Oh dear! What’s that disease that chickens get, where they moult in patches?

Published: March 30, 2013 at 12:03am

Mange – or is that just dogs?

The Law Commissoner seems to have caught it from his coops. Well, I suppose he could always ask his friend the prime minister, he of the now-you-see-it-now-you-don’t quick fixes, for some spray-on advice.

A bit odd, isn’t it, that the Law Commissioner wasn’t asked to join the prime minister and his chief of staff on their jolly with the wives to northern Italy, when they know he just loves la bella Italia so much that he dreams of living there.

Tsk tsk. La Pasqua con Franco (did I get that right?) – what a treat they missed in leaving the poor man behind with his mummy, when they could have asked both of them along. Mummy sabiha bhal dik! Xi jridu izjed? Zgur ghax jghiru ghaliha.

franco's balding

26 Comments Comment

  1. Gahan says:

    The(Inter) boys went to watch soccer and left the Fiorentina ’tifoso’ fuming here in Malta.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if he happens to be there for the ‘partitissima’ which could see Franco’s Fiorentina nearer to the top.

    ” Inter now sit fifth in the league, four points from Fiorentina above them and seven off Milan in the all-important third, meaning that a victory here is vital if they are to have any Champions League aspirations whatsoever. “



    The local political scenario is that Gonzi and Muscat are Inter fans while Debono likes the underdog Fiorentina.

    Who knows what happens if Inter loses the match and Franco teases anyone with his usual ‘jokes’ like “Hekk hudu go fikom, rajtek x’jigrilkom meta ma tihdunix maghkom ghal partita, Anqas ghac-Champions League ma kwalifikajtu”” ? Viva l-Fiorentina !

    While they watch the game, Malta is running on auto-pilot.

    • Gahan says:

      Errata corrige: Joseph is a Milan fan. So if Milan loses (I doubt it , it’s a sure win for them) he will be disappointed.

      Why am I behaving like the Mintoff and Sant days? It seems that we already are accepting that Malta is at the mercy of the whims of Joseph.
      As Forest Gump says ,”Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get(from these socialists)”

    • stiefnu says:

      Correction: Muscat is a Milan fan.

  2. Franko de-Bono can go only so far into life without potty training.

  3. old-timer says:

    Humbly, may I submit that Debono is being given publicity he does not deserve.

  4. Najxu says:

    Is she a Yummy Mummy?

  5. pablo says:

    Did you hear Konman Mizzi try to take credit for the interconnector permit yesterday? Even before the PN issued its clarification, it was obvious to anyone that Mizzi had not done anything or ever spoken to any Italian official about this matter.

    And the PN left such a mess behind that the newly elected Government hit the ground running – straight to Italy for a week’s holiday.

    • Jozef says:

      Mizzi’s tactic is to remove any idea of coordination with the EU where the electrical grid is concerned. Malta’s demand, small it may be, is an essential component to the strategy.

      If he thinks he can tamper with the other architecture, the gas network, he’s totally off. Just watch him in the next two years, as he tries to shoehorn a gas terminal into Delimara.

      The predicted conclusions will amount to nothing more than the site being too small for a commercially viable facility. The two tanks barely make a quarter of the capacity required.

      It’s the ships which determine the size of the facilities, not the other way round. When the cost of gas depends solely on its shipping, the larger the better and the shorter the routes, the cheaper. Nothing else matters, it would be utterly irresponsible if this weren’t adopted as the sole criterion, basing on some biased article issued by Shell to push its shale gas.

      A government does not rely on the operators’ good faith, better to join up with like minded partners to ensure participation in shared demand. The advantages outweigh anything Mizzi can come up with, City based brokers and all.

      In the end he’ll have to acknowledge the PN’s decisions, a pipeline to Sicily, which by nature will offer a two way supply system, followed by the other option under study, an offshore terminal to the east of the islands.

      Now that Bersani’s out, impaled on Grillo’s extremism, Berlusconi’s drive for Italy’s gas network, including a number of offshore regasifiers will see to it that Labour will but have to follow.

      After all, Muscat’s attacks on the PN, namely the time it takes to settle shared infrastructure agreements, is also Berlusconi’s rallying cry. Problem is, il cavaliere doesn’t take lightly to leftist hypocritic moralising.

