Kenneth and Kevin, you have got to be joking

Published: May 6, 2013 at 5:37pm

Give him a chance? That’s not the point. But even when it comes to ‘giving him a chance’, there really is no excuse for your catastrophic lack of insight into situations, disastrous powers of analysis and abysmally bad judgement of character.

But I don’t believe you anyway. You’re just trying to save face. And failing.

Exactly who do you think you’re trying to impress – the prime minister? Not even HE thinks Jason Micallef is fit for purpose, or wanted him there. He doesn’t think he has any organisational or cooperation skills whatsoever, which is why he ended up having to scrap the post of party secretary-general just to get rid of him.

In any case, this isn’t about giving anyone a chance. This is a position of great responsibility, not a bloody experiment.

I thought you voted Labour because Labour is brilliantly cultured and the Nationalists are Philistines? Well, what you got is Jose Herrera the cultural know-nothing for Culture Secretary and Jason Micallef as head of Valletta 2018. You got your much-vaunted change – now the rest of us will have to put it in our pipe and smoke it along with you.

Jason Micallef and Jose Herrera, honestly.

give him a chance

52 Comments Comment

  1. Village says:

    Typical brown-nosing exercise. Insomma, fiex waqajna biex nieklu bicca hobz.

  2. H.P. Baxxter says:

    The article is painfully accurate, albeit unwittingly, in its description of Kenneth and Kevin.

    “Local artists”.

    There. Touché.

  3. Jozef says:

    The Malta Independent couldn’t be more succint. “Local artists”.

    And before some geezer retorts how indecent of me, as if art has to do with geography. Especially when it’s a locus.

    Perspective please, before we’re drowned in a matter of political prudence, read innuendo.

    Jason Micallef is artistically illiterate, culturally challenged and aesthetically stunted.

    Kenneth and Kevin, you’ve been had, not that it was difficult. Insisting on the impossible, bacause that’s what you’re doing, is cheap.

  4. Jozef says:

    Now, if, as Net News has just revealed, it wasn’t Joseph’s decision, what will they say?

  5. Peter F says:

    Fqajtuna bid-daħk Ken u Kev…..

  6. A Montebello says:

    Who in his right mind would replace someone who is perfectly capable with some one who “needs to be given a chance?”.

    If V-18 was your business would you ever replace your trusted manager who is bringing in the goods for someone who is absolutely and utterly not qualified for the the job…. just in case he turns out to be up to it?

    Furthermore, why give anybody a chance when we were promised, in no uncertain terms, total continuity and that we were “going to hit the ground running”?

    My arse!

    • Min Jaf says:

      They did hit the ground running, but they immediately fell flat on their face as they overlooked that the shoes they put on were too big for their feet.

      Two months down the line, all that has been achieved so far is persons with proven ability replaced wholesale by incompetent PL stooges, national budget deficit targets set to be missed, school building programme halted and educational development disrupted, civil service disrupted and in disarray, ministers and PSs out of their depth, minister for animal rights seeking loopholes to facilitate the killing and trapping of birds, tourism put in jeopardy by uncontrolled hunters, investment at a standstill, uncertainty in employment, and a hitherto united people now rapidly being dangerously polarised along pre-1987 lines.

      Throughout all this Joseph Muscat has been increasingly out of sight, except for his vulgar show-off forays on public roads in his personal car decorated with a flag and unnecessarily preceded by siren-sounding police on motorcycles, all paid for by the taxpayer.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Of course they had to hit the ground running. They stepped off one gravy train onto another.

    • Josette says:

      Meritocracy – Labour interpretation, Labour style

  7. Gahan says:

    Tim maghqud.

    Nahseb li l-ministri u segretarji parlamentari intebhu bid-djughfija (l-gharqub ta’ Akille) ta’ Joseph li m’ghandux il-bajd biex jiqfilhom.

    Kellna li Farrugiet li waqqfu hesrem il-kuntratt ta’ Saint James u l-ahbar li Marlene hierga kandidata ghal-MEP .

    Kellna lil Joseph Sammut li qal li hiereg ghal-MEP u ma rridx ninsa’ lil Afred Sant li ghamilha bl-istess mod.

    U issa lil Jose’ li hatar lil Jason tal-Fjuri chairman tal-V18.

    Quddiem “fait accompli ” Joseph x’jista’ jaghmel?

    Jekk itajjar lil Jose’ dan nafu li ala bieb il-bubun iktar minn Joseph u jiftahlu tghajjira madornali fil-parlament fuq it-trattament preferenzjali ta’ certu ministri u segretarji palamentari, u per ezempju fuq il-mod mhux etiku kif kera il-karozza tieghu stess lilu nnifsu.

    Joseph jibza’ li jkollu xi wiehed bhal-Franco Debono jgherrieh minn gewwa ghal-hames snin li gejjin.

    Insomma qed tinhema it-tghassida.

  8. Election Mode says:

    Maybe Jason knows more than he should about Muscat’s adventures in Brussels.

  9. Victor says:

    Honestly, do these people have an iota of dignity?

  10. Toni says:

    “Kevin Drake said that only time will tell whether Mr Micallef is up to the job.”

    And if he isn’t? What then?

  11. one of us says:

    Maybe we should replace Kenneth Zammit Tabona, the Chairman of the Baroque Festival, and give Antonella tas-Snobby a chance.

  12. Jason V18 says:

    Most of the guests at Kevin Decesare’s birthday bash chose to ignore KZT.

