It is my innate sense of justice, my need to know that what is right will win out in the end, that is – other than a belief in its politics – the main factor motivating me to vote for the Nationalist Party on Saturday.
I cannot bear the thought of injustice, still less the reality of it.
It’s true that life is unfair and that much of it can’t be helped, but where I can do anything to avoid unfairness or to set it straight, then I will.
There are situations which create so much disillusionment that they can seriously undermine our faith in human nature, in the hope that good will triumph over bad, that people will get what they deserve, that those who don’t deserve things won’t get them, that fortune will favour the brave and not the unworthy.
Evidence all around us that this does not necessarily happen can make us angry.
But rather than giving in to anger or disillusionment, it is better, and more consoling, to know that we have done our best to avert the triumph of the undeserving, in which those who have served Malta ill are rewarded while those who have served Malta well are punished.
This is my column in The Malta Independent on Sunday today. Please carry on reading via the link below.
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[Daphne – A nation of people who never grew up. Agglomerated infantilism.]
I’ve often wondered who or what hurt voters are. Now I know. It’s people with their head up their backside.
We are legion, aren’t we?
We’ll all end up as hacktivists.
The long and short of it: give me 5 years of an imperfect Nationalist government any day.
Hear, hear.
U jekk nitilfu x-xoghol
TAGHNA LKOLL se tkun il-htija!
Taqbila ispirata mil-kumment ta’ Mark Borg.
The whole irony of it all is that Joseph Muscat is basing his campaign on with the promise of unity. Unity comes after division – a division which Labour has strived to create over the past half a century over the past half a century. Let’s just create a little timeline of events which divided Malta
1964 – Independence – Labour was against it, hence creating division
1971-1979 Malta l-ewwel u qabel kollox – the injection of the Socialist (i.e. Communist) Mantra into Malta, distancing it from Europe which was our historical home. Labour did it,
1979 – Jum il-Helsien, a public holiday Labour created to remove the lats reminants of Europeanisation in Malta (by closing the British military base) and the start of a more accelerated downturn in Malta’s economy. This increased the need for villans such as Gaddafi to ‘help out’ i.e. prostituting Malta’s economy and identity. Another rift, thanks to Labour
1981-1987 Labour winning an election it in fact didn’t win causing a massive injustice and a further haemorrhaging division in Malta.
1996-1998 Labour won the election, sending the economy off-track (during a prosperous era in Europe), freezings Malta’s hopes of EU membership – Again, causing division
2003: Labour, together with Joseph Muscat in the front passenger seat, did their very best to stop Malta joining the EU. Again, Labour created a huge division which is felt nowadays too.
2003-2013: Both with Sant and Muscat in the helm Labour tried it best to create obstacles and disagree with anything the government was doing. Again, creating further division even when they weren’t in power.
Kieku dan kollu kien bil-Malti kien ikun ferm aktar miftiehem.
Mhux problema Antida: Hawn hi l-verzjoni bil-Malti
L-ironija hi li Joseph Muscat u l-Labour qed jibbazaw l-kampanja taghhom fuq weghda li jghaqqdu lil Malta. L-ghaqda tahdem aliha wara li tkun il-firda – Firda li l-labour zera’ u nibbet ghal dawn l-ahhar nofs seklu. Ha naghmlu daqxej analizi ta x’gara fdawn l-ahhar 50 sena f’Malta u x’firrida
1964 – L-independenza – il-Labour kien kontriha. Firred lil Malta
1971-1979 Malta l-ewwel u qabel kollox – l-isfurzamnet ta l-idejal socjalist (iktar Kommunist) go Malta, li beghda mill-Ewropa, id-dar naturali ta pajjizna. Il-Labour amilha.
1979 – Jum il-Helsien, festa publika li ghamel il-Labour biex jnehhi l-ahhar ftit influenzi ewropej li Malta kellha billi ghalaq l-bazjiet inglizi ghax spiccat l-kera’. Din waqqet l-ekonomija tal-pajjiz b’pass iktar imghaggel min qatt qabel u zieded il-bzonn li Malta tiddependi fuq persuni tirranni bhal Gaddafi. Fi kliem iehor, il-Labour iprostitwixxa lil Malta
1981-1987: Il-Labour jisraq elezzjoni li ma kellux maggoranza ta voti aliha. Ikompli jkisser u jifred l-pajjiz iktar.
1996-1998: Il-Labour jirbah, jiffriza l-applikazzjoni ta Malta ghal Unjoni Ewropeja, u jdahhal l-ekonomija gol-hajt. Jizdied il-qaghad fil waqt li pajjizi ohra kienu qed igawdu. Izid il-firda billi jnaqqas l-gid.
2003: Labour, b’Jospeh Muscat fis-sedil tal-passigier quddiem jahdem kontra l-ishubija ta Malta fl-UE u ma jaccettax r-rizultat tar-referendum, li kompla jifred lill-Malta
2003-2013: Muscat u Sant jaraw kif jaghmlu biex waqt li kienu fl-oposizzjoni itelfu kemm jifilhu, jaghtu dell ikrah lil gvern, jaghtu pariri hiziena u jmaqdru kollox. Ifirdu il-pajjiz anke meta ma jkunux fil-gvern! Ahseb u ara wara!
March 2013 a taste of things to come next week should Labour win:
A woman is spat at and attacked by Labour supporters.
It will indeed be a gross injustice if this Government is not returned to power.
Completely agree. Unfortunately, lessons in justice are lost on some people. I hope that the floating voters, who read your article will take your lesson to heart.
Yes Gonzi and co. needs to be punished.I am a public sector employee and always voted PN and all i got is injustice,arrogance,and lies.Iv been promised by Gonzi himself that my injustice will be resolved and he was going to keep me personally informed but never happened.So now its his turn to feel the pain WHICH I AND MANY OTHER X NAZZJONALISTI suffered under Gonzi@arrogance and injustice so now (HA NIVVOTA BIL QALB LILL JOSEPH MUSCAT) I hope that you will publish this if you really believe in democracy!
Dan x’ragunar hu bhal dak li qallu fir-realta Gonzi ha jigi kkastigat! Sa certu punt biss u l-bqijja se tikkastiga lilek innifsek u l-Maltin bla dubju.
“So now its his turn to feel the pain”.
Up to this sentence I empathised with you against your employer, sort of. But your conclusion is not rational and your logic is obfuscated by your emotions.
If you vote Labour “bil-qalb” and not for Gonzi “bil-mohh” you will feel more pain than you’re doing now, because there are other “Old Labour” civil servants who will feel that it’s their ‘turn’ now to get that transfer or promotion, leaving you and the other “X Nazzjonalisti” high and dry.
