Joe Cassar on the subject of Godfrey Farrugia – a must-read

Published: March 21, 2013 at 2:17pm

Joe Cassar

I thought I really should flag up this article in The Malta Independent. I agree that it’s totally mad but so typically Labour for the health minister to install himself permanently in the A & E Department at the general hospital. So what is he now – the micro-manager par excellence?

I don’t think Labour knows what cabinet ministers actually are for, or that the concept is a little different to what it was when Marie Louise Coleiro was secretary-general of the Malta Labour Party and Karmenu Vella was KMB’s tourism minister, with Edward Scicluna as his on-call adviser.

34 Comments Comment

  1. Leslie Darmanin says:

    On a similar vein, The Times is reporting that Energy Minister Konrad Mizzi is to have an office at the Delimara power station.

    Pity they didn’t make Silvio Parnis Ministru tas-Sawt.

    He could have just stayed at home.

    • michelle pirotta says:

      Toqghod tqis, Konrad tammirah. Ma qalx li fabbrika tal-kancer hemmhekk?


      • TinaB says:

        Iva, miskin, dalwaqt jghidilna li ha jissagrifika u jirriskja sahhtu ghal Maltin ghax ‘Malta taghna lkoll’.

  2. La Redoute says:

    They couldn’t fault the health system generally when in opposition, so they homed in on the congestion in Mater Dei Hospital’s admittance system.

    Now they’re in charge, they think the best way to solve the problem is to pretend they’re tackling it head on, when the root of the problem lies elsewhere.

    Incidentally, what drives the idea that Mater Dei Hospital is the sum total of Malta’s health care system and the sole concern of the Malta’s health ministry?

    • Makjavel says:

      That way , the eventual queus will be due to persons wanting to talk to the minister and the minister can also help the emergency team during these peak periods.

  3. Gakku says:

    It’s not just the micro-management bit which is the problem. The move also shows that Labour have no idea about where a major part of the solution of the Mater Dei problems is – in improving primary healthcare. Or maybe it’s because it’s not as comfortable getting an office in a health centre in Bormla.

  4. Mars says:

    One has to delve into the new minister’s past to understand his lack of trust. Set a thief a thief to catch a thief.

  5. Mister says:

    Wait…. if the Health Minister is only responsible of Mater Dei, then who the hell is responsible for the rest of his portfolio?

  6. Catherine says:

    How archaic. The nation’s health issues all play out in the emergency department. Bdejna bit-tajjeb.

  7. joe Farrugia says:

    Maybe this move could be a good idea after all. Every false decision he takes may require “emergency treatment”.

  8. pitravu says:

    Throw up a lot of dust and make a lot of noise and behind the smokescreen people will think one is doing a lot of hard work.

  9. Gahan says:

    It is in human nature and even more in the Maltese civil service if the staff at the emergency department at Mater Dei hospital will start shifting their responsibilities on the minister as soon as he starts to interfere in their work.

    Been there and saw it.

    He will end up in Mount Carmel hospital.

  10. ron says:

    Qalu li jridu jeqirdu l-waiting lists u l kjuwijiet u l-ewwel haga li ghamlu hu li holqu kjuwijiet wara bibien il-ministri u segretarji parlamentari.

  11. Maria says:

    Minister of Health is not equal to minister of Mater Dei.

    I thought that his focus would be on primary health care rather than hospital oriented.

    After all the minister is a GP, but it seems that Dr. Farrugia is still living in Dr. Moran’s, (as minister), Dr. GRECH as CGMO, who used to come and because they screamed and shouted at staff thought that discipline was being enforced.

  12. Edmond Cauchi says:

    … your abundant faith in Mater Dei management realy got us really got us forward eh Joe Cassar …

    Just sit back and let the big boys show you how to play now. You had your chance and you blew the whole lot.

    [Daphne – Maaa, x’injoranza ta’ nies. Godfrey Farrugia se jaghmel opra, miskin, lanqas biss jista jitkellem minghajr il-permess tal-mara. A nice guy, but honestly..]

  13. J Farrugia says:

    No wonder he set office at Mater Dei, where else can he go? And you find people praising them.

    • maryanne says:

      They can always use the igloo.

    • It-tezi ta' Mario says:

      The health ministry was already well established before Godfrey Farrugia was made minister with Marlene’s permission. The Ministtry’s office is in Merchants Street, Valletta.

  14. Manuel says:

    What next, an office space to the Kasco golden boy at The Times?

  15. Mikiel says:

    Yesterday I needed to go to Gattard House to solve some ARMS billing. I thought it would be quiet, but to my disbelief when I arrived there was a long queue.

    Many were complaining (actual screaming, shouting and arguing hamallagni) that the bills should be 25% less. Cashiers couldn’t cope. I was even advised by a man in the queue not to pay the ARMS bill since when we will receive the 25% discount it will be from the 10th March.

    Hekk weghdna Joseph qalli. (I uttered, I’m IN!, they smiled)

    For the 1st time in my life, I waited for half an hour in a queue and truly enjoyed the experience.

    There was a camaraderie feeling around, ghax taghna lkoll hi. In fact I’m thinking of visiting Gattard House on a monthly basis – an enlightening experience of the local mood.

  16. Helen says:

    It took me one hour today to get to Mater Dei from Lija – the traffic jam. All queuing up for the Honourable Minister.

  17. Min Jaf says:

    Fear not. All will be well. Il-Ministru Godfrey Farrugia diga pogga statwa ta’ San Filep (ta’ Haz-Zebbug) fl-ufficju tieghu. Terrific sense of priorities, our new man.

  18. Wayne Hewitt says:

    I do think that some level of micro-management is good on areas of constant complaint by people, especially until a new Minister appreciates the full extent of the issue… as long as this is for the short term however, and not forever!

  19. Plutarch says:

    Tend to agree,…only on short/medium term basis.

    Most complaints emanate from the general hospital so it makes sense to get the feel of things…the manager dirtying his hands, which is good for staff more but intimidating to MD management if not properly handled (at least it got the Labour bums and skivers working). Once new procedures, etc are in place Minister needs to move out and work on the ‘helicopter’ view, returning periodically to monitor. And Edmond pls spare us your inane triumphalist comments…such a waste of time and space….just bear in mind the MAGGORANZA MISLUFA or Labour will be back in the wilderness in no time.

  20. Angus Black says:

    An asthmatic attack waiting to happen to an already spastic character.

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