The immoral appointed by the amoral

Published: April 21, 2013 at 5:55pm
Il-vera jaqq

Il-vera jaqq

From the Law Commissioner’s and Chief of Constitutional Reform’s blog, after the Leader of the Opposition revealed, in an interview published this morning in The Sunday Times, that he is losing the sight in his right eye because of a sudden surge in blood pressure provoked by the (Franco Debono bitchfest) crisis of January 2012:

Malta was lumbered for almost ten years with a prime minister who was BLA VIZJONI in ALL ways.

Whoever woke up this morning still thinking that Debono is a normal, sane, well-balanced individual with a few quirks will have ceased to Labour under that delusion after reading the Opposition leader’s interview.

No normal, sane, well-balanced individual sends thousands of unsolicited and unwanted harassing text messages to anyone, let alone to the prime minister. As I wrote in my newspaper column this morning, if it were a woman on the receiving end of those messages – or any man other than the then prime minister, for that matter – Franco Debono would have ended up with a police report, prosecution for harassment, and a restraining order.

The man isn’t right in the head, and it’s not a temporary situation brought on by stress, as sometimes happens to people, which can be understood and forgiven. It’s a permanent condition.

This is a man who sent the then prime minister a volley of text messages at midnight, demanding that he leaves the very difficult EU Council negotiotians meeting he was in, to speak to him immediately because he wanted to get something off his chest there and then, in the middle of the night.

Normal? Sane? Yes, right. If he were a woman, his nearest and dearest would have long ago called the GP to give him a shot in the arm and have him sectioned. Women have been sectioned for much less. Imma Franco ragel u allura bully u mhux mignun bic-certifikat.

Anyone who still admires him had better start worrying about his or her own sanity. The current prime minister knows Franco’s nuts, which is why he appointed him. It’s a major exercise in cynicism, aided and abetted by that mutu mutu qrunu f’butu shark of a president of the republic.

41 Comments Comment

  1. Francis Saliba says:

    Certainly not normal.

    Better described as megalomanic delusions of grandeur.

  2. Mandy Mallia says:

    What an awful man.

    • Rita Camilleri says:

      @Mandy – my late mother would have said, ghandu intern hazin – il-hdura li ghandu gewwa tidher f’wiccu, and in this case, I would have to agree with her 100%.

      I think he is very, very evil.

  3. Jozef says:

    Qal li ghandu bizzejjed nies warajh biex jaghmel partit u m’ghamlux. Gab skuza li se jitlaq minn Malta.

    Qal li qabdu attakk nervuz waqt votazzjoni ghalhekk ma marx.

    Qabbduh jiehu kumitat f’idejh u m’ghamel xejn, anzi wahhal f’kulhadd.

    Mhux ahjar jammetti li ma jinqala’ ghal-xejn hlief jiskarta u jharbat?

    X’se jaghmel, jehodha kontra Giovanni Bonello?

  4. anthony says:

    Previous to this comment, I had always thought of this guy as a sewer rat.

    I have now been obliged to change my opinion of him.

  5. ray meilak says:

    Just watching him on Bondi+ was enough to judge him if he’s in the right frame of mind.

  6. Tania says:

    What a shameless, horrible thing to say.

    I thank God I lived to see the Labour Party stuck in opposition for almost 25 years and to see Mintoff finally kick the bucket.

    I just wish I could see this sorry excuse of a man get his just desserts.

  7. ciccio says:

    The new leader of the PN must make very clear that the PN will not work with this Jaqq on the Constitutional Convention.

    The Maltese public will soon realise where this amoral lot is taking this country which truly belongs to us and not to the clique which has established itself in Castille on 9 March 2013.

  8. Makjavel says:

    Lill Mintoff kien jaghmel hekk, kien jirrangah ghal festi.

  9. Carmen Robinson says:

    What FD did was very wrong, but it would be interesting to know why the then PM did not report FD to the police for harassing him in this way!!! As far as we know the leader of the opposition did nothing of the sort, and it is only today we learn of these tousands of text messages!! WHY??

    • ciccio says:

      Why??? Because you did not read this blog before 9 March 2013 (10 exclamation marks, two spaces, 10 other exclamation marks).