If you believe in democracy you should put aside your work problems with your employer, and focus on how Malta’s economy faired in these troubled times under “l-arroganti Gonzi”.
Think about the scenario of getting grinning Joseph elected and after six months he starts cutting down on the salaries of the civil servants, like what happened in nearby countries? Your only consolation would be that you wouldn’t be alone.
Kieku vera PN ma tirragunax hekk. Joseph mhux qed jaghtik garanzija li int ser tkun ahjar.
Malta taghna ghal PL tfisser li ser issir preferenzi ma min hu tac-cirku ta’ gewwa tal-PL.
L-uniku rabbja li ghandi ghal PN li fis-settur pubbliku nies li huma PL anke jekk ma kienux kapaci spiccaw hadu l-promotions.
Jekk tahseb billi ser tivvota PL ser tolqot li xi membru tal-PN ghax ma jkunx fil-gvern jien naccertak li ma ghandekx vizjoni ghax jien mil-familja tieghi jimpurtani.
Taht il-PL gol-hajt ser nidhlu, nies fil-Grecja, Spanja u Cipru hekk irragunaw bhalek u ara fejn spiccaw.
Haga wahda nghidlek li jekk b’ Joseph nispiccaw immorru ghal xi bail-out mil-EU l-ewwel ma tintmiss hi l-paga tieghek ftkar li taht il-PL il-GWU hi biss kelb tac-Chihuahua u mhux ser taqbez ghalik, ftakar li Alfred sSant meta ghola id-dawl il-GWU ma qalet xejn.
Parir naghtik: jekk tahseb li Gonzi kien arroganti ghadek ma tafx x’ arroganza ghad irrid ikun hawn b’ Ftakar li blokka trab bajda Joseph jghidilha blokka silg, u ha l-ligi f’idejh ukoll.
You have a right to do what you want but remember these points:
1. You shall not be punishing Gonzi or the PN – their lives woud still go on as usual, maybe even better, as they shall have less responsibilities.
2. If things go badly, due to a lack of forsight from Joseph Muscat and Co (by his own admission, the lack of foresight is his only concrete trademark), and like other countries faces financial problems, the first to be affected shall be goverment employees. If you do not believe this, just look at Portugal, Spain, Greece, Cyprus, Italy and now France. so instead of a well paid job accompanied by arrogance, you will get a lower paid job/no job accompanied by extreme arrogance (you can already see that while in opposition).
It is your choice, the problem is that Malta, and thus your childrn if you have any, will also suffer with you. If Malta enters in financial troubled waters in the present international circumstances, it shall take years (over 20 years at least) to bring back what we have today.
Think and think well.
Gonzi won’t feel the pain but the whole country will feel the pain including you and all the many X NAZZJONALISTI.
So go ahead u ‘VVOTA BIL-QALB LILL JOSEPH’ after all a vengeful heart deservse a vengeful leader.
I hope you’re not employed at ETC cause your work load will increase drastically and I’m not sure with such a fragile nature you will be able to handle the stress.
And as you can see Daphne did publish your comment.
Dejjem jien, jien u jien biss!
Every single Nationalist who visits this blog, especially Daphne, believes dearly in democracy and many of us remember the days when it was seriously threatened by the party li “ha tivvotalu bil-qalb”.
You have the luxury of voting for or against a perceived slight because you navigate the relatively sheltered waters of the public sector.
But the thousands of others who work in the private sector have much more at stake. They don’t subscribe to Gonzi@arrogance but to the man under whose leadership, this small country handled everything that was thrown at it in the past five years – namely a crippling financial crisis and a civil war in our back yard – winning the respect and admiration of its neighbours.
The alternative? A man as fake as a 3 dollar bill who is surrounded by dinosaurs from the worst era Malta has ever been through. I don’t vote to punish but to have the best persons who can run this country.
Then in that case allow me to tell you to go and touch yourself inappropriately because it will be people like me and your children who will pay the price of your petty vindictiveness and short sightedness. It’s comments like yours which have made me lose my faith in the local democratic process.
I’ve also been inconvenienced several times myself however that will still not that cloud my judgement and get me to jeopardise the nation’s future because I understand that voting is not just about what I will get.
I hope the injustice will be resolved and that you will not take it to heart when your children curse you for inflicting a greater injustice on them in the process. I will certainly be holding you responsible.
A nation of Franco Debonos indeed
Do you really believe that Joseph Muscat will give you what you think is rightfully yours?
I am sorry but I cannot stand people who whine and whine – if I were you I would just quit my job and find another more satisfying job – you have a chance to do so now.
Besides I am sure there many people who would just love to be employed in the public sector – you know, cushy job, guaranteed for life and so on. Paying back the PN is no solution and you know it.
It will appease your ego for a few days and the day will come when you will rue your decision.
I appeal to you to think about Malta’s future first and foremast, you childrens and family before you take such a decision because ultimately it will affect them all.
Having said this, I doubt very much whether you are a true Nationalist in the very sense of the word – Nationalist as in Maltese patriot who does not think of one’s own personal gains but is willing to sacrifice a little for one’s own country.
So now wait until you are surrounded by Joseph and his boys. I understand you are angry, but voting Labour in order to punish Gonzi is like shooting yourself in the foot. Your world clearly ends at the tip of your nose. So go ahead, ivvota bil-qalb lil Joseph Muscat u ha tara l-manna niezla mis-sema.
Imma jekk izidlek it-taxxi, jgholli d-dawl u l- ilma, idahhal in-nies tieghu jahdmu mieghek, jaghti promotion biss lin-nies tieghu, dan ma jimpurtax hux?
If you suffered such an injustice, why didn’t you bring it up with the Ombudsman? He is there precisely so you don’t have to go grovelling to some minister, and he was put there by Gonzi@arrogance precisely for people like you.
Or is your “injustice” simply a matter of “ghax il-gvern tieghi ma taghnix preferenza fuq l-ohrajn”? Perhaps you should find a *real* job in the private sector so you’d know what it’s like not to get your nose blown by big daddy every time you have a boo boo.
These people are bloody unbelievable.
People who see the small picture, don’t see much.
Good for you – I am sure Joseph promised that he will arrange whatever you want. Please come back after election and tell us that Muscat has arranged your grieveance
Jekk inti Doris li naf jien ma jixraqlekx titkellem hekk. Ghidilna f’liema settur tahdem mal-gvern halli nivverifika li int. Suppost ma tiddejjaqx ghax issa ikkonfermajt li dan huwa blog demokratiku fejn tista` tghid li thoss u turi min int.
