The Opposition is to oppose Anglu Farrugia’s appointment as Speaker of the House

Published: April 5, 2013 at 1:02am

Anglu Farrugia

Jolly good start – except that I would have opposed this appointment not just on lack of consultation, but on the appointee’s total lack of fitness for purpose.

If the Opposition and the Nationalist Party are going to spend the next five years being squeamish and goody-goody, they might as well come out with their white flag and their hands up right now and spare us all the ordeal of watching them acting decent in what is, after all, pretty much an all-out war against a bunch of stop-at-nothing bastards who have been using any means to destroy their political enemies over the last few years.

Malta Taghna Lkoll, my eye. It’s not like we all drank the Kool Aid and can’t see what’s happening.

First they spend four and a half years using their evil and massive Stalinist Super One machine and its satellites to search-and-destroy, assassinate characters, foment hatred and discord, spread negativity and start off lies and rumours. Then they spend the last two months smiling and speaking about being positive, and the morons in our midst say wow, Labour’s campaign was so POSITIVE.

Labour’s campaign was four years and eight months long, and four years and six months of that was 100%, full-on negativity, going to lengths that the basically decent Nationalist Party would never even countenance.

It was always going to be an unequal battle, but quite frankly, the time for being nice is long over. Be a gentleman with a crook and you end up knifed.

Everybody, including the prime minister who foisted him on parliament, knows that Anglu Farrugia is totally unfit for the role because his thoughts, like his speech, are garbled. He will degrade the role of Speaker and he will serve the House ill.

Why be all mealy-mouthed about it? The man sucks. So bloody well say it.

You’re in the frigging Opposition now, for crying out loud. You’re SUPPOSED to say these things. Opposition is a wonderfully liberating thing. Nobody is going to accuse you of arrogance, because arrogance is linked to power, real or perceived, and you haven’t any.

10 Comments Comment

  1. edgar says:

    It is a well known fact that he was kicked out of the Deputy Leader position because he was a flop in the debate with Simon Busuttil. So how the hell can he manage to be a Speaker in the House of Representatives. Having six bullets in the head does not help either.

  2. Manuel says:

    About time. It should have done so earlier and with a lot of noise! It should neither fall to Muscat’s cheap tricks; it should refuse outright the offer that the Deputy Speaker will be from the Opposition benches. It is only a smoke screen Muscat uses for his own advantage. Popularist all the way. He has this incredible need and urge to be popular and if he manages to be popular among the Opposition benches, then his idea of doing away with political parties will start taking shape. When you do away with political parties, you have no one to oppose you and your decisions.

  3. Wilson says:

    One would understand the opposition’s position. Otherwise too many translators will be required in parliament.

  4. Maria Xriha says:

    What is the official role of a Deputy Speaker? What comprise the duties expected from him? Would he be expected to be delegated to?

  5. ciccio says:

    Excellent post. I agree with this position 100%. So much truth in this piece.

  6. ciccio says:

    “OK, Gadget, how do you describe yourself, in one gesture?”

  7. CB says:

    Perfect article, Daphne …. mirrors my exact thoughts. Opposition still in disarray – once the leadership issue is settled the PN will regroup and start the fightback.

    Long and ardous road ahead but, as you say, being in Opposition is indeed liberating and can actually be enjoyable. Labour will give the opposition a field day.

  8. AE says:

    Yes finally. Also Simon Busuttil’s stand rejecting the offer of executive positions for members of the Opposition is a breathe of fresh air. he is coming under a lot of flak especially on the Times of Malta comments board, but it is the type of position I would expect the new leader of the Opposition to take.

    Muscat has shown he is a strategist. He will do anything to weaken the Opposition. Why stop doing what he was so successful at doing whilst in Opposition now that he is in Government and can actually offer some toffee to certain weak individuals?

    That he wants to involve the ‘best brains’ is utter hogwash. We can already see evidence of this through various appointments he has made. They are not the ‘best brains’ but persons he wants to reward or keep on side – his own friends of friends.

    If he does offer any appointments to members of the Opposition it is likely to be to the weakest links in the Nationalist Party and then it is hardly likely to be anything of substance. And there might be a couple of fools who are big enough suckers to accept.

    Even if it is something of substance, say some form of position to Tonio Fenech in the Ministry of Finance, it is because he needs the likes of Tonio to get things done for him whilst he goes to the gym every day.

    The bottom line is that Simon is absolutely right and whoever doesn’t see it is either naive, opportunistic or communist. No democracy can function without a strong Opposition which can keep the Government on its toes. If the Opposition is also part of Government how can it be critical of it?

  9. Fruit says:

    Well Said AE. I fully agree.

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