Here’s another photograph of Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando celebrating on 10 March – at his house, with Dominic Micallef of Mistra contract notoriety

Published: March 21, 2013 at 2:42pm

That’s Jeffrey right there celebrating the Labour victory at his house on Sunday, 10 March. No wonder he was sozzled by the time he got to the Granaries for the mass meeting that evening, and ended up photographed standing on a bar-counter shouting abuse.

Two of the men with him are Labour policemen turned lawyers, Vince Micallef and Andy Ellul (Andy is Sharon Ellul Bonici’s brother). They are part of that whole circle-of-evil orchestrated and reigned over by Magistrate Herrera, composed of a bunch of freaks, sleazes and social outcasts who don’t even realise they’re the demi-monde and think instead that they’re It.

I think the one at the far right is Robert Cardona, Jeffrey’s cousin and another man my age who thinks he’s 25 and is going to be very, very surprised when he wakes up to find he’s got a bus pass. But I can’t really tell because of the sunglasses.

No, on seconds thoughts it’s isn’t. The profile is different.

The one at the far left is Dominic Micallef, in whose name the Mistra development application was made to the MEPA, for land which Jeffrey owns.

No wonder they’re cracking open the Asti Spumante and spraying it about like rednecks.

The man in the red T-shirt, standing next to Jeffrey, is John Ellul – brother to Andy Ellul and to Sharon Ellul Bonici (squatting in front, wearing a red vest). John Ellul had been selected by Magistrate Herrera to accompany her on a trip to Singapore for a magisterial enquiry three years ago, when he was on his way out of his job at the Police Forensic Unit.

celebrations at wied is-sewda

46 Comments Comment

  1. Mars says:

    The viper has left the nest.

  2. La Redoute says:

    Front row, right: Sharon NO2EU Ellul Bonici.

  3. L-Isvizta says:

    I don’t think it’s Robert. I know him too and you described him perfectly.

  4. joseph muscat says:

    Daphne, anke jekk il-kummenti tieghi mhux qeghdha ggibhom, xorta se nghidlek li z-zmien li tiffaccja l-poplu wasal u tiehu li haqqek. Dan tal-velenu li bzaqt f’hajtek kontrina l-laburisti. Il-gustizzja trid issir u mhux tidher biss li qeghdha ssir.

    • Dejjem PN says:

      Veru ta’ Joesph, miskin! Mela insejtu il-HDURA TAGHKOM, u il-VELENU?

    • Last Post says:

      Tista’ sserah rasek li kummenti bhal tieghek iggibhom zgur. Hekk kont nahseb jien ukoll, imma le ibqa’ zgur li ggibhom. Xejn xejn, turi lil Maltin u lid-dinja l-istint dittatorjali mohbi li hemm fil-Laburisti bhalek!

    • Bubu says:

      X’ha taghmlu jigifieri? Ixxewxu xi marmalja bhal ma ghamel Natius?

  5. joseph muscat says:

    Viva l-labour, Joseph Muscat, Duminku Mintoff u s-Socjalizmu.

  6. Unbelievable says:

    Front Left – Matthew Pace, an accountant who opened his own firm (MFSP) under the “dal-gvern qatilna fil-guh” years. He was at school with my brother at St. Aloysius College, which Labour tried so vehemently to close.

  7. KM says:

    No that is definitely not Robert Cardona. You can all rest assured that Robert Cardona, although JPO’s cousin, does not hold him in much esteem.

  8. Someone says:

    At least I was right about the Desigual t-shirt :-)

  9. Robert Caruana says:


  10. anonymous says:

    Tahseb li int brava u mohhok miftuh imma mintx. L-ebda wiehed minnha m’hu

  11. gringu says:

    There’s another former policeman: the one in a red shirt with his hand stretched to get some of Jeffie’s sparkling wine. He is John Ellul, the fomer head of the forensic unit, and brother to Andy Ellul.

  12. That Dominic Micallef is the owner of Tattinger’s in Rabat and Aria, l/o San Gwann, amongst other things.

    Kemm sirna faqa, kulhadd Lejburist hi!