Fid-dinja mhux dejjem ikun jaqbillek timxi b’qalbek. Lanqas ma l-aktar nies qrib tieghek ahseb u ara meta jaslu decizzjonijiet bhal dawn li jistghu jeffetwawlek 5 snin min hajtek, uliedek (jekk ghandek) u nies qrib tieghek.
Fi kliem iehor:- Mhux dejjem hu ghaqli li timxi skond kif tghidlek qalbek. Hafna drabi ikun aktar ghaqli li timxi skond kif jghidlek mohhok.
Except for the fact that she will be voting for that incompetent fool, Ginger Joey, I don’t believe a word Doris says.
Malta is featured extensively in this month’s Lufthansa Inflight magazine. You can have a look at it here starting at around page 53 under the CountryProfiler section.
I wonder how many of these articles we’ll be featured in after 5 YEARS of labour.
My thoughts exactly. How saddening to think that experience has taught us nothing, that education has been of no benefit and that kindness has been taken for weakness.
So very well written.
Thank you, Daphne.
I’ll vote PN because Joseph Muscat embodies “never mind the quality feel the width”
Daphne, you are so right. Muscat has admitted that he was consistently wrong on every political decision and yet the people still trust him with their vote. What gives?
Have you ever seen homosexuals or transsexuals address MAINSTREAM Labour events? Can you imagine the awkwardness?
This is how Labour do it; a special event commemorating 50 years since buggery was legalised.
This is how the Nationalist Party does it. No LGBT-PN in sight. Just a regular person addressing a regular PN event.
Watch and learn Joseph.
Correction: 40 years since buggery was legalised.
Well said.I don’t know how to put it rightly but, you madam explained my feelings and thoughts to a T. Thank you.
Thank you so much for all your posts, dear Daphne.
I hope you don’t mind my calling you by your first name even though we have never met. As a regular reader of this blog one starts to think of you a friend, more so because I share so many of your beliefs and views on our political scene.
I just wanted to thank you for this blog, you and the work you do are greatly appreciated.
It takes one strategic mistake, and we’ll experience the same developments experienced by Cyprus, Greece, Ireland, Iceland, Portugal, Spain, and Italy.
Make no mistake, the international situation is getting worse not better. France and the UK are experiencing similar problems because their newly elected governments promised CHANGE. Shall we join in?
Do you remember the election that the PN lost because it made a strategic decision of shifting from direct taxation to indirect taxation?
The PN administration decided to lower drastically income tax and introduce VAT so that whoever consumes more, pays more.
The MLP smelled the opportunity and led people to believe that it would revert to allowing everyone to return to the black economy. What happened? Government receipts from income tax fell, but the receipts from VAT did not come in because no one was paying VAT since the MLT was set to remove it.
The result was that the Budget deficit shot up and the Government borrowing shot up to finance that deficit. Do you remember the huge government stock issues paying an interest rate of 7.8%.
We are still burdened with that debt today and we are still paying those interest rates today. My point is that a strategic mistake will take decades to be reversed and it is therefore not a question of, “Let’s change and try him out and we can always change again in five years.”
The PN has pledged to reduce taxes and to move towards a balanced budget by the end of the next legislature. Financial discipline is the single most important promise that the PN can guarantee and that Joseph Muscat can not even talk about. History is repeating itself, and his roadmap is tantamount to taxing the part of the electorate that can not vote.
Vote Lawrence Gonzi and you’ll get Simon Busuttil. Vote Joseph Muscat and you’ll get Jason Micallef.
Have you ever seen a beatiful woman on some perfume ad? They all look perfect! What we often do not see is the numerous hours that have been put into making that picture look perfect, in other words just as the rest of us wish we were. But that is not the truth!
PL have put up a fantastic campaign. Josephmuscatdotcom says all the stuff people want to hear and dodges all the question that may undermine this look, he had hidden all his other candidates and they have not been given much chance to speak lest they spoil this.
But there is one thing that the PL’s supporters have not had the brains to understand: Malta taghna llkoll means that Malta belongs to all of us, yet what I hear most, is what the PL supporters plan to do to the nationalist supporters once they are elected. This has also been echoed by very prominent figures in the PL.
But here’s a thought: Malta has belonged to all us for the last 15 years! Under a nationalist goverment we have all had countless opportunities to do something with ourselves. There a lot more self employed than there ever where. People like Joseph Muscat himself have had the opportunity to go to university – and get a stipend!! We have a PL president elected by a PN parliament, and people like Snobbi had the choice to go get an eduction rather than invest in the balloons that provide her with what seems like her current job.
So Malta ila thaghna llkoll. The PL wants to look modern but is just promising us what we already have and best of all they do not tell us how they are going to do that!!!
I am going to stick to the devil I know, as they are promising to make my life better and I know they have the experience to deliver.
I guess – I’m in……with the right party.
Hafna popli zbaljaw hasbu li se jmorru ahjar u marru aghar.
Ghalhekk nivvota Partit Nazzjonalista mhux ser inkun parti minn qerq bic-car.
Imaqdru li Malta falluta u ma hemmx weghda li ma qalux li se jaghmluha aktar mill-aqwa Father Christmas. Ipokrezija shiha.
Thank you for that, Daphne. It is the terrible injustice of it all that I find so deeply disturbing.
Dingli Street is alive and teeming with thousands of Maltese. Is-sewwa jirbah zgur. Come on, let’s go for it. Thank you, Lawrence Gonzi.
Such a flattering camera angle for Joseph.
Joe Cilia? What the hell possessed Muscat? Why the hell did I just ask that question?
I need a lie-down. Wake me up in 2018.
You vote Labour – you deserve what’s coming to you. But don’t tell me that I deserve it too.
With Dr. Gonzi we can at least be sure of an honest leader. We have proof that Joseph Muscat isn’t even that.
In a week’s time, the logos on t-shirts will read:
“I’m in, now what?”
Shame on you, Maltese electorate, should you be blinded with stardust.
Dr Gonzi, the Nationalist Party and all of us tax-payers after all, have sacrificed the past five years in order to keep the country going, the economy afloat, the jobs safe and our daily bread guaranteed.
Now, when push has come to shove, are we ready to give it all up, on a silver tray to the one who has promised heaven on earth and said yes to everyone? What a shame!
Passing the right laws by a “Positive” Government.
Don’t take what you have now for granted. It will not last under Labour.
If the end that justifies the means is to be at least 10 years of PL in power, then far more is to be lost than many youths can imagine right now.
To be able to govern with only a positive facade, the PL must remove all negative influences. This will happen.
