Malta Employers Association attends MCESD/Bencini meeting under protest

Published: April 5, 2013 at 9:11pm

The Malta Independent’s online edition reports:

The Malta Employers’ Association has decided to attend under protest the first MCESD meeting which is to be chaired by the recently appointed Chairman John Bencini.

The association stated that it is evident that the manner in which the appointment was decided was not in conformity with Article 4 of the Malta Council for Economic and Social Development Act which clearly states that the appointment of the chairperson shall occur only after consultation with the member organisations within MCESD. “The social partners were informed about the decision, but they were certainly not consulted,” the MEA said.


Rest of story in link below.

13 Comments Comment

  1. Phili B. says:

    Not at all surprised, and neither followers of this blog, since we’ve been discussing this for ages. We’re back to 1971 folks. Analyse this, Nationalise that. If Tony Zarb gets his( and JM’s) way, Arriva and Casino di Venezia next.

    • P Shaw says:

      GWU is meeting all ministries, they are already considered as the priviliged social partner of the government.

      They called a strike against Arriva, which indicates they want to cripple the company.

      • Min Jaf says:

        Not so much a privileged social partner, as the partner actually calling the shots. GWU man Mario Cutajar running the civil service; GWU stooge Bencini chairing the MCESD.

      • Carlos Bonavia says:

        Funny enough, I did hear rumours about 3 months back, that Arriva was going to be phased out and a new operator nominated.

        Look for the blue-eyed competitor and you’ll have the whole picture.

  2. ciccio says:

    Proposal number 3 under Chapter 12 of the Electoral Manifesto/Manifest/Roadmap of the Muviment Ta’ Gvern Gdid (that’s the Malta Labour Party’s electoral program):

    “Insahhu r-rwol tal-MCESD biex naghmluh aktar inklussiv u aktar effettiv sabiex verament jitwettaq id-djalogu socjali.”

  3. john says:

    Arthur Muscat, the new president of the Malta Employers’ Association, is a very decent man.

  4. Min Jaf says:

    Excellent. Now, how about a public statement by MEA on the outcome of the meeting, and the position they have now adopted. Or is it another white flag, as is the case with the GRTU.

  5. Josette says:

    What did they expect? Such fine distinctions as consulting and merely informing, being in the Opposition and being in government, the party and the government, parliament and the executive … completely escape Joseph Muscat.

  6. Wilson says:

    Maybe, if he dyes his hair a different color they might warm up to him.

  7. Lomax says:

    Needless to say society will ultimately bear the brunt of all this.

  8. old-timer says:

    Why attend under protest ? All the members except those who fancy Bencini should have boycotted it.

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