A Labour lesson in job creation
April 8, 2013 at 9:16pm
The prime minister has just announced that the government will be issuing a call for ‘tenders’ – surely that should be expressions of interest – for two casinos, “to absorb the workers who have been made redundant by the Casino di Venezia”.
You don’t introduce another two casinos into an already saturated market to soak up 60 people made redundant by another casino that went bust.
This does not make sense at any level. But it is such typical Labour reasoning that I have reached the point where I just shrug and say ‘screw it’. It’s what people chose, after all.
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Why not? This is a nation of gamblers. With our future that is.
Was it H.P. Baxxter who said that we are a nation of “pimps, thieves and scoundrels”? You can add gamblers also.
A nation of bookies. We’re Jews, remember?
I couldn’t agree more. “Screw it” is exactly what I said as I switched off the TV in frustration halfway through Muscat’s sorry excuse for a budget speech.
The only consolation for me in this dark hour is that, thanks to the efforts of the Nationalists in government, if the worst comes to the worst I can pack up and make a home anywhere in Europe, where, also thanks to the Nationalists who made it possible for me to get a good education in a field that is in great demand all over the developed world, I would have no problem finding good jobs that pay well.
You’d better hurry up and leave while you can, then. All of Muscat’s mad schemes are going to run into the rockface of external regulation, the perfect excuse for pulling out of the EU.
Bubu, you should come back. It’s a nation of ungrateful people that you decided to go back to.
A few days ago Tony Zarb said that he knew of a local investor who expressed interest in taking on the Casino di Venezia employees.
Now that is a lucky coincidence.
1973 Dragonara Casino.
2013 Casino di Venezia.
It is déjà vu all over again, yet again.
Yes. All we need now is for them to recreate Ixtri Malti**. They have stil got to find a “job” for the original creator*, after all.
* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DJ34MOu_yQ
** http://daphnecaruanagalizia.com/2008/05/toni-wants-to-sell-pistachios/
Konsulenza ghall Eddy Privitera, qeghed tara kif sibnilu xi haga.
What you probably don’t know is that Charles Polidano is planning a casino at MonteKristo.
Imbaghad jghid li kien hawn l-ghaks taht il-PN.
Would it not be nice to have a Casino in Mistra? Know someone who has a field there which could be built up for that purpose.
It was all planned beforehand. Withdraw Casino di Venezia’s licence – because there were others (friends of friends) interested in it.
Tony Zarb solved the problem within 48 hours.
Thank you!
How does a casino go bust?
The arithmetic is on their side.
Apparently even online gaming companies go bust, by the time the accounts get to be current, but little is said on this score. Comments had been sent to regulators.
Didn’t think the real thing was late in its tallies though.
A new cruise liner terminal in Gozo.
Does the government know that it is a question of either or? Either a stop in Malta or in Gozo.
Where’s the Valletta business community now?
Yes, where are the environmentalists? And all those who protested against the development of Hondoq ir-Rummien, for example? Let’s see what Claire Bonello, with her ‘Vote George, get Lorry’ placards, is made of now.
Quick, call Astrid. Hondoq’s about to be covered in concrete.
Not to mention the fuel-bunkering terminal to ‘incentivise’ double stops.
Imagine cruise liners berthing right opposite the Blue Lagoon, trying to make their way past the underwater reefs.
Just what’s needed to engage a marine engineer.
Quick. Call James Tyrell. He was all over the internet, protesting against development at Hondoq ir-Rummien.
Call Marco Cremona, or is he off to Kilimanjaro?
Nice, how to get the industry, indeed all regulated sectors, on edge. Surely licences paid preempt that sort of interference by government.
It’s the regulator’s fault according to Tony Zarb. Haddiema tad-Dragonara in the making.
This must be innovation in job creation. Must have taken a lot of effort to come up with such an idea. Perhaps the new chairman at Malta Enterprise suggested it. A shade from the 80s. Ghax ma juzawx dan il-casino biex jaghmlu cikkulata fina u jsemmuha DESSERTA, for a good measure of originality.
Jew xi Sanga Shoes
Jew xi ghagin bid-dud
Jew xi toothpaste qisu cement
Jew hwejjeg qishom tal-medjoevo
I wore a pair of blue and yellow Sangas as a schoolboy. I remember a friend of mine – now a lawyer – telling me “Ghandek zarbun Sanga tal-qamel.” At least back then I could reply: “Anke tieghek”. Because it was all we had.
But even the Nationalist Party says that import substitution was necessary, and a standard part of post-colonial economic policy, so who am I to contradict official historiography?
OOOHHH! Those Sanga shoes. One quick way to be looked down upon.
How could I have forgotten about Red Devil jackets?
I actually quite liked my Red Devil sleeveless sports jacket as a 10 year old.
I’d love to get a pair, if they still exist. They’d look smashing with my Tomorrowland outfit.
It is close to certain that the new casino licence will be for Caqnu’s Hal Farrug (mostly illegal) empire. More warped reasoning; commercial decisions taken on allegiances or gratuity. The Gozo one probably at Chambray.
And perhaps the marina at ix-Xatt l-Ahmar just beneath Chambray.
What about Birgu – isn’t the mayor slightly miffed that Joseph just screwed any catchment?
Gone are what Emmy Bezzina used to refer to as ‘dawk ic-crieki tac-crieki fic-crieki’.
If there were any at all they have now been replaced by one big ‘cirku’ as in ‘circus’.
Where’s that popcorn? The show’s about to start.
Once we’re talking about jobs, note that this government is against precarious work.
Isn’t this a contradiction when the chairman of MEPA is going to be paid 17,000 euro? After deducting tax and social security contributions, the chairman will be left with circa 10,000 euro. Would you shoulder that kind of responsibility for that amount?
Do you come that cheap, Vince Cassar? Have some pride.
He is earning less than a fresh graduate earns. Makes you think.
Pay peanuts, get monkeys.
One must not forget the Marsa Shipyard.
This new government found this project in advanced design stage, and will claim full ownership concept.
Thank you for pointing it out.
Kemm hu brikkun Muscat. I will never trust these people.
Which brings me to the resignation of the Director of Prisons. Was this the aim of Manuel Mallia’s visit? Couldn’t the latter have behaved in a more conventional and ‘progressive’ way?
What do we know about this Abraham Zammit?
Depends where the homing pigeon lands.
Karmenu Vella already owns a chain of gambling shops. Perhaps he’ll be interested in opening a casino too.
He’s got his finger in so many pies, this one, Would Alfred Sant have called him Baron Vella?
And if the casinos don’t work out, Karmenu Vella can gamble on the construction industry.
“A Labour lesson in job creation.” this should read “A Labour lesson in Tax Evasion and Money Laundering”
It is an open secret that a way to evade tax and persecution by the IRD is to declare winnings which in Malta are nontaxable.The IRD knows fully well that a Super Five winning ticket is bought at a price higher than its value on the black market.
Don’t tell me that there’s the Gaming Authority supervising everything.We can’t even rely on an adequate presence of prison guards in prison, let alone watching over that amount of gamblers(tax evaders) spread on the two islands.
Instead of closing loopholes Scicluna is creating another two.