    He was repeatedly heard telling guests “Not saying hello? …”.

    Well at least he is assured of one close friend he can have a tete a tete with – Jason V18.

  13. Bon Ton says:

    “Local artists” Kennit & Kevin (who incidentally sound like a pair of Essex hoodies) want to give Jason Micallef a chance, do they?

    Well, I am going to suggest that Kennit & Kevin are licking some very sore wounds right now, because the plum jobs they would have killed for are being awarded to the sort of oiks to whom they would not have given the time of the day just a year ago.

    Instead they will have to be content with crumbs from the table, no doubt falling from a dish I shall call humble pie.

  14. True blue says:

    Maybe Ken & Kev are singing Jason’s praises because they’re still hoping to stuff their faces with a slajs of kejk.

  15. PWG says:

    I love it. The artists’ comments to The Times were made subject to anonymity and now Kenneth and Kevin pronounce themselves in such a cowardly fashion.

    It took ir-rih tal-bidla to make them stand up to be counted under the previous administration. I won’t use the apt Maltese word to describe such behaviour for fear of causing offence.

  16. Ghoxrin Punt says:

    Maybe Kenneth and kevin are expecting to be appointed as special consultants to the chairman, because really, they’re the only ones who’ve received nothing to date.

    Have to say though, very disappointed with Kevin as I had greater respect for him, but not particularly surprised with Kenneth if his ‘paintings’ are the measure of his artistic worth.

  17. anthony says:

    Herrera is Malta’s latter day Andre’ Malraux.

    Jason and Kevin wouldn’t have a clue about Malraux .

    Kenneth yes, possibly.

    Kemm ahna tan-nejk.

    Imma kemm nifilhu naqghu ghan-nejk?

  18. Claude Sciberras says:

    What do you mean, give him a chance? So we could put any idiot and give him a chance?

    To my knowledge it was all about meritocracy ie being fit for purpose.

    The question is: is this person fit for this role? What are his credentials? If he is fit he is fit otherwise he should not be put in a position just because he is who he is.

  19. ciccio says:

    I feel heartened by the fact that within the space of one week, the justification of Jason’s appointment has improved from the PM’s “why not?” to Kev and Ken’s “let’s give him a chance.”

    Some strong justification indeed.

    • Tabatha White says:

      “Positive politics” aka “why not? politics” aka “possibility politics.”

      To get the thread: Joseph said his “campaigning in poetry” was going to be followed with “governing in poetry.”

      Poetry is the realm of possibility.

  20. bob-a-job says:

    I have been reliably informed that Jason Micallef, his pink shirt and his MRC181, and also a group of top brass which included Kurt the Coconut, were on the ferry-boat from Gozo yesterday at around 7p.m.

    Strangely, Jason was not with the group but sat in another part of the boat on his own later to be joined by a couple with child.

    Seems that Malta taghna ilkoll is coming unglued already.

  21. A. Cremona says:

    Yes, let’s all be patient. Looks like we’ll have to wait a tad longer before Kevin and Kenneth admit that Jason is the wrong man for the job.

    And guys, rest assured that time will come.

  22. edgar says:

    If Kenneth had David Felice running his business, would he ever consider replacing him with Jason Micallef. Would he ”give him a chance”. And his ”proof of the pudding is in the eating”. Ken, sejjer tispicca bil-pudina f’wiccek.

  23. Chris Ripard says:

    As I suspected, neither Drake nor Zammit Tabona were men enough to hold their hands up.

    Who will be the first “unswitcher”?

  24. george grech says:

    OH Ken this is our future and not your boudoir so stop licking asses.

  25. Calculator says:

    It’s becoming increasingly clear that whoever switched to Labour this last election was mainly motivated by their personal greed (or, otherwise, comfortable indifference).

    They were not against corruption but were simply frustrated it got them nowhere fast. Now that they voted for change and haven’t got the reward they expected, they’re trying (and failing) to justify heir previous actions by ‘giving Labour a chance’.

    Well, Kenneth and Kevin, hope you’re happy now. Your insatiable greed and petty behaviour has screwed everything up for the rest of us.

  26. Johannes says:

    Elementary classroom exercise:

    Compare and contrast the following:

    Minister of Culture: Mario de Marco v Jose Herrera
    Chaiperson V 18: David Felice v Jason Micallef.

    Students are expected to highlight the strengths of the people in question , their cultural acumen, their leadership skills, and their foresight. If you are arguing in favour of Jose and Jason, your answer on a postage stamp should suffice.

  27. one of us says:

    Kenneth nearly burst a blood vessel when attacking the decision to make Peter Andre a cultural ambassador.

    And now he wants us to believe that he thinks Jason Micallef should be given a chance as chairman of Valletta 2018. Tell it to the marines, Ken.

  28. S Borg says:

    Not even Drake or Zammit Tabona believe in Jason.

    You do not give a chance to someone who is fit for the job. You give them the job because you believe in their capabilities.

    On the other hand, you give a chance when you are not sure whether that person will deliver. “Ejja ntuh cans, miskin! Forsi jkollna raguni biex inkeccuh mbaghad”

  29. BFG says:

    For MERITocracy read MEDIOcracy. ‘nuf said.

  30. Gigi says:

    Kieku qed naghmlu reklam tat-toothpaste iva, naghtuh cans.

  31. Tinu says:

    What a couple of lackeys.

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