Forget the E.U. this does not fit in a 10 year PL government plan. As soon as the money runs out (this will not be long once the dockyard is re-opened) The Positive Government will wage war on the E.U. That’s how they function. Who’s not with us is against us. We are Positive so you must be Negative.
If necessary, the Foreign Interference Act will be reapproved and enforced. This would give the government the right to clamp down on comments of both locals and foreigners who have an opinion about the way Mr. Smith is running the country.
With the right laws full control of media could be possible. Huge problems are the privately owned 20+ internet/radio stations, the television stations not completely controlled by the government, and worst of all, the uncensored use of the internet (target number one – possibly this very blog).
Everyone using social media: this remains a big problem for a Positive Government, but with the right laws in place it could be made illegal to voice my opinion online if the government feels I am breaking the law by being negative.
With the right laws mobile networking could be shut down “To preserve the peace”. This will happen.
Retracing of IP addresses to their owners in order to stop any negativity would be considered by the dinosaurs and commie fans of the “Eternal President” Kim Il Sung as completely legitimate means.. and we do not need to wait on too much beaurocracy to pass the laws. One can cut corners as promised in the electoral programme.
Making agreements with China: the country with the greatest working example of a censured internet.
As promised also the handing out of (Chinese sponsored?) tablet-computers with the right built-in propaganda could be a good means of strengthening the socialism.
With the right laws mass meetings will not be allowed for the opposing party since they are not Positive.
If the Positive Government finds a country is being too negative about the Positive government, then economic war will be waged. You can forget obtaining a spare part for e.g. your car, if it happens to be made in a country of dispute.
There is way too much choice(read waste) in the supermarkets now. This does not fit in the way Labour think. Hell, we could reintroduce Bulk Buying again, and create more jobs for all the jobless, by manufacturing everything ourselves.
All shops will be stocked with the People’s Republic of Malta Taghna Ilkoll brand.
The only consolation is that seen in the Arab Spring last year. We all know how these Dear Leaders ended up.
Unfortunately the country is thrown back 40 years within 10.
Do what is right and vote for PN now
Media control is a favourite tool of totalitarian government, and one that JosephMuscatDotCom greatly admires:
For all you switchers from PN to PL I only have one thing to say to you ‘Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face.’
Yes, but it’s more than that.
I have just flown in from London to cast my vote and just thought F*** it (before you all start I paid a full Air Malta fare and did not take advantage of their subsidised voting offer).
Voting intentions among Maltese ta’ Londra appear in favour of voting for PL but not openly declaring it.
Since landing, there’s is something in the air – everybody is voting for PL, hence their lead in the polls they clearly have.
It’s a weird one but the outcome will be a party voted in by a patchwork of people for various reasons, reasons which are sound and unsound. Just look at it, the PL have gained support beyond their usual core voters and have become populist, leaving PN strategists to target the undecided – a dwindling percentage it would seem.
This whole election really mirrors Tony Blair’s rise to power. Sometimes no matter what the track record of an incumbent government is, they can lose power very quickly and not always for the right reasons.
In that case the vote will serve to reduce the margin.
It can be said that the Nationalist government was not perfect. However, one can be rest assured that this is a government with experience.
A prime minister who continued to lead this country with all the problems that arose through these last five years. I would rather have the government that is not perfect.
For reasons outlined here, and many others, let us once again VOTE PN.
Bejn Kristu u Barabba il-folla ghazlet lil Barabba… xejn gdid sfortunatament!
Did you see Martin Scicluna’s article in The Independent today? This supposedly intelligent man’s argument is that we should give Labour the opportunity to govern. He talks of certain failings of the Nationalist Government and that it will do the PN good to spend time in Opposition to sort itself out.
The lack of logic in this argument totally dismays me.
I could not care less what is good for the PN. All I care about is what is good for the country. Handing the reins over to a conceited immature man who has never properly worked in his life is too scary a prospect for a small country such us ours.
I can’t believe that we are talking in terms of ‘giving turns’. We simply cannot afford to gamble that way and Scicluna obviously doesn’t know what he is talking about when he states that the persons in a Labour cabinet will be as good or even better that those in the current administration.
He obviously did not live in Malta in the ’80s. Otherwise how could he want to entrust this country to the same persons who destroyed the country then.
As for Joseph muscat he was not part of Mintoff’s cabinet but he has made it amply evident that he adores Mintoff. The only thing Muscat has done well has been the marketing campaign for this election. Otherwise the only times he has had to take a decision he has failed to make the right one.
Be it hiS fervent opposition to Malta joining the EU to his stance on Ghaddafi to turning a blind eye on the drug dealing in the Safi case. As PM he is going to have to make a myriad of decisions every day. Do you really think he is going to be capable of that? He lacks so much substance that he isn’t even able to have a debate on real issues for longer than an hour.
Mr Scicluna you often like to present yourself as some wise man – but here you have got it totally wrong. This is not a game. It is not about taking turns. The well being of our country is at stake. you cannot talk about voting the PN out without considering what the real consequence of that will be. Your assessment of a prospective Labour cabinet is shallow at best. And to dismiss the economic achievements of the current government in favour of change for the sake of it, is dangerous to say the least.”
You cannot talk about voting the PN out without considering what the real consequence of that will be. Your assessment of a prospective Labour cabinet is shallow at best. And to dismiss the economic achievements of the current government in favour of change for the sake of it, is dangerous to say the least.
Deborah’s edited version vs TVM full version
Peppi Azzopardi on Facebook:
Mistoqsija wahda li nistenna risposta ghaliha. “Ghaliex Deborah Schembri, li ghandi rispett kbir lejha, ghazlet li teditja dak li deher fix-Xarabank? Din hija il verzjoni is-shiha. Inhalli lil kullhadd jiggudika. Din hija l-link ta’ x’deher f’Xarabank mhux editjata.
What a lot of people are missing is that at the height of the EU membership campaign, Joseph Muscat was militating to keep our nation out of the EU when specifically he was aware that secretly the top echelons within the same MLP had agreed that after all EU membership was the right path for Malta.
Yet, he continued to work at fooling the Maltese electorate and feeding his people all the crap under the sun about why we should not join. Sound principles he has, this scumbag.
Tell me, should anyone ever trust the megalomaniac with power? He has shown again that he would treat situations to his advantage and benefit just as he did with the drugs issue at the Safi PL club. As long as he saves his skin, that’s fine.
What about his integrity? Why did he not demand Toni Abela’s resignation when he so clamoured in he past for accountability and orchestrated RCC’s and Carmelo Mifsud Bonnici’s resignations?
Can anyone in his right mind ever trust such a character?
You have it all there, staring you in the face and some people still opt to ignore it and risk their future and that of their families by supporting this person.
