My, my – and who has a breakdown idoqq l-iskotti?
John Bundy had the Witches of Eastwick on his Super One show tonight – four middle-aged men who look like ageing butch lesbians who never got the hang of putting on the right amount of face powder, two of them with a breakdown idoqq l-iskotti, one of them born with a psychiatric disorder, and the other enslaved to a hideous cunning tramp a decade his senior.
Jesmond is pussy-whipped by his wife, Jeffrey is Malta’s best-known cuckold, Robert is bullied by his Worzel Gummidge S & M mistress, all three of them are completely emasculated, and Franco is married to his mother and parading his Oedipus complex all over town.
And the poor things haven’t even realised they’re now on the government side and are still banging on with their boring old scratched record, like those neurotic people who pin you to the wall 20 years after their wife left them to tell you all about their horrid divorce and what a bitch she is and how they suffered great traumas, while you break out into a panicked sweat as soon as you see them and you look from left to right for an escape route.
Jeffrey, Jesmond, Robert – if the women in your life gave a ruddy damn about you, instead of merely seeing you as the means to acquire status and money and some kind of standing in what they imagine passes for society, they’d keep you at home even if they had to wrestle you to the ground rather than see you make a spectacle of yourselves yet again on television, talking about another woman and how she has hurt you.
You are so pathetic, with your shrivelled egos and almost certainly your shrunken appendages, that it is now laughable. Call yourselves men? I’m frankly surprised three of you managed to produce children by natural means. As for Franco – we should be watching some of those eggs in the cages on his roof. They should be hatching any time now and the contents might be interesting.
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Kienu propja erbat icriecer ghand tal-grocer, le anzi, hamsa, insejt lil Bundy John.
Daphne, I just love it how you manage to get your character analyses perfectly spot on! You say it perfectly. Cuckolded and pussy-whipped men heckling for revenge.
“to a hideous cunning tramp a decade his senior…”
That tops it all.
Just wondering out loud, but has Franco been a secret frequent visitor of the Safi Labour club?
Wired or what?
Il-pont ta’ Manwel Dimech.
How come Bundy forgot to ask the botoxed guy about his future plans for Mistra?
At least Franco got dragged to the celebrations by the Labour unwashed. JPO went chasing them breathelsslly down Republic street for all to see and guffaw at.
Franco’s version of meritocracy:
It was Daphne who won Labour the elections, but Franco gets carried shoulder high at the Ghaxaq Labour Club as a sign of gratitude.
Daph, Musumeci jiffansjak jaqaw?
Mamma mia, they sounded like 15-year-old girls – all of them, Bundy included.
Grow up, the lot of you, and act like men, ja qabda purcinelli.
Jahasra, they want us to believe that they voted labour because in the PN there is a “klikka tal-hazen li tqabbad lil Daphne Caruana Galizia taghmel attakki sfrenati kontrihom fuq il-blokk taghha”.
The saddest part is that 55% of the Maltese population is unfortunately stupid enough to believe them and agree with them.
Had they been wearing f**k-me shoes and mini-skirts, I would have mistaken the show for Ilsien in-Nisa.
Behold a woman with grace, style, and a brain as sharp as a razor!
Agree, but do you think she wrote the song by herself? Loved the ‘penguin’ moniker. Also didn’t know she calls her husband ‘Raymond’.
Looks like they’re preparing for another run.
“Penguin”. An epic moniker if ever I saw one. Apparently, Bruni was shocked by Hollande’s appalling manners when he took over, and has never forgiven him since.
She may very well have written the song herself. She’s not the dumb bimbo that everyone seems to think she is. Just because a woman has a tiny bottom doesn’t mean she has a tiny brain.
And yes, Hollande’s approval ratings have now dropped to below 50% AMONG HIS OWN VOTERS. He’s at 29% approval overall, the lowest since the Algerian War.
“Ginger penguin, all alone in his garden.”
Come on, sing with me.
…..wegibni ghax qabbadtni kurzita’!!
Le man, min irida?? Dik mistoqsija habib
Kem int injurant.
‘…but meanwhile when I see Daphne in the street or elsewhere I try to smile and get her attention…’
When? Where?
I wonder why.. I wonder how….
How sick can they be. They can’t deal with a “female blogger” – initially one with no name, and then “the hit pirsin ta’ Cachia Caruana”.
They couldn’t articulate a sentence to hit back at you in an intelligent manner, instead resorting to insults and innuendos.
Someone should have told them at the start that if they can’t deal with criticism from the media, they should never have entered politics in the first place. Or ask for some advice from Berlusconi.
