It was announced this afternoon that Labour has signed an agreement with hunters and trappers

Published: March 5, 2013 at 12:09am

And when Joseph Muscat spoke about this agreement at the Labour mass meeting in Gozo, a huge cheer went up.

birds 1

birds 2


30 Comments Comment

  1. AE says:

    So what do the likes of Raphael Vassallo have to say about this? Or is he too busy criticising Gonzi that Muscat can literally get away with murder?

    • ciccio says:

      I am very interested what the Editor of The Times has to say about this. And I would like to see it printed on paper bought from Kasco tal-Lejber.

    • Brian Ellul says:

      Ghandek ragun. Maltatoday is now the official English-language MLP newspaper, mhux billi jighid Saviour. Kullhadd ghajnejh f’wiccu.

  2. Pork sausages says:

    I never realised that not only was the man short and stubby, but that so are his fingers.

  3. Jozef says:

    This has to be the cheapest yet.

    He wants to reopen negotiations on Spring hunting, trapping and the derogation itself.

    FKNK have issued a statement saying they basically hold him by the balls.

    Which is why he’s not on TVHemm tomorrow.

  4. P Shaw says:

    Joseph forgot to take his newfound pet, Kenneth, with him.

    He could carry Joseph’s thermos with hot coffee and while waiting for a poor bird, draw a portrait of Joseph equipped with his shotgun.

  5. P Shaw says:

    This mob will rule after 10th March – they now have the official green light from the MLP to do as they please:

  6. P Shaw says:

    By the way, the Times should also ask the hypocrite Kenneth Zammit Tabona about spring hunting now.

    Is he that ego-maniac and obsessed about his directorship of Malta’s contemporary art museum that he is ready to trash his ‘principles’, if he ever had any in the first place?

    To be fair, Kenneth is not the only hypocrite in this video.

  7. Gahan says:

    Running with the hares and hunting with the hounds.

    Or rather, flying with the birds and shooting with the hunters.
    When asked about what supernatural powers one would like to have Gonzi replied “to fly” and Joseph “to be invisible”.

    Here we have ‘invisible’ Joseph watching Gonzi the bird, flying, while of coarse the ever present in an election ,the trigger happy hunter(s) waiting for the right moment to shoot down Gonzi.

  8. caflanga says:

    Joseph lest ibiegh ‘l ommu basta jirbah.

    Mela minn nhar it-Tnejn, Malta sejra lura ghal zmien il-Hagar, bil-provi. Back to hunting-gathering. It’s official, b’Joseph kollox possibbli.

    Mulej hudni, ghax issa vera xbajt.

  9. Mister says:

    At last the MLP has dropped the hunting mask.

  10. The chemist says:

    Joseph Muscat would agree to sharing a 7 by 7 cell with a 6’7″ rapist if it gets him up those steps to Castille.

    [Daphne – Oh, no doubt about that. And better still, as Michelle said about the times he turns up late, it won’t be his fault.]

  11. Anthony Briffa says:

    Flok lill-folla qallilhom kemm sejjer izied il-postijiet tax-xoghol, ikompli jzied is-servizzi tas-sahha, ikompli isahha is-sistema edukattiva, qalilhom li ghamel ftehim mal-kaccatturi biex dawn ikunu jistghu joqtlu izjed ghasafar.

    U il-folla ghajtet u ferhet.

    Vera kas ta’ meta nhallu il-folla tiddecidi, il-folla taghzel lil Barabba.

    Fejn huma Briguglio u l-Alternattiva? Fejn huma dawk kollha li xi darba kienu parti minnha? Issa cans li turu jekk inthomx irgiel ta’ vera.

  12. C.Portelli says:

    I wonder what a certain James Tyrell has to say about this. After all his preaching about environment, restoration to pristine state, etc, a thumbs-down on this article is a must from his end.

  13. ;( says:

    Issa ftemh mal-kaccaturi u nassaba. Mela mhux ha jimxi fuq id-deroga?

    U AD x’qalet issa?

    • Jozef says:

      L-FKNK hargu stqarrija fejn qalu li jridu jifhuha berah. ‘ghas-sodisfazzjon taghhom’.

      Sal-gimgha li ghaddiet Muscat kien ghadu qed jghid li m’hemm l-ebda trattativi sigrieti.

  14. maryanne says:

    This agreement is ‘bzar fl-ghajnejn’ but it will get Joseph votes.

    What is a certainty is the agreement that government signed with Inspire. Yet we have its chairman, Lino Spiteri, writing about bile yesterday.

    “Lawrence Gonzi, who has become arrogance personified…” His is not bile.

    I was expecting him to thank Lawrence Gonzi for the agreement with Inspire and for lessening the burden on the foundation by thirty thousand euros a year for the heating of the pool. It will be heated through the new project of the park at MarsaScala.

    • etil says:

      Agreement or no agreement I never had any doubts that the hunters always supported the Malta Labour Party.

  15. Mario Mercieca says:

    Birds have no vote. .

  16. Jozef says:

    Let the confusion ensue.

    As if the PN promised anything other than respect of regulations and existing agreements.

    If AD want to cry foul they better go somewhere else. Which by the way, renders them useless and a problem for tenure of government.

    Never was AD in the way of EU standards as today. As if Joseph won’t be liable to the FKNK more than he’ll ever be to AD.

    If anyone intends to vote for the rule of law, the restriction of abuse and stability in government, it’s the PN.

    Just imagine if AD don’t make it and Labour’s in power, FKNK will hog the national agenda again.

    If they do, either they betray everything they ‘stand for’ or government would have to be dismissed.

    Nice one Maltatoday, you’ve just been screwed, again. I suppose it comes with the sanctimonius territory.

    Why vote AD if it’s the quintessential Hobson’s choice?

  17. Paul Bonnici says:

    For the PL, where votes are concerned, there are no morals.

  18. Victor Meldrew says:

    Astrid and Saviour, I would love to hear your views about this.

  19. H.P. Baxxter says:

    I made a quick summary of the progressive and moderate policies of as future Labour government:

    1. Direct government control of MEPA. Approval will be decided at Castille, and environmental checks will be subject to Cabinet requirements.

    2. Re-introduction of spring hunting, looser controls on illegal hunting.

    3. Boats carrying irregular migrants from North Africa will be refused entry into Maltese territorial waters.

  20. Peter Grech says:

    Hopefully this plan will backfire…whilst hunters will back him those who want hunting banned should see this as a wrong move..

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