Is it because officially Toni Abela is legally covered by the position he took? This is how it was explained to me here on this blog and I was grateful for the explanation.
I too, find it absolutely terrible that this is allowed to happen with no regulatory mechanism to provide checks for gaps between what is morally wrong and legally right.
There are some sociopathic public persons who have a preference for functioning in the grey area this gap provides in their daily operations and that they make use of with full awareness.
Such a regulatory mechanism should exist and should be able to intervene.
It is ridiculous that such stringent regulations exist for the operation and function of companies etc. whilst public individuals blatantly go about life lying and scheming, in full view of the nation, and wanting to lead it, without any checks in place whatsoever.
It would be extremely reassuring if it were a branch of Police function, but we see that it is not so.
Therefore, by my reasoning and in the absence of public clarification over this specific point, their position is becoming outdated and insufficient in protecting the basic moral rights of others.
The sad truth is while Muscat is unlikely to deliver, he is a result of the lies and corruption that run across our political reality.
We achieved independence 50 years ago and the private investors who spearheaded the drive towards this economic miracle were robbed and left to rot while the people they helped to set up shop run off with honors and success. Not right not fair but true.
The monster prime minister who turned education and decency on its head is made a national hero while his victims are ignored and left to rot in court for 40 years.
Not right not fair but true.
A two-tier rent law that legalised theft against the old families while it gave the new ones the opportunity to cash in on the spoils up until today.. not right, not fair but true.
Loyal PN supporters (Sliemizi like me) who never asked for anything are taken for granted while every effort is made to appease bullies on the other side. This is not right, not fair, but true.
And as a result the only alternative to the PN is a tailor-made Mintoffian disguising himself as new when all he really is is a frontman for a culture of lies and corruption that characterized Malta so soon after independence.
Your fear, as is mine, is that it will become the hallmark of our islands in years to come and we will have to live through the insult of Muscat getting to spend the Eur1.2 billion from the union that he was so adamantly against, that he will get to be our prime minister when we mark 50 years of independence paying homage to Dear Dom in the process, and last but not least we will have to live through the insult of seeing him hold the European presidency.
From where I’m looking it seems a lot like what goes around comes around and perhaps the truth is that ultimately both sides of the political spectrum are in truth not that far apart.
Like yourself I find Labour false and uninspiring and will therefore vote accordingly.
The lesson to be learnt, however, is that unless we are committed to truth and justice we run the inevitable risk of becoming victims of lies and deception ourselves.
My fear is that that time has come, to the detriment of Malta which has so much to offer if proper values were to hold sway.
Well put and extremely true. CHARGE!
Chapeau Jeremy! Very well put. However, one thing the Maltese people should bear in mind are JFK’s words “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country”.
Agreed, it’s NOT true that this election doesn’t have any serious implications.
It’s about confirming the values which kept Labour out of power.
Excellent article, Daphne. Dr. Lawrence Gonzi certainly deserves to be our next Prime Minister.
And besides, we NEED him. If we have him as our Prime Minister, I feel the best is yet to come.
If instead we get Joseph as prime minister, we will be just like the other countries in just a few months.
What happened in France will happen here too. I have no doubt about that. Those who vote for Labour really do not realise what they are risking.
Look at this link. It shows how Labour candidates misquote Dr. Gonzi to put him in a bad light. Well done to Peppi for showing this clearly on Xarabank.
Without a shadow of a doubt Lawrence Gonzi deserves another five years at the helm of my country despite a few administrative errors.
Who would have thought even a decade ago that the dockyard that was syphoning off millions of euros every year would be closed down without a major revolution.
Who would have thought that the public transport system would have been completely revamped without the old bus owners smashing everything in their way.
Who would have thought that while all of that was going on there was a massive recession that brought major economies to their knees. And yet Malta survived and there are more people employed now than on 2008.
In any other European democracy Lawrence Gonzi would win by a landslide. A whole generation after the 1981/87 Labour disaster and the Nationalist Party still struggles at every general election.
Do we ever learn?
Have you seen this:
Notice the word ‘imbecile’ in the comments box… one really needs to have that kind of IQ to believe a story that doesn’t even bother to quote any statistics.
Labour’s positive campaign continues. Just watched on One TV ‘the first 100 days of the new PN government’.
A barrage of lies. I think now they’re not believing that their proposals will win them the election.
What’s with this fixation on Malta Taghna Lkoll, as if we are in a civil war between two tribes.
Could it be he was traumatized when he was little due to the fact that his parents sided with different parties?
Maybe they had some arguments and he was present. I think he needs to settle his inner peace rather than imposing on us this logo.
Malta has always been Malta Taghna Lkoll under PN, so what’s new?
Don’t believe that particular sob story. Joseph’s been to Labour meetings since he was a tiny boy. His his father’s mother, a devoted Mintoffjana, was his first political influence. And he says himself that his mother’s mother voted Labour too.
His entire campaign is modelled on Obama’s with a few differences:
1) Muscat is not tall, athletic or charismatic.
2) Obama’s suits are cut to fit.
3) Muscat’s wife is not tall, attractive or charming
4) The racial divide in Malta is between racists and non-racists. It would take a fool like Muscat to conclude that you can or should unite the two groups.
5) Obama knows that competing parties are the essence of democracy.
6) Muscat’s speeches are uninspired and uninspiring.
7) He has absolutely no idea about protocol or commonplace politeness.
8) Obama isn’t late for his own Facebook chat with fans and followers.
There’s more, but that will do for now.
My, my they are becoming “liberal” by the hour.
They have a black man sitting behind Joseph.
Interesting, I too spotted the token black face right behind Joseph. They’re so fixated on the image that they project.
Probabbli gabruh u hallsuh biex ikun hemm, ghaliex deher skomdu hafna hemm, u donnu ma kienx jaf x’ghandu jaqbad jaghmel.
Nhoss li Muscat hadu hemm biex jaghmel punt li il-Labour ghall-kulhadd. Imbasta ried li nhalluhom ghaddejjin bid-dghajjes, mhux insalvawhom. Il-vera m’ghandux zejt f’wiccu.
Jidirli li Joey qal li jekk hu ikun PM jibghathomm lura lejn Libya stabbli. Mela vera jrid jinqeda bin-nies dan?
Whilst it my be galling to have the man who did his level best to keep us out of the EU as its president, this is a largely symbolic post. As for Independence, what’s the biggie? JM and co will ponce about for a day or two, spouting balderdash. Nothing new there. As for this capital of culture business, I think that the local culture scene has been taken over already by a bunch of crackpots/hodor/blue-eyed boys, so again, no change of substance there.
