Claudette nee Pace is going to be fun in parliament

Published: May 7, 2013 at 11:39am

Claudette Pace

The Malta Independent reports:

Deputy Prime Minister Louis Grech told parliament this evening that Dar Malta in Brussels is going to be given a more prominent role, particularly in preparation for Malta’s presidency of the European Union.

PN MP Claudette Buttigieg quipped that “Dar Malta is useful after all,” a snipe at Labour’s much publicised criticism of the previous administrations largesse in buying the real estate.

Speaker Anglu Farrugia had to call the House to order, as Dr Buttigieg’s observation went down very well with the Opposition benches.

31 Comments Comment

  1. Calculator says:

    If the government is going to take the mickey out of parliament, at least we know someone will make it enjoyable.

  2. TinaB says:

    I completely agree with you – I always thought that Claudette Pace would do brilliantly in parliament.

    Go, Claudette.

  3. Evergreen says:

    Daphne what do you think of her as deputy leader? She might surprise a few people.

  4. manum says:

    Dr Buttigieg? Who is Dr Buttigieg?

  5. WhoamI? says:

    Ghax li kien ghalihom tal-Labour, Dar Malta kella tkun xi mazonett wara l-kantuniera. Qas jafu xi jridu dan-nies. Kieku jaraw imqar sa mnehirhom ikun improvement.

    Go, Claudette.

    • Carthago delenda est says:

      @ WhoamI? Tghid mhux hekk – ghalihom se jikkuntentaw b’maisonette wara l-kantuniera?! Kieku ghal haddiehor iva, kif qaltilhom tajjeb Claudette.

      (Ghalihom) dawn imdorrijin fl-ispazju u l-hala’. Kollox KBIR. Mill-kabinett sal-Parlament (li qalu gie zghir (again ghalihom!). Faccoli u ‘double standards’. Dejjem hekk kienu. Jilghabuha tal-fqar u umli u hniezer daqshom m’hawnx. Kif jghid il-Malti: malajr jahraw f’qalziethom!

      Imma tibzax, Hadd wara Hadd tasal ta’ kulhadd.

    • Claudette jiena dejjem ammirajtek- ibqa sejra hekk u tkompli turi lil shabna tal LP x’wirt hallihom l-PN- naturalment hawn wiehed ma jridx jinsa min kien wara dan l-progett- Richard Cachia Caruana-RCC- Prosit mill gdid.

  6. J. Aquilina says:

    I am personally very impressed with her performance so far – the article she wrote about Jason Micallef’s new appointment as Chairman of V18 in The Malta Independent on Sunday was also very well written (I have no doubt it was written by her).

    Yes, she has really really surpassed my expectations. Well done, Claudette. If only we had more politicians like you.

  7. village says:

    Tajba Claudette, joghgobni l-istil tieghek.

  8. JPS says:

    Unless our dear prime minister obtained a special offer deal with Renzo Piano to also refurbish Dar Malta & hence the more prominent role for this building. Why not?

  9. TROY says:

    Another lady with balls.

    • L.gatt says:

      Please. I hate that expression. What makes you think that testicles are required to have a quick wit and be intelligent. Ovaries are just as efficient. Trust me.

  10. M. says:

    Claudette Buttigieg is an ex-Dorothean too.

  11. Spargassum says:

    “Dr” Buttigieg?!

  12. mattie says:

    Partit tal-kontradizzjonijiet!

    Now they’ve also suspended the Sliema Parking Scheme, using the excuse that ‘it was causing problems’.

    Wasn’t this the same administration who stopped the proposal of an underground car park at the Ferries in Sliema?

    The car park was meant to relieve the no-parking situation.

    So, they stop everything, without giving solid solutions? Malta Taghna Lkoll? jew Ghal Min jidhirlu biss?

  13. zunzana says:

    So now ‘Dar Malta in Brussels is going to be given a more prominent role’.

    As always a Nationalist government has the foresight but Labour and Josephdotcom have always had hindsight of things.

    One case in point is Labour’s aggressive campaign against Malta joining the European Union in the first place.

  14. Marco says:

    One really hopes that one of these days someone puts forward some serious questions in parliment about how much money is being injected into the group which is producing that horrible 25 year old show Gensna once again.

    It is one thing for the show to be produced by a bunch of LP fossils for their own entertainment but it is definitely another for this show to be paid by local funds from the Ministry of Gozo in the name of culture.

    Gozo deserves better.

  15. xifajk says:

    Genuine question, Daphne.

    Is the heading of this article, and the way you refer to Claudette (nee Pace), intended in someway to ‘mock’ Claudette’s position in Parliament?

    [Daphne – It is obvious to those who speak English, as distinct from Globish, that I do not mean to mock Claudette but rather the opposite. The ‘nee Pace’ is absolutely necessary because that is how she is known to everyone. The name Claudette Buttigieg, because she became famous as Claudette Pace, rings no bells with anyone, except perhaps her immediate family. If I changed my surname next week I would still be known thereafter by my current one.]

    Just asking.

    My two pence worth – I was not too enthusiastic about her candidature. But she did have a couple of good tv performances and she seems to be generally well-prepared.

  16. Monstru says:

    I wish her all the luck for deputy leader. I think in the long run we see her performance performs very well.

  17. Adrian says:

    I hope Claudette will be confirmed deputy leader. The tandem Busuttil – Buttigieg would be great for the PN and for the nation.

  18. H Callus says:

    Claudette Buttigieg just placed this post on Facebook

    Buttigieg Claudette shared Claudette Buttigieg’s status.
    39 minutes ago
    Id-decizjoni nikkuntestax jew le ghall-hatra ta’ Vic Kap nehodha biss fl-interess u b’lejalta’ lejn il-partit u fuq kollox skond ix-xewqa tal-poplu u l-kunsilliera taghna. Grazzi Claudette

    • Nancy O says:

      I hope Claudette is NOT thinking about letting two male lawyers go for these new posts uncontested.

      Do we need need more male lawyers to run the party? Definitely not. Claudette please go for it, not only because you are a woman but because you have a new way of looking at politics.

  19. roundhead says:

    Thank God for Claudette. Having given her no.1 I am already in peace with my conscience.

  20. Danni_A says:

    Great to see I chose well in the voting booth!

  21. Alexis says:

    Yes, the Partit could do with a woman as deputy and I hope that Claudette gets the post. Together with Paula and Ann I firmly believe that the party could get back on its feet within a few months.

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