By the way Daphne, welcome back. At least your wit and humour will keep us going for the next few years.
[Daphne – It’s not criticism they can’t deal with, but criticism from a woman, and what’s more, criticism from a woman whose admiration they want.]
Issa la tlaqna….
Do all of Malta’s whiners appear on this show TV hosted by John Bundy?
[Daphne – None of the grinta of the Malta Bums original, I’m afraid ]
The dome? Here’s me at The Dome:
You wish.
U iva ok. In spirit.
Franco’s latest crusade, hawkers vs. the Floriana Local council.
It seems hawkers have been paying immigrants to queue outside the office through the night to land them a place for mass meetings. The system being on a first come first served basis.
The local council issued a statement condemning the hawkers’ despicable behaviour and resorted to drawing by lots for tomorrow’s event.
He was quick enough to file an injunction. Thrown out in record time.
Don’t go Franco. Lowell needs you.
Comment below article.
Astrid must be having a bit of a breakdown herself, how dare another woman get all the attention?
All Dr.Fenech did was to question how on earth can Labour coalesce the environment and development.
Indeed, major headache would be an understatement.
‘Certain bloggers’ empty propaganda.’ Obviously. Now that Sandro was invited and she wasn’t.
We have to acknowledge that corruption was one of the main reasons for the PN downfall. And three or the Bundy protagonists were definitely part of that. Two of them were caught with their pants down. Now they have the cheek to yell foul?
Xala z…i x`jahsbu dawn il-hames tradituri u tahsbux li jien ma nammirax lil min hu ta` principju. Anzi dejjem zammejt ma min ghandu principju, ahmar, blu jew ahdar. Imma hej, dawn hames bottijiet essenza immexxijin min pastizz u halluna ghax kulhadd ghandu ghajnejn u widnejn.
Issa alla jbierek ma jimpurtax ghal Franco basta prova jkisser lil Carm, ragel fuq l-irgiel. Ara halli mmur nerga naqra Passions of the Mind, ta` Irving Stone ghax ilni li qrajtu xi erbghin sena u nahseb li nsejt hafna minnu.
Stajt gibt ritratti ta Dalli, Arrigo w Falzon ukoll.
Madonna kemm hawn nies b’depression.
I agree with you, TinaB.
Marru jiccaccraw fuq it-tv. Anzi ma nfaqax jibki JPO, ghax tajjeb biex jirrecta.
Five people who really need to get what’s coming to them.
What a pile of shit they all are. They will forever be known as scum.
Il-gvern nehha mizbla u nibtet ohra.
The PN awarded Jesmond Mugliett by sending him on a fully paid, all in holiday to the Falklands…unbelievable.
I totaly understand how Jesmond is pussy whipped by his wife. Karen Mugliett used to teach me at school – a horrid and bitter woman who I never saw smile even once. Her mother, who also taught us, was even worse. Despised by the whole school.
[Daphne – Sounds like Saviour Balzan’s mother, then, who is notorious among generations of St Dorothy’s girls. Absolutely awful.]
It seemed like a right and proper traitors’ convention.
Il-kampanja pozittiva tkompli… fuq ONE
Foru puss**s including Bundy who so much wanted to become Media Link chairman and when he discovered that he won’t make it, left and joined the Super-Hdura Machine – a machine he vehmently attacked when he used to run a show on Radio 101. So much for principles and values.
Make me popular and make me a star and I can join your party anytime you like.
It’s so worth it, and it does not matter if you sell your soul to the Devil.
If you helped distancing these unprincipled men away from the fold for good, then good on you. Arrigo remains. The quicker he’s sent packing the better. The party needs men of honour , no matter their ability to attract votes. Arrigo is a Debono waiting to happen.
I actually happened to be passing by the Floriana granaries on the day of the Labour win and stopped out of curiosity. There was Jeffrey behind the barricades of the backstage area which was for people with tags only.
At first when Jeff tried to get in the security asked for his tag (which obviously, he didn’t have..) at which point a beer-soaked Jeff smirked at him and said “Mela lili mhux ser thallini nidhol wara dak kollhu??”, then the guard let him in without question.
On a human level, the scene was embarrassing to comprehend, let alone watch.
Mugliett, Musumeci and JPO were looking very washed out. They must have had a really good pussy-whipping before going on the show.
maltatoday online this morning – Jurgen Balzan writes:
‘Following the shocking result in the general election . . . .’
This is not, of course, the sentiment he is attempting to express, though he is quite right in what he has written.
Now that many switchers have done the unthinkable, vote for them, now they need to blame it on someone else.
