Labour plays games of Us and Them while warning against the PN doing the same

Published: May 10, 2013 at 12:12am

Labour: are THEY on the same planet? All we have been hearing about lately is appointments THEY have given to THEIRS. Snouts in the trough all the way…

And now THEY have wished Simon Busuttil well, while sternly telling him that he should “work in the national interest without partisanship and division”.

Oh, indeed.

THEY warned Busuttil that he should ruddy well make sure to wipe out “the old Us and Them” approach of the Nationalist Party and “work towards unity, maturity and cooperation”.

Because that’s exactly what we’ve been looking at in government for the last two months – and that Speech from the Throne, now wasn’t that the most wonderful example of unity, maturity, cooperation and the end of Us and Them politics?

13 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    Labour is paving the way so that it will blame the PN with the failures of the Labour government in key areas, such as the economy and jobs. Their excuse will be something like this: “They did no cooperate with us.”

    • Min Jaf says:

      Overlooking, of course, that the Gonzi led government managed to save hundreds of existing jobs, created some 20,000 more, and kept the country’s finances stable.

      All that despite the disloyalty of JPO, the off-his-rocker behaviour of Franco Debono, the international financial crisis, the turmoil in North Africa, and, last but not least, the Labour Party in Opposition which made the most of those troubles to put spokes into every wheel in its bid for power.

      Joseph Muscat in government is now being seen for the inept and incompetent fake he really is.

      His opportunistic appointees are milking the system for all its worth before its inevitable and proximate collapse.

  2. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Now the way ahead for Simon Busuttil, if he wants to turn a new leaf for PN, is to tell Muscat to go to hell. The days of Gonzi’s mealy-mouthedness are over, and there are no voters to seduce anyway, at least for another five years.

  3. Edward says:

    Cooperation? Muscat is one to talk, after spending the past five years doing the total opposite and doing his bit to weaken the majority.

    It’s almost as if the Labour Party has a dream where all Maltese people think like them, and anyone who doesn’t is a threat to their dream and to national unity.

    If the unity they talk about is to do with the divide they created some 30 odd years ago, then they can do their bit by admitting how wrong it all was.

  4. Steve Forster says:

    “It’s almost as if the Labour Party has a dream where all Maltese people think like them, and anyone who doesn’t is a threat to their dream and to national unity.”

    ”We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.”

    Thought it was apt with the new Star Trek film being released

    • Calculator says:

      Or you could go with the The Cyber Controller from ‘Doctor Who’: “You belong to us. You shall be like us.”

  5. J. Borg says:

    Has nobody noticed yet that this is a government of pure Doublespeak?

    Whatever they say, you can be sure they do precisely the opposite.

  6. Toni says:

    You got it wrong. According to there are no us and them. There are only US. To hell with them.

  7. anthony says:

    I am all in favour of ending this ‘us and them’ mentality.

    Maybe while we’re at it we can also change the end of ‘us and all for them’ that we have had for the past two months.

    If we don’t, there will not be any of us left and soon it will be all them.

  8. Ghoxrin Punt says:

    Two can play this divisory game. Hopefully Simon will grab the bull by the horns and take advantage of the fact that at this point in time only the government can do wrong.

    Muscat has declared to all and sundry that Malta is in a good place considering the current international situation.

    If things go wrong he cannot put any blame on the opposition, not with the 9 seat majority and with all the changes he has effected in all positions of responsibility.

    He can harp as much as he wishes and Super One can harp on as much as they want, the switchers do not watch partisan channels. All they see is the money in their pockets. If that starts reducing they will switch back at the bat of an eyelid.

    Rest assured that some already have.

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