Published: March 26, 2013 at 11:17am

Carrying on with his progressive and liberal way of using state appointments and – in this case – a constitutional role to reward those who helped him get into power or silence those who might be problematic, Prime Minister Muscat has made Anglu Farrugia Speaker of the House.

He talked about meritocracy and what we are seeing here is anything but. Anglu Farrugia is not just inarticulate. He is incoherent. He can’t organise his thoughts, he does not think in a logical manner, and he writes in a stream of consciousness that barely makes sense.

People have long wondered how he got that law degree.

Now this man, who was sacked by the Labour Party from the deputy leadership because he wasn’t fit to speak at political debates due to his chaotic thought patterns and inarticulacy, is now Speaker of the House.

This is the contempt in which Prime Minister Muscat holds the Constitution – for this is a constitutional role and the Speaker of the House represents parliament on state occasions – and parliament itself. But we have seen that already as Muscat, while Leader of the Opposition, was more than delighted to abuse and pervert parliament’s functions to his own ends.

These roles are not in the gift of the Prime Minister to dispense as rewards and favours. They are important and should be filled by those who can carry the respect and honour, while also being able to fill them with grace and ability.

This is not the progressive and liberal way. This is not meritocracy. This is abhorrently retrograde.

Kemm ahna pajjiz tan-n*jk.

Kemm ahna pajjiz tan-n*jk.


Anglu Farrugia wants to be MLP leader

Anglu Farrugia smoothie

Anglu Farrugia at the Taj Mahal

Thanks, but no thanks.

Thanks, but no thanks.

Anglu Farrugia 1

Anglu Farrugia

anglu_farrugia (1)

Ha nibda naghmel il-mirakli

Ha nibda naghmel il-mirakli

272200817168Anglu Farrugia MLP

Anglu Farrugia hot and bothered

Anglu Farrugia lays a wreath at the Rahal l-Gdid monument to Lorry Sant, which was set up on the initiative of Jason Micallef's man friend, Ronnie Pellegrini, who was Lorry's thug and fixer.

Anglu Farrugia lays a wreath at the Rahal l-Gdid monument to Lorry Sant, which was set up on the initiative of Jason Micallef’s man friend, Ronnie Pellegrini, who was Lorry’s thug and fixer.

The great statesmen who would lead our country - we won't be paying peanuts but we'll still be getting monkeys

The great statesmen who would lead our country – we won’t be paying peanuts but we’ll still be getting monkeys

Maybe this is what they mean by revisiting Labour's history

Maybe this is what they mean by revisiting Labour’s history

Anglu Farrugia as Swiss Toni

Anglu Farrugia as Swiss Toni

Anglu Farrugia

21 Comments Comment

  1. Calculator says:

    And, yet again, Farruga proves to be the perfect Labourite. After the Fearless Leader stabs him in the back after he made a spectacle of himself, Farrugia is content to take a position he’s not fit for and which Muscat obviously offered to appease him.

    ‘Bil-Malti, bħall-anġli tal-vari: bil-musmar f’sormhom u jidħqu.’

    • Harry Purdie says:

      News Flash: New Prime Minister sets another historical precedent as he appoints illiterate, inarticulate and unsophisticated man as Speaker of the House of Parliament, again demonstrating his distain for the highest institution in the land.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Actually, no. You’re new to this ancient island, Harry, so let me explain.

        Back in the 1980s, the golden years, the Speaker of the House was a certain Kalcidon Agius, who was possibly more illiterate than our Anglu. His day job was plasterer, as Daphne has pointed out, but he also unclogged drains etc.

        Look him up on ‘t internet. And remember than genes speak louder than anything.

      • Harry Purdie says:

        OK, Baxxter, point taken.

        However, for the sake of my grand children, I am more interested in, and fearful of, breathing neanderthals, not dead ones.

  2. Censu says:

    Issa li l-bidla f’image ta’ Anglu u Joseph irnexxiet, tal-ewwel jista’ jerga’ jkabbar il-mustacci u l-iehor il-goatie.

  3. Alexander Ball says:

    So this gives them a ten-seat majority.

  4. Min Jaf says:

    It’s Duminku Mintoff all over again. I lived it in the 50s, the 70s and the 80s.

    To ‘hack’ with Parliament, to ‘hack’ with the Constitution, to ‘hack’ with independence of the judiciary and, above all, to ‘hack’ with the people.

    • Grezz. says:

      Exactly. I believe that it is not a case of Muscat not knowing how things should be done, but that he does, and that he prefers to ride roughshod over everything and everyone, imbasta tghaddi tieghu, and to “hack” with any rules, regulatuions, ethics and, yes, etiquette.

  5. maryanne says:

    It’s a good thing that Jason wasn’t elected to parliament. He would have found it difficult to work with Mr. Speaker.

    The irony! Anglu is sacked to make way for Jason.

    Jason is not elected.

    Anglu is appointed Speaker of the House.

    • Maria Xriha says:

      Are we all waiting to see what attention, if any, will be given to Jason?

    • paleblue my foot! says:

      Anglu was sacked, according to Joseph, for being unethical in his comments towards the judiciary.

      So Anglu was not fit to be Deputy Leader of PL but is suitable to be Speaker of the House.

      And Joseph buys his enemy’s silence and collusion with a constitutional role – and at taxpayers’ expense.

  6. Distressed Observer says:

    There is an inherent contradiction in this appointment. If Anglu Farrugia was not fit to hold the position of Deputy Leader of the Labour Party (and was sacked from the job), how can he now be appointed as Speaker by the very same man who sacked him?

  7. ciccio says:

    The ‘political vision’ on Farrugia’s own website stated that “Today he is one of the main Political exponents of the Labour Party where in his ferocious and strong speeches that he delivers in the Maltese Parliament and in the Public.”

    Does that mean that he is now Mr. Ferocious Speaker?

  8. verita says:

    Nobody has taken note of the fact that the prime minister did not even have the basic courtesy to consult the Leader of the Opposition on this appointment, which is the usual way to go about it.

  9. Strakku says:

    Is this the ‘new future’? Is this the re-invented Labour movement that the Maltese so foolishly believed in?

    Here we go, back to the good old days of dictatorship.

  10. Maria Xriha says:

    Another Karl Marx quote:

    “History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce.”

    In the light of The Times editorial of today and of Franco’s appointment as Commissioner… are we sure that above the acute inappropriateness of the appointments we are not spectators to a very dark genre of humour by JM?

    A Speaker who cannot speak and a Commissioner of Laws who will be stifled in any actions proposed?

  11. Frans Cassar says:

    I despair, this is becoming too much for my mind to think about. I really cannot believe how foolish the Maltese electorate was to trust the Labour Party. It is beyond me………and we are still in the first month of this legislature. God help us all

  12. Isn’t it ironic that Muscat appointed Speaker of the House, the same person that 3 months back he had asked to resign from deputy leader for something he said?

  13. TROY says:

    Kiss my ginger arse and I’ll make you Speaker of the House.

  14. Makjavel says:

    Will Jason Micallef take this lying down?

    He resigned his post at One to get into parliament instead of Anglu, but Anglu becomes speaker and Jason is left out in the cold.

    Life must be cruel for Jason but I bet he will be doing something about it. What levers will he put to heave / ho Joseph?

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