“Not our fault miss! its her fault the witch from bidnija, she made us do it, her blogk has a certain power over us. Its her fault that the glorious PN had its major defeat, we had nothing to do with it. We had to react!”
What I found interesting was that whilst on Super1 these 4 were parading their unfortunate drama visavis Defni, on TVM’s controlled Xarabank Toni Abela suggested how PN now needs to rethink and PL will let them be in peace. (or other words on those lines)
Had Xarabank been on NET TV, it would have been a different story last night. TVM is controlled media, Super1 isn’t!
Hosted and interviewed by another former wife, John Bundy himself.
You should have seen Marlene Farrugia on Xarabank saying how her husband got the job of the Ministry of Health. That was really scary.
Jeezus Debono’s getting fat. Look at the size of the face on him. He’s ballooning.
Certain prescription drugs can cause such weight gain.
Probably just the angle of the photo, because it does resemble when kids paint a face on a balloon
Someone condemned the ‘PN’ government.
As if elections never happened.
Mela ghadek ma dhaltx go qoxortok int?
we had three of these Labourites in the PN executive until some months ago!
At the same time on PBS there was Jeffrey’s ex labour wife and the new Health minister. Seems that our new health minister is as pussywhipped as JPO was… she decides everything for him and she’s proud of it.
This guy isn’t a real man..
Oh God, with friends like Deaf who needs ebenies? No wonder Gonzi PN, and with them the accolades like the Bidnija ‘lady’ and the BOCCU were humiliated at the polls.
What a retard.
Someone’s trying to use sophisticated English words, and failing.
“ebenies” is obviously a typo.
But “accolades” should be “acolytes”.
Besides, neither Daphne nor Borg Cardona stood for election, so how exactly were they humiliated at the polls?
With such thinking skills, it’s no wonder you voted Labour.
Can’t help noticing whoever took the shots from your tv muted the volume… :)
H.P. Baxxter expressed my thoughts, so apt. THOSE four – Bundy, Mugliett, Pullicino Orlando and Debono have only their emptiness to hang on to – sand in the wind.
HA HA ! Prosit, Daphne, you could not have said it better. Keep up your good work and don’t let the pussywhipped men get you down.
A sixth crucial person was missing – Dr. Cassar or another professional shrink .
Has Franco put on weight?
He has. His neck has got thicker and thicker and merged with his jowls. With his short-cropped hair, he looks like a pencil.
That is one of the side effects of Prozac. And by the way all 4 of them have put on weight not just Franco.
Some anti-depression pills cause weight gain.
He must be taking quite a heavy dose.
He just overeats and doesn’t take enough exercise. Stop finding excuses for him.
Caffe’ Cordina’s tuna toast is addictive. It’s Francolicious.
This is the first time that I’m writing. The things that have already happened in a week are truly worrying … from the call for the Broadcasting’s Authority’s members’ unconstitutional forced resignation to this article that appeared on news this morning:
L-istess nistgħu ngħidu dwar Television Malta. Nifhmu li kollox irid jieħu l-ħin tiegħu, iżda l-gvern m’għandux jiddejjaq jagħmel it-terremoti anke fl-istazzjon nazzjonali. Għaliex? Għax il-poplu ivvota għal dan. Żgur li l-mod ‘maħmuġ’ kif tmexxa l-istazzjon nazzjonali fl-aħħar snin kien waħda mir-raġunijiet li l-poplu għażel li jibdel.
Il-gvern ta’ Joseph Muscat irid joqgħod attent. M’għandux iċedi għall-pressjoni ta’ esponenti nazzjonalisti li wara snin twal fejn għamlu Malta tagħhom biss issa jriduha tibqa’ hekk. L-għajta Malta Tagħna Lkoll għandha tfisser bidla kbira. Bidla kbira anke fin-nies li jirrappreżentawna u li neħilsu darba għal dejjem minn dawk li Malta għamluha biss tal-klikka. Nemmnu li Dolores Cristina kienet waħda minn dawn tal-aħħar u l-kariga ta’ Aġent President ma tixirqiliex.
Even Ghaddafi propagandists could have written a better article to hide their dictatorial bent and hatred for ‘the other’. ‘Malta Taghna Lkoll’ my a**!!
‘Bidla kbira anke fin-nies li jirrappreżentawna u li neħilsu darba għal dejjem minn dawk li Malta għamluha biss tal-klikka’
Jigifieri minn gie elett fil-parlament ghandu joffri r-rizenja lil Joseph taghna?
Il-kliem bhac-cirasa.
Watch Franco Debono caught on camera very obviously scratching his balls at 6 minutes 28 seconds into the program!
John Dalli must have felt left out – unless he was behind the curtain.
