Do I really have to explain why it isn’t appropriate for the Police Commissioner to be using Facebook like everyone else?

Published: April 22, 2013 at 6:29pm

bsaten bis-susa

Perhaps the new Police Commissioner should sit down and give some thought to the fact that for pretty much the same reasons the Chief Justice has ordered magistrates and judges to stay off Facebook, so he should be doing the same with his senior police officers.

But instead he’s prattling on there himself, with a bunch of Facebook friends.

Some people really haven’t got a clue. Well, make that most people, because the way basic things have to be explained in this society is just mind-boggling.

13 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    The police should be arresting criminals. Instead they have arrested development.

    • Alexander Ball says:

      ‘Ello, ‘ello, ‘ello, what’s all this then?

      I shall have to ask you to walk this way.

      If I could walk that way, I wouldn’t need the vaseline.

  2. Alexander Ball says:

    Is it safe to assume his 629 ‘friends’ list consists of ardent Labour voters?

  3. JCS says:

    Before it was: hey look at me, I drive a BMW.
    Now it’s: hey look at me: I’ve got 35,000 friends on Facebook.

    LOL, it’s a chavtastic status thing.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Now that everyone’s got a BMW, Facebook is the last frontier. Yes, there’s Mars One, but we want to send a team that’ll teem and multiply, not a bunch of wankers.

      God I do love it so when double entendres work.

  4. Bull Frog says:

    What really did happen when the minister for justice, the police, the army and broadcasting made a surprise visit to the prisons?

    So it transpires that the minister wanted to catch a particular police officer skiving off work.

    Well, he caught two warders who are Labour supporters being away when they should have been at work, while the targeted police officer was…on leave.

    • ciccio says:

      Shouldn’t the Minister for Justice, The Police, The Army and Broadcasting warn the police on their use of Facebook?

      And why would the Police Commissioner use language on his public Facebook page like that which he used above?

  5. mario galea says:

    Malta taghna ilkoll: a commissioner who is into S & M.

  6. Wilson says:

    This must be a first excluding South America of course.

  7. gil says:

    No you don’t have to explain, but these days everything goes.

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