      Surely even Muscat can understand how Berlusconi built his empire. If in doubt, all he has to do, is take himself to Mdina.

      Malta may be taghna lkoll, but energy happens to be a global European dilemma. The earlier Joseph subscribes to this, the better for all of us. And that means his government’s tenure as well.

    • anthony says:

      The PL government ‘sab is-sodda lesta’.

      It is utterly unheard of that the head of a three-week-old government goes away on a long holiday.

      The longer the holiday the better for Malta.

      • Jar Jar says:

        You fail to realise that Muscat has delegated practically all his responsibilities to other ministers so he can concentrate on the big picture.

        He is trying to be ‘presidential’, which is not a bad idea, considering that Dr Lawrence Gonzi got trapped with too many responsibilities and day to day details – and look where that got him.

    • Gahan says:

      Mizzi wants to burden us with the daily problems he has to face.

      ‘There’s more than one way to skin a cat’ it could be that Gonzi would have left such ‘problems’ to be tackled by the ministry of foreign affairs and forge an agreement on some other concession Malta would have given or already gave.

      Mizzi could have asked the permanent secretary for good advice…oh I forgot that the “Malta taghna lkoll” guys sacked them together with their experience and brought instead of them the blue-eyed boys.

      I suspect that Mizzi is showing his incompetence in the field , we have extra costs amounting to €32million for a bad decision.

  6. bob-a-job says:

    Bring in the popcorn, have a short break and listen to our Law Commissioners top tune.


  7. Min Jaf says:

    A 96 hour monologue about Franco’s pain and suffering throat the last legislature might have put a damper on things.

  8. Jimmy says:

    This might be an interesting read for your readers http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/comment/cyprus-doesnt-mean-island-economies-are-doomed-to-fail-8553636.html

    [Daphne – It’s absolutely cluttered with misconceptions and false premisses. A really bad article.]

  9. Mark v says:

    Franco is irrelevant . Irrelevant people are usually ignored. For our party’s sake, let’s dig deep within and move out of the mess we find ourselves in.

    • Harry Purdie says:

      Not as irrelevant as you may perceive, Mark.

      He’s been put in charge of ‘Constitutional Reform’ by Little Joey.

      Read this in today’s Wall Street Journal.

      ‘Constitutional Mob Rule in Hungary’. By George Koptis.
      (The institutional erosion in Budapest clearly violates the spirit of fundamental European values)

      The article begins with this paragraph:

      ‘A number of recent constitutional amendments by Hungary’s Parliament have received well-deserved criticism from foreign governments and the European Union. Particularly troubling is the amendment granting practically unlimited power to the Parliament to overturn decisions of the constitutional court, including retroactively.’

      Perhaps thinking Maltese citizens should read the full article. Go to http://online.wsj.com to find the article.

      This is very scary, and little Joey has started down this path, with a maniac in charge, whom little Joey knows is manipulatable.

      We’re on a long slide down to the pits.

  10. H.P. Baxxter says:

    This might be more interesting for your readers. Here’s what happens when we start putting limits on satire:


  11. Matthew S says:

    The Malta Independent reported that Claudette Buttigieg will be contesting for the deputy leader post in the Nationalist Party.

    The foremost Labour supporter Eddy Privitera decided to show how progressive, liberal, moderate and feminist his party is by commenting thus:

    Eddy Priviteera says:
    29 March 2013 20:55

    Jaqaw “Beauty Contest” se jaghmlu tal-PN ?

  12. Alexander Ball says:

    I still haven’t had a reply to, nor understand any possible reasoning to, the question why Frankie abstained in the first vote against Austin Gatt, him having such high principles and all that.

    • Futur mill-aghar says:

      His demands had not yet been met by Ginger Joey. Frankie has no principles – he’s worked out some outlandish and fiendish plot and is following it pigheadedly to its inevitable auto-destructive end.

    • La Redoute says:

      It’s called hedging your bets. He held the government to ransom with the possibility that he’d vote with the Opposition motion, but didn’t do until he’d sealed a deal.

  13. Joe Micallef says:

    Reading today’s The Sunday Times interview with Francis Zammit Dimech I get the feel that the “institution” is feeling the pinch to which I gladly contribute.

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