He’s still “sick” miskin in Brussels
I’m sad that my beloved party lost this election, but I’m GLAD that these sissies are now in Joseph’s skip.
Ms Caruana Galizia….can you write an article about who actually from the Permanent Secretaries resigned or not….is it true that Mr Alfred Camilleri – Perm Sec for ex MFIN is now working at the OPM
Alfred Camilleri’s resignation wasn’t accepted.
No surprises there.
(Unlike oil, there is no world price of gas because of the expense of liquefying it for transport by ship.)
Just to change the subject, this piece is from an a long article on gas fuel
Only permenanet secretaries who are Labour leaning will be kept by Muscat.
Isn’t that discrimination and illegal in Europe?
It’s anti-constitutional. The permanent secretaries are appointed by the president, not the prime minister.
I watched part of Bundy’s program yesterday… listening to all four of his guests moaning about the “attakki personali”.
They all made it sound like the PN had an agenda against them and “instructed” you to villify them in your blogs.
Absolute nonsense.
It is evident that these four “victims” (jahasra, qabzuli d-dmugh nismaghhom il-bierah) are the ones who actually carried an agenda, and I dare say that it was they who were receiving instructions on the way forward – from their lady partners and more importantly, from the PL HQ in Hamrun.
I simply can’t stomach them posing as Nazzjonalisti li daru ghax ma felhux ghal PN kif agixxa fil-gvern. That’s all so untrue. They all had an agenda…all FIVE of them.
Camilleri is still at MFEI. See PR issued by Ministry of Finance at end of eurogroup.
Dalwaqt tohrog l-ahbar tac-chairmain il-gdid ta’ PBS. Negozjant iehor mir-4 sular.
Tghid din kienek il-klikka fil-PN li smajna tant fuqha?
Did anyone else notice that Jeffrey lied on TV yesterday? He was saying that until the morning of the election, he had only decided that he was not going to vote.
But then a friend from the PN Headquarters called him to tell him that he (this friend) heard top people from the PN saying that thry will make Jeffrey pay because he was going to vote Labour. And JPO said that that’s what actually made him decide to vote Labour.
How did anyone know he was going to vote Labour BEFORE he had actually decided?
In the US they created a hit TV series on such people – The Walking Dead
Hi Daphne did you actually watch the programme?
[Daphne – I flicked between that and Xarabank, so ended up watching both in part only.]
I missed it but have been told that they were utterly despicable and this from people who have a good sense of what is right and wrong.
Apparently your post above simply doesn’t do justice the hiding that they should get.
JPO in particular, apparently really excelled in lying through his teeth about certain goings on in the PN. I am not getting personal, since he has made such a public spectacle of himself, when I say that the man (if you can call him that) is absolute trash.
I knew him before he was exposed on the Mistra deal when he was posturing as an environmentalist. The extent of his deceit surpasses anything I have ever come across in my life. I speak to everyone, but when I see him I look the other way, as the urge to punch him may just be too great.
If there was any sense of decency about any one of these guys, they should have just stayed home rather than continue with the mudslinging. Shame also on Bundy for putting on this programme under the pretext of political analysis.
Shame also on Joseph Muscat for allowing this to happen whilst claiming that his is a positive message. Letting others do the mudslinging is just as bad as doing it yourself when you are the leader.
If there is anything that this past legislature showed is that loyalty is a very precious quality and not one to be taken lightly. We have seen disloyalty take many shapes and forms.
The likes of JPO and Frankie Tabone are the paramount examples of this. However, one could even contend that certain Cabinet ministers also showed a certain level of disloyalty by keeping a very low profile in this campaign so as to disassociate themselves from the losing team.
This is why for the forthcoming election for leader, I am supporting Simon Busuttil should he throw his hat in the ring. He has proved his loyalty by jumping on a sinking ship when the easiest thing for him to do is to continue to enjoy his job in Brussels with all its perks, distance himself from all the ugliness and the disappointment of the loss and then come riding in after the defeat.
I only hope that the current onslaught against him from those who have an interest to keep him out of the ring does not dissuade him.
He has what it takes to be a great leader especially with the right team behind him. He may be short but so was Napoleon and what he lacks in height he makes up for in terms of knowledge.
He also truly listens which is one of the things PN was criticised about. Sure there are things that he can do to improve but if he had the right team backing him as Vici and Sec Gen, he has what it takes to rejuvenate the Nationalist Party.
X’ghamlulhom? Wicchom kollha jidher minfuh u mpahpah. Jaqaw il-Prozac?
Hungry wolves in sheep’s skin. Nothing more and nothing less.