There is far more to worry about than these three events which will have no long-term bearing on our lives. Like the fact that investment will grind to a halt and the mirage of cheaper power generation will soon bite us back and result in more levies on the higher wage-earners. And that, dear friends, is the real truth of it: the PN did so much for so many but paid for it (huge overruns and all) mostly from the wages of those with decent salaries, whilst all the while maintaining a huge army of civil servants (probably one of the free world’s largest, percentage-wise) and subsidising/giving handouts to hundreds or even thousands of people who work in the black economy.
I have little doubt that Labour will continue to finance the economy on the backs of higher wage-earners. But many people are now so fed up of financial flagellation that they will even try Labour, not realising that, not only will they still have to cough up but probably more so.
Unless whoever wins the election does something about the black economy/corruption/40’000 people employed by government when half that are required, they will have a tough time being re-elected. Proof of this? – PN’s chances!
Muscat’s mass meeting voice sounds like an Accrington market trader at the end of a bitterly cold market day, desperately trying to flog those three gross of Chinese bibles that he was assured would shift like hot cakes.
Has he got a hernia?
Simply brilliant Daphne, but sadly those whose interests come first will not read and weep as I did.
Today in Sliema our prime minister spoke to the enormous crowd that gathered in Dingli Street and all the adjecent streets and explained what’s at risk. Now it’s up to all those of sound mind and love for our country to put all our selfishness aside and do the right thing.
Imagine an EU president who signs a long-term agreement with China without an electoral mandate, while still in opposition
How’s he going to justify that anti-democratic move?
Imagine an EU president who calls EU membership the burden of the millennium:
And whose senior minister is a Mintoffian wreck who promises the GWU that Malta’s EU membership can be revised:
What sort of EU president could a man like this be:
The New York Times would ask some more awkward questions:
The more I hit this site, the more I hit the booze. Can’t deal with the reality check that this turd of a ‘man’ will undo everything.
Which is what Labour’s trying to avoid.
Today week, Joseph Muscat will be sworn in as prime minister.
This afternoon today week, he’ll go up the steps to Castille and go straight to the window.
Just go through it everyone.
Looks like it’s going to be a long boring week.
No scoops, no photos, no emails, no ‘iced’ coke, no arloggi.
Maybe some hard fitting questions to Joseph from journalists might do.
You know, questions like:
“How will you feel as President of the EU? How will you feel when you start receiving the 1.2bn?”
He will answer honestly as usual: “I would feel the same like I’m feeling now, like a ‘qabar imbajjad’. Ghax ma nafx kif tghidha bl-Ingliz.” smirk smirk smirk, quack quack quack.
Daphne, I admire you. It is impressive how managed to attract a large number of brainwashed people on this blog. Anyway you put on your blog only those in favour. I have written only once yesterday and you did not post it. For those who are thinking that labour wll not do anything in Sliema, be ready for surprise. AS you well know crowds at meetings do not mean anything and this counts for LP and PN. The outcome of the election is decided by those at home who are able to judge on what has been done during the last 5 years. That is everything has already been decided before January and maybe even before.
BTW is this blog still going to be alive next week or what? TikTok Tik Tok , the party is over :)
Matthew – The last comment is, quite clearly, a threat towards your bloghost.
You, quite clearly, know what your party – the Malta Labour Party – and its savage supporters are capable of. Why, we all know what happened to the Times’ building on Black Monday, how Eddie Fenech Adami’s house was ransacked, as were the law courts and the Curia. We all know what you and your ilk are capable of, and that is ONE of the reasons why I will always vote Labour out.
TO ALL THE SWITCHERS OUT THERE CONSIDERING VOTING LABOUR: SHAME ON YOU FOR TAKING US BACK TO THE 1970s AND 1980s. I bloody well hope it will backfire on you. After all, what goes around, comes around. Pity that the rest of us will be dragged into it with you.
Dont worry Sonia. I have no problem to switch again. Mind you i never got and never expected anything from any government. I work and still have to work to earn my living for me and my family whether it is a PN or LP government. I belong to no party. I just vote whom i feel deserves to govern in the next legislation. If you cannot see what Gonzi and friends have done wrong you are are certainly not living here. Or maybe who knows amlulek xi pjacir. If this is the case then i agree with vote PN ghax jaqbillek. Let see the outcome of the election. I am expecting a big defeat to the PN which will prove my point. Arrogance, corruption, and nepotism have be punished. If LP will do the same i will vote PN again. This is not a matter if it will backfire on me. btW PLEASE CUT THIS crap that all those who are voting LP are savages or hamalli. PN has also these type of people. Austin gatt l-ewwel wiehed.
[Daphne – Tghidli xejn kemm hu hamallu Austin Gatt. Daqs kemm hi pulita u tal-pepe Carina Camille, qalbi, biex ma nghidx xi hag’ ohra. You bunch of know-nothings just have no insight, do you.]
Daphne, do we really believe that such comments will do anyone ANY good? I am NOT just referring to:
[Daphne – Tghidli xejn kemm hu hamallu Austin Gatt. Daqs kemm hi pulita u tal-pepe Carina Camille, qalbi, biex ma nghidx xi hag’ ohra. You bunch of know-nothings just have no insight, do you.]
There are better/worse examples (depends from which angle you see this). I am referring to similar attitude/comments that have unfortunately drawn me away from your blogs despite your remarkably talented “pinna” (yes you will probably argue who needs you) li anke lili nazzjonalist idejjquni ahseb u ara x’jaghmel lil-laburisti….and if we want to seriously move to the next level of politics (l-fuq ta mhux l-isfel!) we need to realize that such negative attitdue ma ghandux postu. I am blue and convinced that BLUE should govern, but feel that such comments are not worthy of any form of praise or serious following. The sooner we realise that such a negative attitude is not doing us any good, the better for the party and Malta. Lets learn from our past yes, but let’s move out of it as these are exactly the sentiments that are pushing certain people away.
Why do we have such a massive problem accepting people moving from blue to red? Can’t we realize that there probably IS something wrong going on that is causing this, or are we happy with our heads burried down in sand breathing through such sand with a tingling feeling on our necks? In reality, when one sees the state of the global economoy and that the world is literally falling apart around us, it should be EASY for the electorate to put the same people back in government. So the fact that we are struggling and most likely to lose this election…. isn’t this in itself a wake up call that there is something wrong after all? Franco and Jeffrey had their differences with the party. Yes the method (of one more than the other) was not appropriate but can’t we realize that there was something to learn from all this? Ignoring is what earns us titli bhal “arroganti”. (hemm hafna aktar ezempji ta let’s not kid ourselves).
