Girgenti: the kottich look

Published: March 3, 2013 at 1:31am

girgenti palace

And for what she thinks is her swearing-in ceremony, she's going to wear...

And for what she thinks is her swearing-in ceremony, she’s going to wear…

While looking at all those ‘day in the life’ videos of Me Shall and Joseph in their lovely home (I use the adjective in much the same way that Hello magazine does) a thought suddenly occurred to me.

Will Me Shall be overtaken by the urge to redecorate Girgenti Palace, the prime minister’s country residence, with that very fetching kottich-look? Jew forsi taghmlu ftit rustiku?

Xi fireplace tal-gass, forsi?

Jew tkabbar il-mejda tad-dajninkrum so that she has enough room for cosy parties with Jeffrey and Carmen and Consuelo and Robert and Jesmond and Karen u xi switcher jew tnejn halli jixorbu is-cellars dry.

20 Comments Comment

  1. Harry Purdie says:

    She’ll be wearing something smart at the outset, however, within two years she’ll be wearing sackcloth.

    Hubby will still be in the gym, with his black boots, trying to figure out why it all went wrong. Still trying to press 10 kilos..

  2. P Shaw says:

    Bid-drapp zejjed tal-ilbiesi tal-first lady, ikunu jistghu jghamlu ftit purtieri wkoll biex ikunu jaqblu skond l-okazzjoni.

  3. vanni says:

    Here’s her dress, and who cares that red is frowned upon. It’s too late for the switcher suckers now, and Labour has won.

  4. Mercury Rising says:

    I speak Me-Shallian:

    Yes and no ta, issa jixraq li imorru ftit il-Girgenti, in the meantime se naghmlu naqa redecorating ghax taf int trid taghmel naqa maintenance, u logistikament l-ahjar li tqabbad esperti u, ghandna interior designer ha jgibilna that contemporary look.

  5. manum says:

    And joining the spirit of the country side they can also commixxin a few paintings from starving artists, I am sure that our dear Kenneth would be first to oblige since he just declared how appreciative he is on who ever posted this :

    It seems that his followers are not interested in lejber water colours anymore

  6. just me says:

    Jason Micallef said that people do not care about what is happening in other countries.

  7. TROY says:

    Most probably, by this time next week, the Labour thugs will be on the road with their TORCA decorated trucks insulting anything that moves.

    It will be foxx il- l…. Nazzjonalisti u l-familja taghkhom.

    I hope then all those PN supporters who opted not to vote for some silly reason or another won’t be offended, because after all it will be Malta taghna lkoll.

    Taghna lkoll, ja qabda Nazzjonalisti mahmugin, ohorgu ja l…. , fejn hu dak il-p..ta’ Gonzi, and so on.

    This is the scenario to expect if Labour gets its way.

    May the Lord have mercy on us all.

    • tinnat says:

      Calling all Nationalists not planning to vote: how will you feel on Sunday afternoon and all Monday, when you can’t keep out the screaming and banging of the Labour supporters and their insults “f..xx il-l..a Nazzjonalisti u l-familja taghkom”?

      Unless your answer is unequivocably “I will feel great”, then be big enough to admit to yourself that you will not be happy with a Labour government and be proud to go and vote PN.

  8. lino says:

    Jozef, il backing tracks fuq il-clip qanqluni biex nordna sittax il-kopja tal-ktieb. Wiehed ghal kull Christmas li hx**li ‘l-perit.

  9. SPAM says:

    Hi Daphne,

    Today’s opinion on the Independent was spot on.

    This one should be published on your blog, it needs to get more coverage.

    While reading it, I was picturing 2017, all EU journalists asking him questions. It will be an embarrassment for our country.

  10. Jozef says:

    Dik tnizzel gewwa fuq il-fil. U l-kappella taghmilha gym.

    Fittxu xi hadd jaghmel katalogu tal-oggetti li hemm.

  11. P Shaw says:

    Girgenti should be ideal for a swingers party.

  12. A says:

    Well, I’m sure she’ll have to spend the people’s money on some designer furniture as otherwise she would not be of the social class she so aspires to.

    As for the designer, I suppose we should be glad if she does, given that without her stylist she looks like this:

  13. Peppa says:

    I wouldn’t think it’ll be the cottage look after all. Loft don’t do that.

  14. Ingliza,

    Thank goodness you told me about Loft – I nearly fell in love with that place. A bit over-priced for Labour tastes, but will look good in Girgenti…

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