    • Rita Camilleri says:

      If I m not mistaken this Domnic Micallef is the guy who wanted to open the disco on JPO s land at Mistra.

  13. ken il malti says:

    What a booze-aholic !

  14. sammy says:

    Sharon Ellul NO2Eu Bonici…. vera ma tisthix. I still cannot forget her stupid nonsense against Malta joining the EU.

  15. paleblue my foot! says:

    Quite a sorry and ugly looking bunch really. Who did you say the fat one holding the bottle is?

  16. Mario Mercieca says:

    I`d rather lose all my life than be associated with such crap, after all I can always migrate.

  17. Lilly says:

    hahhahahahah and again hahahahahahahah and again hahahahhaha tridu lemon please ? oqodu heeeeeeeeeeeemmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ghax malta taghna lkoll ,viva il labour hej viva il labour hey hey hey hey…..Tkaxkira record ta 37000 hahahahha xgost hadna…igibuwx il message tibzax imma naf li rajtu…

    • M. says:

      And what next, Lilly? Now that Joseph has reached the pinnacle of his – ahem – career, does he REALLY know what to do next (apart from effing up the economy, perhaps)?

    • ESSAY says:

      Lilly, a piece of advice. In the future perhaps you would like to make an intelligent comment about your victory instead of making yourself look like an absolute donkey (although being labour that is half-expected from you).

      • Fido says:

        Please, please, don’t insult donkeys! Probably the use of the word “ass” would have been better, particularly in view of its connotations!

    • Liberal says:

      What a semi-literate retard.

  18. Frank Scicluna says:

    What an intelligent comment Mario Mercieca when you stated that “after all I can always migrate”.

    That is PRECISELY what many PN supporters like Lou Bondi and others of his ilk did many years ago when they disappeared in Canada, America, the UK and Australia before returning to Malta upon the election of Eddie Fenech Adami!

    If people like Daphne, Bondi and so many others detest the Maltese people, their mentality and alleged stupidity and ignorance in giving the PN the mother and father of all hidings at the recent elections JUST PISS OFF – ANYWHERE. Is there much chance of this comment being allowed to see the light of day by DCG? Highly doubtful!

  19. Gahan Ghaxaq says:

    I’ll bet John Ellul will be back in the Police Forensic Unit. And has Sharon Ellul Bonici come out of her closet at last?

  20. Beauchamp says:

    The guy on the far left is definitely not Domnic Micallef. I worked with him in the 80s at his club ‘Sniffs’ (now Tattinger’s).

    Domnic must be nearly 60 now, and the last time I saw him he had white hair…….the guy in the pic looks very much like him in the old days so it might be his son.

    [Daphne – Yes, it’s his son, Dominic Micallef Jnr. He’s the one who applied for the permit on Jeffrey’s land.]

  21. Zunzana says:

    Sur Frank Scicluna, tixtieq li nies bhal Daphne u Lou jemigraw biex ma jkollkhom lill hadd min jikkritikakhom. Imma f’wicckom ser jibqgha!

  22. Higgins says:

    Veru ma baqalux zejt f’wiccu JPO wara li minhabba fih il-PN ghoddu tilef l-elezzjoni ta 2008

  23. Victor says:

    Is there a decent Lejburist anywhere? All the comments posted by Lejburisti are either the epitome of ignorance or intimidating. A nice bunch of intellectuals, not!

  24. fm says:

    I guess JPO will get his Mistra permit from Musemeci maybe not in his name. Was walking in Mistra one quiet Saturday morning about two months ago and saw two men in a Pajero looking at a piece of land and discussing. One of the men resembled Dominic Micallef. X’ma jirsistix u jigri il-0palazz JPO u il mara, kieku johrog il-permess eluf ta’ eluf ta’ liri idahhal.

  25. fm says:

    Isa hej, mur avda it tfal tieghek fic-childcare centres ta’ Ellul Bonici li mid-dehra hadet xi EU funding ghalihom ukoll. Lanqas tisthi imbasta alla jilliberana milli nidhlu fl-EU, marret tigri tahdem hemm u tapplika ghal fondi ukoll.

    Lanqas jekk jigu b’xejn ma nibghathom.

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