This is where Jeffrey moves in to claim his pound of flesh: all eyes on Mistra from here on in

Published: March 18, 2013 at 9:04am

Jeffrey among the crowd of Labour supporters 11MAR13

Jeffrey Carmen and daughter enter Castille

Jeffrey Carmen and duaghter enter Castille 11Mar13

Jeffrey Pullicino celebrating with Andrew Ellul March 2013

Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando drunk on the bar_10 March 2013

Jeffrey, Jesmond, Franco and Robert on Bundy 1

13 Comments Comment

  1. Manuel says:

    I noted this before the election and now I really feel that it will soon happen: a Mistra permit for the PL’s Golden Egg.

    Then we will see what Dr. Sant will have to say about that. Maybe that is why Muscat accepted the latter’s request to be an MEP: get him out of the way, and he can play with his pawns in the way he sees best.

    Soon, Diva Debono will be offered an “appointment” within the Justice Ministry.

    • maryanne says:

      Manuel Mallia will be comfortable letting others do the work while he poses and gives press conferences.

  2. mattie says:

    Watched bits of the repeated programme on One yesterday but I couldn’t understand why they’re still moaning.

    The country doesn’t need to keep knowing what happened – we know that because it has been repeated a million times so I find it very unprofessional for people who are disgruntled, to keep going on about what happened.

    This is a country needs to move on – a country does not depend on people who have personal experiences with the political party (whoever they may be) they supported, but on the one man, the prime minister, who has to determine this island’s future.

    Let this new gov work in peace, madonna, ghadhom sejrin fuq li gara, qisu l-ekonomija ta’ Malta tiddependi fuq dan-nies!

  3. AllIWantIsToLiveInPeace says:

    Affari Taghna was strangely funny (and pathetic) to watch, in particular with that overstuffed-shirt-cum-hot-air-balloon Franco Debono hogging the show. All we heard was “I…” from him.

    I mean, is it *really* possible that the PN did not know what kind of a guy he was? People like him do not become this way in 5 years or less.

    It just goes to show that the PN needs to take far more care who they let into the ranks. Jealous people with opportunistic and vindictive traits do not belong in the PN — that is where the Labour Party excels, which is why those five individuals have now found their natural home there.

    • narcissus says:

      It is ‘really’ possible that the PN did not know what kind of person Franco was.

      It is a known fact that narcissists are very difficult to spot if not after months or years that one has been close to them. People like Daphne who can quickly and rightly sum up a character do not enter into this equation.

      However, I can easily see how a person like Franco would have advanced in the party structure and couldn’t be stopped until it was too late.

      Narcissists begin by being the most altruistic, loving and kind persons on earth. You are forgiven to think that you have found prince charming or Gandhi/Mother Theresa. Only time will bring out their true character.

      When they have exhausted all the admiration and help you give them, they just throw you out and replace you with someone or something else.

    • d_riddler says:

      I know Franco from sixth form (he was not in my class, but he made sure you would see him around) and the Courts. It was very easy to spot what kind of person he is.

      I was really surprised to see him accepted as a PN candidate. My thought at the time was ‘I wouldn’t have said he is a Nationalist. He’s got something good in him after all’.

      Then it seems my feelings about him were right all along.

      Besides that, I have heard from insiders that the top brass in PN were warned about him and the way he was badmouthing his fellow candidates, but they accepted him anyway.

      Bad decision.

      • Ta'sapienza says:

        The first time I saw Franco Debono was was at a cafe before the 2003 elections. He entered with his canvassing entourage, and the sound of ‘ghax jien’ was quite prominent.

        ‘Who is this tosser?’I asked the cafe owner after they’d left. Oh, he’s Franco Debono, a prospective MP, he replied. ‘Must be Labour’ I ventured. No, he’s actually Nationalist was the unexpected answer.

  4. canon says:

    I doubt it. It will be too obvious. But I can be mistaken.

    [Daphne – Ah, you don’t know Jeffrey. He will expect it and demand it, and when it doesn’t happen, he will follow Muscat around obsessively with a knife (metaphorically speaking).]

  5. B Cool B Lejber says:

    Ma nafx kif ma jisthix. What an embarrassing individual.

  6. Qeghdin Sew says:

    If I wouldn’t have done it myself already, would someone please kill me if I’m 50 and I still behave like that in public? Can anyone tell us if he crowdsurfed next? Fucking chav.

    [Daphne – So nice to find you agree with me on that. There’s a bit of a serious problem with my generation, I’m afraid (Jeffrey is a year or so my senior): massive, massive Peter Pan syndrome and a complete reluctance to adjust to any stage in life beyond the age of 30. The women are as bad as the men. So they’ve stretched 30 all the way to 50, but now I’m really curious to see how they’re going to take 50 through to 60 and beyond. I try to imagine our parents’ generation behaving like that and I just can’t. Some of my contemporaries are at the stage where their children, now in their mid to late 20s because in those days we married young, are more grown-up than they are. Jeffrey has a daughter of 24 who probably comports herself better than her father does.]

  7. Brian says:

    Loved watching Affari Taghna. It was like a Who Is The Most Pathetic competition. Joseph Muscat must have loved watching them all crawl.

  8. Wot the Hack says:

    All eyes should be on all of ‘Widien Artna’ – all valleys are equal candidates for open air discos.

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