Europe has been waiting for Marlene Mizzi
May 22, 2013 at 3:19pm
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X’ċuċ kien dak li ħareġ bil-‘Europe 2020’.
I wonder if the EU would fund research into how many people are leaving their pants on when going on the lavatory.
U ajma xi ksuh ta’ nies.
Speeches in plenary
Documents :
One-minute speeches (Rule 150)
Date : 20-05-2013
Reference :
Date : 20-05-2013
Reference :
Dutch to oppose olive oil ban, Maltese yet to wake up:
ahh….another kev lane to nowhere….
Back on the booze, Kevvy?
Kev, countries which are in favour of the ban include Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal. All of them are olive oil producers.
In fact, ALL olive oil producing countries in the EU (except Malta?) voted unanimously in favour. That should tell you something but you won’t listen of course. Logic is not your speciality after all.
The proposal has now been shelved by the Commission, no thanks to idiots like you. And I use the term ‘idiot’ intently, Antoine. When you say ‘Greece voted for it” what usually happens is that the Greek minions at COREPER (who work hand in hand with the Commission technocrats) would have ‘approved’ the WHOLE package with nearly no sane person in Greece knowing what it really contains.
There has been a war of attrition on small farmers and small producers, and it concerns more than control over food sources… but where do you start with an idiot who lives in a box and calls himself Profs?
And for the record, Antoine, France did not vote for it. This passed by a qualified majority (15 out of the 27) and it formed part of the packaging directive (I can write volumes on that alone). The fact that most Mediterranean countries approved it only underlines the will of the elite producers in those countries. Because in every country you get an elite, the serving minions and the underclass.
Such press releases are just an attempt to give the impression of work and action.
But really, on dissecting this it amounts to nothing more than blowing on a second-hand trumpet.
As you rightly said, Daphne, these are issues that are already being given attention to by the EU.These topics were among the main issues addressed due to the financial crisis anyway.
Where was Ms. Mizzi during the past years? Didn’t she follow what went on at the EU summits? And what does she think the reflection group “Horizon 2020-2030” actually does?
Not only is this non-news but I also find it embarrassing. Unless she is not satisfied with the EU’s Sustainable Development Strategy and wants to put forward some amendments of her own.
All new MEPs are required to make an inane statement.
The European Parliament should hire Tony Zarb to give job creation a “pushjatura”.
Tony has been eating too many “pushjaturi” by the looks of him.
Another iced bun
Actually, it’s MORE than one –
“Dr Mario Vella, an economist and former president of the Labour Party has, as expected, been appointed chairman of Malta Enterprise. He has been effectively running ME since the end of March.
William Wait is the deputy chairman while the members are Anton Borg, Michael Grech, Peter Borg, David Marinelli, Victor Carachi and Marlene Seychell. David Curmi is the representative of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The GRTU still has to make its nomination.
The appointments were made by Chris Cardona, minister for the economy, who also appointed Tony Zahra as chairman of the Malta Industrial Parks board. The members are Joshua Zammit, Michael Vella Haber, Anita Mangion and Jeremy Dalli.”
And here’s another iced gem by Chris Cardona – , slap-bang next to the Piano project. A subtle insult, perhaps?
No she can tell them HOW to do it.
Here’s one suggestion. Toy deliveries from the Early Leeching Centre should be transported by a deliveryman, not by the chauffeur-driven official car of a magistrate.
This justifies the €7000+ monthly salary she’s getting.
Wow – kemm hi brava! Nahseb li tal-iskola din it-tfajla Maltija, imn’alla kienu dawk id-dikris.
Earth shattering observation, Marlene!
Next up.. Willy Mangion “European leaders should take a leading role in finding suitable spots for bands to rehearse.”
Malta Taghna Lkoll
Mario Vella appointed Malta Enterprise chairman
Times of Malta
I have noticed that a whole spate of important appointments are always announced when Joseph Muscat is away from Malta. This had also happened when he was last in Paris.
Was Marlene Mizziu’s speech at the European Parliament in English or in Maltese?
There goes our reply to Angela Merkel
Definitely heard that ” must push for sustainable growth and job creation ” from someone else. Definitely, come on you all a bit of help here, or is it Lejbers standard spiel trying to impress as always.
Ohra din, tidher wisq imqanzha.
Heqq, trid tidher li qed taghmel xi haga, miskina, allavolja ma ghandha ideja ta’ xejn, specjalment wara li Triccas tal-PN diga ghamlet impatt sewwa.
Issa Claudette Abela Baldacchino jmiss…naraw x’brillanza hierga.
As a true Mintoffian, Marlene Mizzi should suggest setting up a labour corps called Dirghajn L-Ewropej as an urgent measure to reduce unemployment in Europe.
And what would their job be? Hugging those who have just lost their job?
I have a far better suggestion. If we all become switchers, Joseph Muscat will give us all an employment on boards, commissions, conventions, and the like.
How about that to solve this European employment crisis and create full employment in Malta?
Pruzunzjonijiet ghandha kieku, Marlene.
But then, she did not know how to answer the question put to her about Malta’s Objective One Status. She, together with Claudette Abela Baldacchino, had no idea what the Objective One Status is all about.
How have they planned Norman Lowell’s advance on Europe?