency office and, rather late in the day, he has been informed (as opposed to having informed himself months ago) that Valletta18 includes other localities besides the obvious one.

      • observer says:

        I think it is very appropriate for Herrera to be based at the Manoel – wara kollox, it-teatru qieghed ghat-teatrin u ghall-kummiedji.

  8. Miss Forcina says:


  9. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Cher is the best testimonial for Natius Ola’s full Brazilian service.

    • john says:

      Bikini waxes and Brazilians seem to be behind the explosion in cases of STI warts. Not that it concerns us, Baxxter, but it may be of interest to some of Daphne’s readers.

      [Daphne – Ah, the medical view. Yes, I’d read that somewhere. But of course, the primary reason is promiscuity.]

      • Gakku says:

        Easy to blame waxing etc but if you look at the STI data from Malta, we have quite a bit of gonorrhea, syphilis and chlamydia, so yes promiscuity has increased and is the main reason probably also for more warts. On the plus side, there is a vaccine which has done wonders against warts in some countries.

  10. L. GATT says:


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