I will vote BLUE as I still feel that it is the most sensible choice. My contribution to this campaign is to try and convince irrate PN supproters to vote for 1 “blue” candidate ONLY if they want to show their disapproval of certain things. I sincerely wish that other nationalists who have some form of protest to make to adopt this approach.
Matthew having a job and a roof on your head makes you better than 22 million European citizens who have lost everything because of how incompetent their government was in the financial crisis. Yes Gonzi was wise enough to face the storm and guide use to greener pastures even if he had also ta face internal problems too.
With Joseph and Michelle in government, the party is just starting.
The party is just starting. Fine. But the Labour savages are waiting in the wings. You’d have to be a fool not to work that one out.
Matthew, your last comment shows precisely where you come from and what party you support.
Threatening freedom of speech once again are we? The change in your party is impressive eh! And your comment below about Austin Gatt being a hamallu… I think you should really try to learn the meaning of that word before using it.
Keep it up, Daphne.
Yes, the prospects of Dr Muscat being Prime Minister is so sad and unfair. What past credentials does Dr Muscat have to merit being voted into power? On the Socialist side it’s mass hysteria to vote for change and it seems a ‘change’ they will get.
Ironically under the security of what Dr Gonzi achieved for this country, relative wealth, health and education some are thinking of playing luck with destiny and vote for a change, nothing worse could happen, no?
Yes, it will, life is full of surprises, and there are simply no guarantees to keep our style of living once we meddle foolishly with our future.
Dr Muscat worse day would be the 10th, it’s payday, for the huge number of pages and dames in waiting.
I do hope he won’t start blaming others for the debacle that will follow. I am a common mortal, I am not rich, and frankly politics is not my line, but like many , I dread going again through the experience and anxiety of living under Socialist rule.
As Dr Simon Busuttil said, making the wrong choice now, would be like heading ‘gas down’ into a wall: indeed a prophetic warning.
will be voting NP.
What’s your email please?
[Daphne –]
It is uncanny the way you confirmed what I have been telling my family and friends.
I know that life on the whole is unfair but I still have hope that people will realise what is on the cards. Think of Malta first.
It is useless many are seduced by the realms of Socialist fantasies.
They are myopic.
There is a Chinese proverb that says “point to the moon and idiots will keep staring at your finger”.
During the 1996 election, I did not feel threatened like I’m feeling this time. Alfred Sant with all his faults, had done away with the violent members from Mintoff’s time. The PL won the election and everyday life went on as usual.
I had hoped, in the violence stakes, that we had become normal. What Sant did later was what was expected of him. Luckily for us his government did not last long.
This time, if Joseph wins, my feeling is that violence will be an integral part of the celebrations.. His government won’t be so short. I changed my mind about this when Malta was made aware of the many of the “barunijiet” endorsing his parties campaign.
The latter will make sure that he stays in power to safeguard their interests – monetary ones above all.
Switchers, disgruntled Nationalists and genuine Labour supporters think before you abstain or vote.
Ma tantx nemmen li l-billboards jistghu jghinu lill xi hadd biex ibiddel l-opinjoni kif jivvota, izda fil-kaz tieghi kien hemm billboard li ikkonvincieni.
IL-BIOGRAFIJA TA’ DOM MINTOFF U MALTA FI ZMIENU. Kien reklam biex tixtri l-ktieb imma kemm fakkarni fi zmien ikrah. Ta’ madwaru kollha hemm ghadhom.
Irrid nerga nara l-Malta kif kienet dak iz-zmien. LE. Mela se nivvota PN.
“I’d like to think that I will be campaigning in poetry and governing in poetry.” Joseph Muscat in an interview with MaltaToday.
I am sure Anglu and Toni will agree.
Franco will oblige with some Haiku. Sigmund will direct the orchestra and Kenneth will do the painting. Se nkunu qeghdin sewwa.
bye bye gonzi – bye bye daphne
@bye bye – As with “Matthew”‘s, your comment is, quite clearly, a threat towards your bloghost, so I will repeat:
You, quite clearly, know what your party – the Malta Labour Party – and its savage supporters are capable of. Why, we all know what happened to the Times’ building on Black Monday, how Eddie Fenech Adami’s house was ransacked, as were the law courts and the Curia. We all know what you and your ilk are capable of, and that is ONE of the reasons why I will always vote Labour out.
TO ALL THE SWITCHERS OUT THERE CONSIDERING VOTING LABOUR: SHAME ON YOU FOR TAKING US BACK TO THE 1970s AND 1980s. I bloody well hope it will backfire on you. After all, what goes around, comes around. Pity that the rest of us will be dragged into it with you.
But now we hear PL say how Eddie Fenech Adami was indeed a good politician.
Now we hear PL say that joining the EU was in fact the right decision and direction for our country.
How silly these people are, they fight against PN, then admit the right decisions were always taken! Wake up ppl, don’t wait to live through the bad judgment calls this party will take, when you have a party taking the right decisions all along.
bye bye? so daft for you think that! With PL in government, Daphne’s going to have so much more to write about. And if you mean that literally, then God help you sad human beings.
There we go again! It is so obvious that the first thing we are going to lose with a PL government is FREEDOM OF SPEECH.
But Gonzi said it quite clearly – I’m staying.
Where are PN’s latest billboards?
1.2 billion euros negotiated by a PN government; 25,000 jobs to be created in the next five years; economic growth = creation of jobs … only with a PN government.
These are some of the messages that the PN should be communicating with its billboards in these last few days.
I will be voting PN not for myself but for my daughter’s sake.
I will be voting PN for the sake of all Maltese.
If people knew what was good for them, everyone would vote PN.
Daphne, please do repeat the above on Thursday evening – just to remind people out there who still have doubts as to voting PN.
Well at least Daphne wasn’t hit in the eye with a bottle.
And to all those switchers and protest voters, this could be your mother, sister, wife or child.
Voting for Labour because you want politika maghquda?
Do you even know what that means? The only truly politika maghquda in the world belongs in China and it’s called an oppressive communist government.
Stop waving around Joseph’s bs and vote for the party which has kept Malta prospering in a time where economic disaster is everywhere, and which has all the requirements to keep us moving forward.
Truth of the matter is, if Joseph had his way, we’d be doing as badly as Cyprus, plus we’d have no way out of it because we wouldn’t even be in the European Union. He can say he’s learned from his mistakes all he wants but when he’s Prime Minister we’re going to need more than an apology.
9th March, vote PN.
As usual Joseph is not telling the truth – he really does not care whether he made mistakes and has the gall to say that he learned from his mistakes. Sorry, but I do not want a future prime minister who experiments and then says sorry if things do not work out, or who says he will resign. Is he keeping up the party’s tradition of resigning – remember Mintoff – Alfred Sant – they too resigned when the going got tough.
