Bank of Valletta and the GWU

Published: April 10, 2013 at 10:16pm


The General Workers Union is hustling for Bank of Valletta employees to sign up to membership, telling them that with a Labour government it is better placed to help them than the Malta Union of Bank Employees is.

Here’s an observation: it is precisely because Tony Zarb and the General Workers Union are sleeping with the prime minister, the civil service head and secretary to cabinet Mario Cutajar (for years a prominent GWU official), and the whole of the Labour government, that Bank of Valletta employees should not join the GWU.

In any dispute they might have with their new chairman and the government which appointed him, we know whose side Maltova Tony and the GWU are going to be on.

10 Comments Comment

  1. Dorothy says:
    The article mentions the deputy speaker?
    Does this mean Anglu Tuks-Fors Elephants Farrugia failed to attend his very first occasion as speaker?

    • Maria Xriha says:

      I read that as the first, or third, NP sign of respect for Mr Speaker, as undertaken:

      “The 43-minute litany of financial allocations was then read out by Deputy Speaker Censu Galea.”

  2. pale blue my foot! says:

    It`s back to the good old days. I thought they would be more subtle, but this brazen approach stinks of the arrogance we were promised we would never see. What absolute scum!

  3. Village says:

    Dejjem ingarzati kienu u sahansitra mizzewga ghal xi zmien.

    Il-GWU dejjem taghmel l-interess tal-Gvern Laburista. U ta dan dejjem hallasha tajjeb hafna. Il-GWU w il-Labour Party baqaw haga wahda.

    Poaching politiku moqziez bhal dan ghandu jigi jkkonnat miIl-Partit Nazzjonalista waqt li ic-CMTU ghanda tipprotegi lill-membri taghha w tibbojkotja din il-Union.

  4. Harry Purdie says:

    What a fetching pic. Wonder whether even his Mommy loves him.

  5. Pro Bono says:

    I wonder whether Mr. Bencini has anything to say about the GWU poaching members from other unions? He had much to say in days gone by.

  6. Min Jaf says:

    Bil qmis bil-kmiem qosra taht il-glekk, biex zgur jidher smart u pulit. Imma l-aqwa li liebes arlogg tad-deheb.

  7. Betty says:

    L-isfortuna hi li hafna mpjegati tal-BOV tal-llum ma jghafux bil-hmieg li kienet tghereq fih il GWU fir-rigward tal-klikka taghhom fiz-zmien meta kien mizzewgin mal-MLP ta’ Mintoff u KMB. Hafna minn dawk li sofrew illum irtirati imma jiftakru zmien il-famuz Dennis Sammut biex ma nsemmux Danny Cremona. Dak iz-zmien Is-sur “Itta Daqtekk” kien wiehed mill-bullijiet ta’ l-Air Malta. Fejn kien fi zmien is-“suspensions” Toni Zarb? Zgur mhux jaghmel xi kampanja ta’ reklutagg ghal Union tieghu imma jghedded lill kull min ma’ kienx bhalu fil-GWU, ja mahmug.

    Hawn nixtieq insemmi u insellem lill-Trade Unjonisti ta’ stoffa, hbieb veri tal-haddiema, fosthom John Falzon, Norman Rossignaud, Joe Parlato u aktar qabel Joe Rizzo fil-bidu tal-MUBE. Biex inkun semmejt, rapprezentant dicenti tal-GWU kien Karmenu Vella, li aktar tard Tony Zarb heles minnu wkoll. Volumi ghandhom x’jiktbu dawk l-impjegati antiki tal-BOV fuq it-trattamenti tal-GWU u dawk fuq il-bordijiet tal-BOV biex ma nsemmux il-laghqa li kienu jpoggu fl-HR.

    Cassar White hemm kien dak iz-zmien u issa forsi jipprova jregga lura l-arlogg – issa naraw, imma diga hemm min hu lest li jippretendi r-rigal minghand il-partit li fih ghen biex igibillna “Malta taghana llkol”. Minn Cassar White kont nistenna li jghid lill-Muscat li d-decenza titlob sabiex il-bidla fic-Chairmanship issehh fl-AGM li jsir f’Dicembru. Spjegallna sur Cassar White ghalfejn din l-ghagla, qisu ghandek xi krizi kbira xi solvi malajr. Il-BOV mhux id-Drydocks.

    Issa se jkun hemm tandem tajjeb b’Cassar White Chairman, Deo Scerri, awditur tal-GWU u il-kju ta’ managers u galoppini tal MLP kollha jahdmu ghal GWU! Minflok nimxu l-quddiem u jitghallmu mill-izbalji fil-management esekuttiv tul dawn l-ahhar snin, se jregghu l-BOV lura ghal zmien hafna ghar. Dalwaqt naraw iz-zwiemel jispuntaw u jibnu l-klikek taghhom ta’ min hu l-aqwa fl-MLP jew il-GWU jhawwel.

    Nispera li l-impjegati tal-BOV ma jsofrux dak li ghaddew ta’ qabilhom.

  8. Maria Xriha says:

    Looks like the GWU will looking after all the shit-stirring so that the reputation of Government concerns itself with looking pristine:

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