Attakk fahxi u moqziez fuq il-persuna tal-Law Commissioner u Chief of Constitutional Reform

Published: April 29, 2013 at 2:13pm

This meme is doing the rounds on Facebook.

natural disasters

13 Comments Comment

  1. mattie says:

    The DJ on LBC radio (UK) said that certain commissioners are a waste of tax payers’ money.

    How right he was!

    Note: He was talkiing about the UK and not Malta. Imagine what he’d have to say if he had to live in Malta.

  2. ciccio says:

    Durex. Frankly, TheBone(r) needs one.

  3. Alla Maghna says:

    Imma dan Franco nghid jien apparti il-ligi, il-ligi u terga il-ligi hemm xi haga ohra li jitkellem dwarha.

  4. H.P. Baxxter says:


    How about stopping him from creating another disaster?

    Think about it, chaps.

  5. Gahan says:

    He’s a natural to cause disasters within his circle of ‘friends’, thank God he’s on the Labour Party’s side now.

    Just wait till someone just touches Franco’s panic button.

  6. carmel says:

    Nahseb, Franco Debono qatt ma naf li semma, li kien ghal Malta Labour Party, hu mhuwiex dak li hu illum.

    Tiftakar Franco meta ghalqu l-iskejjel tal-Knisja. Meta Int, Edward Zammit Lewis, u Joseph Muscat it-tlieta fl-istess klassi fl-1984 spiccajtu bl-iskola taghkom San Alwigi maghluqa.

  7. knejjes says:

    He’s a real dickhead.

  8. MP says:

    So, Franco Debono is a part-timer, will his driver also be working part-time or will we be paying for his driver and care for him to do his personal and private work?

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