Gosh, even Marlene Mizzi’s daughter has an iced bun

Published: May 10, 2013 at 12:24am

Alexandra Mizzi

MCA board

It didn’t quite click when I read the list of appointees to the Malta Communications Authority board, but Alexandra Mizzi is Marlene ‘Cheetah’ Mizzi’s daughter.

Her work experience? Running the family toy-shops. Well, if that was considered good enough to qualify her mother to chair the Sea Malta board, then…

17 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    So what’s missing now is for Magistrate Mizzi to be elevated to a judge.

  2. Harry Purdie says:

    Gawd, some one better enlarge that trough.

  3. brimba says:

    When is Emmy Bezzina’s turn to call for his prize. Really sickening watching him on Smash every Thursday.

    • mario galea says:

      He is due to be elevated as minister without portfolio.

    • Catsrbest says:

      Watching Smash? Does that pity of a station still exist?

    • ciccio says:

      I watched his Parlament yesterday. He must be angry because his Parliament studio was not designed by Renzo Piano.

      However, I admire him how he is able to perform as a government and as an opposition, while acting as a Speaker, all at the same time, and still claim to be defending democracy.

      I suggest that PN sympathisers should call in during his program and complain about the government. It wouldn’t be more than a month, and the program will be pulled off the air.

    • Ta'Sapienza says:

      Whatever possesses you to do that?

  4. Min Jaf says:

    And we all know where the Sea Malta chairmanship got us: one ship, ten sailors, one hundred and twenty land-based office staff. Labour Party concept of job creation.

    • ciccio says:

      Ah, but that’s far better than Labour’s ship of fools. It is one ship (or is it one movement?), and now that it is in government it has hundreds of sailors (like 24 members of cabinet, hundreds of chairmen and board members, commissions, conventions and so on) and thousands of land-based staff.

  5. taxxu says:

    basta taghna lkoll

  6. kev says:

    Pretty sour, these grapes, aren’t they?

    I mean, how many boards was hubby counting before the Burmarradian came along and took them away? Twenty? Twenty-two? And was it Corinne that lost hers too?

    Yes, delete, quick, Deafley, delete.

    [Daphne – Oh, I won’t delete, Kevin, because you really need to be set straight. Something you might not understand, Kevin, is that People Like Us (for want of a less insulting term) do not seek out appointment on state boards to feel significant or to give us apparent status. My husband is on several boards, but they are all in the private sector, except for one, which is judicial. My sister was on the St James Cavalier board, but that was pro bono (working for no pay) and an appointment made on the basis of expertise (merit is what is cited only when the appointee is rewarded for his or her work). She is a professional in a field of which you are, clearly, completely unaware.]

  7. carlos says:

    Brimba, why bother to watch him?

  8. TinaB says:

    Kulhadd jerdgha kemm jiflah.

    Min ghandu l-aktar, aktar jakkwista biex ikompli jistaghna u il-bqija jiehdu il-loqom.

    L-aqwa li hbieb tal-hbieb. Tas-socjalisti.

  9. M. says:

    U Charlon Gouder baqa’ b’xejn!

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