Oh look! It’s Malta’s Special Prosecutor. Or is he to be the Speaker of the House? Joseph hasn’t decided yet.

Published: March 18, 2013 at 11:41pm
Kemm ahna pajjiz tan-n*jk.

Kemm ahna pajjiz tan-n*jk.

18 Comments Comment

  1. Harry Purdie says:

    After being banned for being an incompetent dimwit before the election, little Joey feels he’s perfectly suitable for either (or both?) jobs.

  2. Stephen Borg Fiteni says:

    “A special prosecutor generally is a lawyer from outside the government appointed by an attorney general or, in the United States, by Congress to investigate a government official for misconduct while in office.” (taken from Wikipedia)

    Given that this guy used to literally arrest people simply for being Nationalists, it looks like government officials are going to be getting away with lots of misconduct.

    • P Shaw says:

      The most famous US special prosecutor in the US was Kenneth Starr, whose name became a household name as a result of investigating President Clinton in the Monica Lewinsky case.

  3. Eksnazzjonalisti says:

    Daphne C G …..the woman with balls

  4. ACD says:

    Can’t be the Speaker, because he really can’t speak. He is quite special though.

  5. Pisces says:

    Joe Debono Grech would do a better job with his unique voice and style.

  6. Gahan says:

    No Anglu won’t be speaker – that vacancy will be filled by Charles DNA Mangion, me thinks.

    I know that MP Silvio Schembri’s uncle did not take his electoral defeat lightly.

  7. P. Busuttil says:

    Mela qalahhom l-istalletti minn darhu Anglu, u t-tghajjir ta’ ommu lil Joseph Muscat!

  8. carmela maria says:


  9. Angus Black says:

    What happened to Anglu’s picture riding the elephant?

    Maybe that’s how he was aspiring all along to achieve new heights.

  10. TROY says:

    Whatever position he gets, it will be a ‘miskin ghamluh xi haga ha jghalaq hhalqu’.

    From KING to messenger BOY.

    Who’s the BOY now, Gadget?

  11. Maria Xriha says:

    Doesn’t it defeat the purpose of the role to have precisely this figurehead appointed as Special Prosecutor?

    It would have been interesting had it been Anglu Farrugia who “leaked” the information about the oil scandal pointing right back to Joe Cordina and into the LP centre of operations.

    Such an appointment as Special Prosecutor would only give cause to the pre-election tiff to be looked at as a staged media spectacle. And to what ultimate end…?

  12. Gahan says:

    I had this beautiful dream…or was it a nightmare?

    Chief prosecutor will be Dr Franco Debono.

    He’s got what it takes for the job of a prosecutor; intelligent, righteous , humble , hard worker ,achiever sorry HIGH achiever, honest ,and he’s not vengeful, he even forgave Gonzi with an SMS and probably he will do the job for Joseph free of charge !

  13. Sitt tiri kiesah u biered says:

    F’Dicembru li ghadda, Joseph Muscat ghalaq halq Anglu Farrugia billi qaccatlu rasu mil-partit.

    Farrugia qal li kien gie politikament assassinat b’sitt tiri kiesah u biered.

    Imbaghad Muscat rega’ ghalaq halq Anglu billi baghtu lejn il-Falklands, hdejn l-Argentina, li skond il-Papa Frangisku jigi fl-ahhar tad-dinja.

    Issa, billi jahtru Speaker, Muscat ser jaghlaq halq Anglu Farrugia ghal-dejjem (jew almenu sakemm Muscat idum fil-gvern).

  14. Nadege says:

    I’d call him a lick ass.

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