Rather shocking to see people who work in the same industry as me vote for PL and encouraging all the foreigners who have a vote to do so also.
Have they forgotten that the only reason they sit in these offices is thanks to PN?
Have they forgotten that the window of opportunity to work for above an average income in a booming industry was given to them by PN?
These are people making well above 30k euros a year, were before they wouldn’t even be making 15k a year, without all the benefits they get on the side too. But the only thing that seems to interest them is higher w+e bills, and not the money they earn to pay them.
And Joseph Muscat has the brass neck to visit these offices like he had anything to do with it at all, when he was the one who tried to encourage people against joining the EU. Unbelievable.
As the Maltese saying goes ‘wiccu u s**mu xorta.
Let’s not forget to mention how other industries have also benefited from these iGaming companies coming to Malta.
The real estate industry is constantly benefiting from this industry, constantly changing office to cater for the increasing number of employees. Foreigners being moved to Malta from other branches who would need accommodation.
Constant use of Hotels for conferences, and accommodation for employees from other branches to visit head offices in Malta for many different purposes.
Insurance companies, as employees are given free insurance to them and their whole family.
Gyms and other keeping fit outlets as free memberships are given.
Airlines, for constant travel between offices in Malta and branches abroad.
But no, let’s vote for PL because the new vision is the right direction! What a joke!
It is so sad that supposedly grown and mature people think they can use their duty to vote as what they think is a way to threaten or punish a government. It would be even more sad if on Saturday the first time voters like myself vote PN whereas the older, seasoned voters vote PL or don’t vote at all. So much for the younger generation being selfish, shortsighted and immature.
It is so sad that supposedly grown and mature people think they can use their duty to vote as what they think is a way to threaten or punish the party in government for the wrong, personal and highly individualistic (egocentric) reasons.
It would be even more sad if on Saturday the first time voters like myself vote PN whereas the older, seasoned voters vote PL or don’t vote at all. So much for the younger generation being selfish, shortsighted and immature.
@Sonia – what goes around comes around. That’s what’s happening Sonia – everything backfired in your arrogant faces
Seeking revenge is not the way forward
Nahseb ahjar infakkru naqra lin-nies kif kienet Malta “in Mintoff’s and KMB days.” I.E. 70’s u 80’s.
small letters = MLP Days
CAPS = PN Days
1. Toothpaste – No Way – IXTRI KEMM TRID ILLUM HI.
2. Cikkulata – Ta’ Malta kollha dud jew inkella jgibulek xi cikkulata l-qraba u l-hbieb mill-Ingilterra. ILLUM ISSIB TIXTRIHA BIL-KAXXA.
3. Zokkor (Sugar, biex ma jkunx hemm misunderstanding) – Igibuh is-suldati fl-ixkejjer u tmur tixtrih minghand tal-merca bil-kupuni (vouchers). NO PROBLEM TIXTRI KEMM TRID.
4. Colour TV – Jekk ma tkunx taf lil hbieb tal-hbieb minghajru kont tibqa. – NO PROBLEM TIXTRI KEMM TRID.
5. Telephone id-dar – No way jekk inti PN hi. L-impjegati tal-kumpanija tat-telefonija ta zmien Mintoff kienu kolla Lejber. ILLUM GHANDEK L-GHAZLA MINN FEJN TAGHZEL MA MIN SE TABBONA.
6. Komputer – Kapricc ghax Mintoff kien qal li bil-komputer jintilfu l-jobs. Mur gibna ghadna bit-“type writer” ejj. ILLUM COMPUTERS, LAPTOPS U TABLETS HI.
7. Taqra gazzetta ohra mhux “L-orizzont” jew “It-Torca” f’post pubbliku – No Way ghax mal-ewwel kienu jittimbrawk. – LIBERTA TA L-ISTAMPA U ESPRESSJONI.
8. Tghid li int NAZZJONALIST fil-pubbliku – Tkun qed tissogra li tispicca go xi frame up jew inkella partitarji ta l-MLP iharsu lejk qisek qtitilhom lil xi hadd ghaziz. LIBERTA` TAL-KELMA U ESPRESSJONI.
9. Edukazzjoni – Meta l-ghalliema ghamlu strajk biex jiddefendu d-drittijiet taghhom, gew jghallmunha membri tal-kumitati ta l-irhua ta l-MLP. ILLUM SMART BOARDS, LAPTOPS U TABLETS.
10. Xoghol – Transfers bl-addocc jekk ikunu jafu li int Nazzjonalist. ILLUM SAHANSITRA FIL-MEPA U HAFNA AWTORITAJIET OHRA HEMM NIES LEJBER.
U hafna aktar li jekk nibqa nikteb ma nieqafx.
Messagg ghal dawk kollha li ivvutaw kontra li Malta tkun membru ta’ EU.
Ghal li jista` jkun, hemm xi hadd minnhom iwegibni kemm il-darba siefru fi zminijiet li Malta ma kinitx membru ta’ EU u meta waslu l-ajruport ta’ Malta kellhom ihallsu dazju fuq l-affarijiet li jkunu xtraw?
Illum b’Malta bhala membru shih ta’ EU kullhadd gej u sejjer Sqallija hi bil-katamaran u meta tigi lura tibqa sejjer id-dar minghajr ma thallas dazju jew taxxa fuq l-oggetti li tkun xtrajt minn Sqallija.
Nahseb li n-nies jinsewh dan. Dan kollu sar bis-sahha tal-PN ghax li kien ghal PL u Joey ghadna maqtughin ghalina jew inkella forsi b’xi Parternxip imma mhux ma EU ta ghax ahna makku. Il-Partnerxip imma ma Libya jew xi pajjiz Kommunist jew inkella fejn hemm xi dittatorjat. Joey diga ha lil Alex hi u mar il-Libya jghamel l-arrangamenti u l-ftehim u ghadu fl-oppozizzjoni dan. Mela jekk inkun PM x’se jaghmel.
U halluna hi.
Jekk trid tkun taf kemm tal-Labour huma hamalli, kull ma ghandek taghmel hu li tohrog fit triq u ara xi kwalita’ ta nies immorru l-meetings taghhom. Monumenti hajja tal-injoranza u hamallagni.
Jigifieri kull min ha jivvotta labour low IQ jew hamallu jew xma nafx titolu tajtuh. Ara vera qedin sew eh.
Issa naraw ir-rizultat.
Monumenti hajjar tal-injoranza u hamallagni nahseb hawn qedin. Shame on you hehe.