    • Futur mill-aghar says:

      Easy as pie. Franco had the power of bringing down the government at any time, and so forced the prime minister to suffer him to the end.

      The Prime Minister had said in the run-up to the elections that his government had been in danger before 48 hours had elapsed from the 2008 elections. That’s about the time the new ministers were named and Franco wasn’t one of them.

    • Tabatha White says:

      Because perhaps as a Christian you believe that the good in the person will find a way to emerge? and you are willing to give that person sufficient time to prove himself.

      Because even though legal systems exist, for some valid ethical reason or another, it is not everyone that chooses that route?

      Because people are meant to be responsible in their choices. Is there a law controlling the ethical day to day behaviour of those in Government? Sometimes things are a ‘gentle’ accumulation of offences and every step of the way the elements change.

      I have full respect for Dr Gonzi. Adults are not meant to behave like Franco Debono does, and facing this type of manipulative comportment seeking to satisfy a little masked duplicity, which would have been a progressive assault is a test of endurance in itself. The police, in any case, only look at cut and clean situations.

      Police reports too would rely on an investigation the methods for which are perhaps not too equipped for investigating psychological harassment, mobbing and isolation tactics emanating from quarters that are supposedly upper white collar, and where the input is progressively incremental.

      To have Franco in charge of amendments to the types of situation he manipulated to the extent he did is the ultimate irony from Joseph, consequently unveiled as the mob master.

      Does the law cover this sort of situation? Does it now fit in under acceptable political tactics? Have the parametres shifted permitting all sorts of unethical actions? Psychological harassment involves a new breed of actions to take into account, by a very white collar crowd, and the law may not have been designed to cover the full extent of this specifically. Who protects those who do not fall under unions? who are not in a employer/ employee relationship? Who is there within the Police force that is qualified to understand the ramifications of one action after another? and the consequential finesse in the build-up?

      Dr Gonzi might have had to deal with all sorts of technical inadequacies. There is a first time for everything.

  10. matt says:

    The Councillors must be told now how the PN leaders plan to handle Franco in his new position. There must a complete and decisive decision well before the vote next month. Meeting people in a fancy hotels or clubs and speaking in generalities is not enough.

  11. judy says:

    What a poor excuse for a man.Shame on you idiot.

  12. edgar says:

    This bastard is really the pits. Hope that on my rare occasions that I go to Valletta, I do not come face to face with this mad man as I am sure that I wont be able to control myself.

  13. Calculator says:

    “Malta was lumbered for almost ten years with a prime minister who was BLA VIZJONI in ALL ways.”

    Considering Debono probably being the cause of Gonzi’s stress, ‘callous’ and/or ‘heartless’ don’t even begin to describe him and his words. What a despicable excuse for a man.

  14. Gahan says:

    We already knew about the blood clot in his right eye , before the election.

    It seems everyone was on Koolaid.

  15. taxxu says:

    He couldn’t have fallen any lower.

  16. Gahan says:

    Suggeriment lid-dirigenti tal-Partit Nazzjonalista:

    L-esemessis ghandhom jigu stampati fi ktieb jew fuq In-Nazzjon Taghna jew Il-Mument flimkien mal-ahbarijiet u grajjiet u incidenti relevanti ta’ dak il-jum li jkunu intbatu l-esemessis lil Gonzi u JPO.

    Per ezempju, waqt li l-Prim Ministru qed ikellem lil Jose’ Barroso fuq nghidu ahna , il-krizi tal-Libja ,jircievi esemess fejn Franco jitlob it-tkeccija immedjata mill-PN ta’ Hermann Schiavone ghax organizza festin bhala attivist Nazzjonalist tal-Hames Distrett jew ahjar l-Imperu ta’ Franco.

    Ricerkatur tajjeb umbghad irid ifittex bil-pacenzja kollha il-patafjun ta’ kummenti taht diversi ismijiet li jkun ghamel Franco fuq l-Internett.

    Nghidilkom jien li hemm hemel ta’ materjal bizzejjed biex ihallas il-pagi tal-haddiema tal-istamperija ghal-sena!

