Scrabbling around to justify your stance, Kevin?

Published: March 26, 2013 at 4:14pm
Oh look, it's the Speaker of the House

Oh look, it’s the Speaker of the House

Here’s Kevin Drake, trying hard to justify his decision to make himself Joseph Muscat’s human tool. This is a comment he posted beneath’s report on Anglu Farrugia’s appointment as Speaker of the House.

Kevin J Drake

Today, 14:27

Another Bridge Mended, so i+ Seems… And how can THAT, precisely, be a BAD Thing for AnyOne, Ultimately?! mhux hekk?

What do you mean, how can that be a bad thing for anyone, Kevin? Are you nuts? It’s a bad thing for everyone, you included, because this is a very important constitutional role and Anglu Farrugia is no manner fit to fill it.

He doesn’t have the intelligence, the moral or intellectual rigour, the articulacy or the rational stability to fill it. He is absolutely, utterly unfit.

If Labour wanted to increase their nine-seat majority to 10 by having a Speaker loyal to Labour, then it could have found a more intellectually, morally and procedurally competent individual to fill it.

There must be some very competent Labour-leaning people out there right now who are right royally cheesed off at this business and who can blame them.

What you are looking at here is a totally undemocratic rewards-and-spoils system for which you, claiming to be so liberal and progressive, have voted. Be very proud. Your reasoning is totally skewed.

32 Comments Comment

  1. The same applies to Franco Debono. There must be a few Labour lawyers who are a bit cheesed off at not getting his new “job”.

  2. David S says:

    Charles Mangion would have been far better suited as Speaker.

    And is it not the norm for the leader of the opposition to be consulted, on the selection of speaker?

    [Daphne – Yes, I’ve just written something about that.]

  3. Edward says:

    I assume he has something wrong with his keyboard, which is why his comments always look like something left by a stalker who cut the letters out of a newspaper.

    • Harry Purdie says:

      Thought that also. Then remembered, when we used to converse by email years ago, that he had a weird sense of humour. Looks like it’s more weird now.

  4. maryanne says:

    Anglu had better be careful because now everything will be on the rekort.

  5. nutmeg says:

    Obscene! Kevin Drake can clearly see through the self-serving gesture and still applaud it.

  6. David S says:

    When I read the comment above, my mind registered that it was Fredrick Testa who wrote it, so I said to myself, “Whatever …”.

    Now that I realized it’s Kevin Drake, Oh. My. God. Miskin.

    • Grezz says:

      Imsieken ahna, minhabba fih u minhabba nies bhalu, li vvutaw ghal dan il-gvern meta kien hemm kollox tant sejjer tajjeb taht il-PN.

  7. MxC says:

    “There must be some very competent Labour-leaning people out there”

    From what I hear and see, you’d be hard-pressed to find one.

  8. David says:

    Your comments on Dr Farrugia are wrong. Those who know and met him can vouch that he is a competent and honest lawyer. If he remained in the police force he would probably now occupy one of the highest posts in the police force.

    [Daphne – I know him, met him, read his missives and heard him speak, David. His garbled writing is a reflection of his garbled thinking. The man is completely irrational, as evidenced by his ‘Nationalists bought/stole Labour votes’ case five years ago. “I have a big file full of names.” Yes, r-i-g-h-t.]

    • Rita Camilleri says:

      @DAVID- he is not competent and definitely NOT honest. Unfortunately because of his “honesty” we, as a family, are losing lots of money on sale of land.

      • David says:

        You can ask his clients and his colleagues at the law courts. If you sold land you should have been paid when you sold the land, but this is a different matter.

    • old-timer says:

      He was even sacked by his boss from the post of deputy leader.

    • La Redoute says:

      Why him, David? He wasn’t fit enough to be deputy leader of the Labour Party, where standards are abysmally low to begin with.

      If he really were to be in one of the highest posts in the police force, then thank heavens he left.

  9. Clifford says:

    Somehow Anglu as the speaker reminds me of his ‘ancestor’ Nestu l-bajjad Laiviera. He too was a brainless rubber stamp to the PM’s edicts

  10. sparks says:

    I beleive Charles Mangion or (if not elected in the bye-election) Michael Falzon woulod be the ideal candidates.

  11. Rob says:

    Usually you say that “very competent Labour leaning people” are non existent.

  12. Strakku says:

    It IS a bad thing, Kevin dearest. Don’t be such a nitwit or should I say, arse licker. Precisely, whose bridges are being mended?

  13. The Saint says:

    If the white-washer could do the job in the golden days every body is capable to perform such a role!

  14. H.P. Baxxter says:

    “Id-dehen lil min jahkimha”, Kevin! “Id-dehen lil min jahkimha! Id-dehen! Id-dehen!”

  15. Mikiel says:

    dak job ‘easy’ tah defni. Kemm joghqod bil-qeghda w meta l-oppozizzjoni tgerger jew ikun hemm xi difficulta, kemm jivvota favur il-Muviment. mandux ghalfejn ikun intelligenti hafna skond dawn

    • old-timer says:

      Mhux sej kun hemm bzonn tal-vot tal-ispeaker ghax il gvern ghandu maggoranza bizzejjed. Izda Anglu issa ikun xolu (jekk in nomina tieghu tigi accettata) ikun biex isikket lil membri tal oppposizzjoni.

  16. Min Weber says:

    Ladies and gentlemen,

    You are forgetting that the OBSCENE acts are two:

    1. Angelo Farrugia as Speaker

    2. Antonio Abela as the PM’s Consultant.

    Anglu u Toni … zewg oxxenitajiet umani.

    • VF says:

      But Muscat wants us to believe that Mr Abela will give his services for free, quite the missionary. Yeah right!

  17. lorna saliba says:

    Kevin Drake is one to talk: He was allowed to retain his position at MTA with heavily reduced hours but with no salary deduction and still he threw tantrums against the PN:

    Probably the product of a personal vendetta against his ex-wife whose success must have triggered his lanzit.

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