Competition with no prize: SPOT THE FEARLESS LEADER

Published: March 16, 2013 at 12:49am

Fearless leader school line-up


Ara, how nice – H. P. Baxxter made the last one and sent it in. I suppose he identified him correctly then: back row, third from left. So did many others. Amazing.


22 Comments Comment

  1. Scicluna says:

    3rd left back row?

  2. TinaB says:

    I think he the third from left. Back row.

  3. Mustaċċun says:

    1st photo: top row, third from left
    2nd photo: qed jagħti dahru lil Cameron, talli ma tax kasu fil-playground: “Mur ‘l hemm, David, issa għandi ħabib ieħor”

  4. Natalie says:

    I think I’ve also identified Franco in the first picture. Last boy on the right, back row.

  5. chully says:

    Tall story.

  6. Manuel says:

    Back row, third from left.

  7. Min Jaf says:

    Can someone spot Franco in the group?

  8. La Redoute says:

    Second prize: spot Keith tal-Kasco.

    Booby prize: spot Franco and you get to keep him.

  9. Alex Montebello says:

    What a happy looking child…. and how, compact too.

    Would Franco be there too? It’s not like him to miss out on a photo op – unless he’s in the headmaster’s office sneaking on someone.

  10. Neil Dent says:

    Is that ALL his head?

  11. Manuel says:

    2nd pic: 2nd from right, trying to find his place on the step

  12. Lola says:

    Baxxter, were you in the same class as Joseph? If so, are you in the picture?

  13. Angus Black says:

    I thought mascots are placed on the front row for class photos. Were they trying to hide him, even then?

  14. aidan says:

    Is that Konrad in the back row, 1st left?

  15. aidan says:

    Franco remained in class to study Religion, he didn’t have time for photo shoots.

  16. ciccio says:

    Is this a picture of the famous Form 2c?

  17. Dissident says:

    Judging by the size of his mouth I would say last one on first row, judging by posture I would say third kid on first row

  18. Lola says:

    Konrad was not at St.Aloysuis, he attended De La Salle with my son. And by the way Konrad is still only 35 years and not 43.

  19. laburist coi fiocchi says:

    Shortest in the back row – that’s something.

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