    Jew abbonament bi hlas u tircevi esemess li jkun baghat Franco lil Gonzi ! Nghidu ahna johorgu tlieta kull jum.

    • Maria Xriha says:

      Very good ideas. The more exposure, the better. The same for Joseph’s U-turns please. Put it all into context. Date it. Print it. Expose it. Sell it.

      Get it on easily accessible record.

  17. WhoamI? says:

    Ta’ demel li hu.

  18. tony street says:

    The PN in opposition must stand up to this naricisstic, unpredictable, pretentious lawyer.

    Yes, Joseph Muscat is using him perfectly. What is he saying about the home affairs and justice ministry as one entity now?

    The PN in opposition must be a united force, whoever is elected as leader. It must stand up to the arrogance, already rearing its ugly head with this Labour administration.

    They are still in honeymoon mode but this time, they will use manipulative and cynical measures to move through. The test will come over with the handling of the economy.

    If they fail, there will be trouble.

  19. Catsrbest says:

    I am inclined to think that, perhaps, even the prime minister is of the same cloth. The inane and derogatory jokes plus the cynicism are common to both.

  20. Joe Micallef says:

    I wouldn’t be surprised that Muscat is regretting his stupid (one of the many) decision to appoint the moron.

    The good thing is that amoral can’t turn back and it’s only a case of when the moron will become a spoke in his wheel.

  21. Lomax says:

    Daphne please forgive me the use of this phrase but dar-ragel vera zibel u aktar zibel min innominah.

    I NEVER ever speak in this manner, not even using a nom-de-plume but I was never one for euphemisms either and to hold otherwise is a huge euphemism.

    How can Joe Muscat accept this sort of boorish behaviour from his “tmexxija gdida”?

    If he were really a man, Joseph Muscat would not have nominated Franco Debono to this post.

    Fate has given Joseph Muscat the opportunity to redeem himself – be a man, Prime Minister, revoke his nomination. If you don’t, you also condone what Franco Debono wrote on his blog. Do you really want to be associated with this drivel?

  22. Gahan says:

    Let’s encourage him to contest the MEP elections.

  23. Marcus says:

    Franco Debono must go. If the prime minister has balls, he should strike him off.

    • Tabatha White says:

      Whether the PM has or hasn’t, he’s probably having the laugh of his life positioning puppets there at his whim. All such people in temporary positions of power and influence commit the basic error of thinking that they’re accountable to no one.

      They forget to zoom in on the relevance of time and plans of fortune, or impact of random events, as the unknown element.

      In addition to what is already known.

      From now on it’s a balancing act, if the rope holds. Photoshop and background mentors can do so much.

  24. Marcus says:

    The prime minister made a fatal mistake when he took Franco Debono on board. He will prove to be a Trojan horse who will damage the Labour Party badly.

    A positive thinker, as the prime minister presents himself to be, does not employ a natural loser. His act of assuming Franco Debono to spite the PN will backfire.

  25. dorian says:

    The PN are very much to blame. This person should have never been allowed to contest the 2008 election. When years ago Sandro Schembri Adami wanted to be a candidate for the PN, he was refused and then lapped up by Labour.

  26. brimba says:

    The PN should not cooperate with this commission headed by Debono; even in the face of the allegations that the PN is non-cooperative.

  27. Joe says:

    Franco – IRRELEVANTI kien, ghadu u jibqa! Imma mohhu ma jwassalx daqshekk sabiex jinduna.

  28. Daniel says:

    Ghal darba qed naqbel ftit mieghek Def.

    [Daphne – Daph, bl-‘a’. Hoss kompletament differenti fl-Ingliz milli fil-Malti.]

  29. Neil Dent says:

    He’s (or better, it’s) a disgusting, ignorant low-life at best, and a disgusting, ignorant, mentally imbalanced low-life at worst.

    Where did he say this, on his idiotic rave-fest he calls a blog? I couldn’t find it. Will he now claim that he:

    A) Never actually wrote it
    B) Can’t remember having wrote it
    C) His blog has been tampered with as, although people saw it there he did not write it himself

    High achiever? No, LOW-LIFE!

  30. stella says:

    Nobody should rejoice at other’s misfortune. Illum jiena u ghada int.

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