Oh God, the GLAMOUR….

Published: May 12, 2013 at 2:08am

The Department of Information has been instructed to bombard us with press updates and official photographs of Michelle Muscat’s engagements, though it has not yet issued the one bit of information we really do want: her salary at the Office of the Prime Minister, and a statement from her husband as to what he thinks she is doing there.

Meanwhile, here are the latest DOI releases. What can we say? Whatever Mrs Muscat paid for that dress, kien il-vera worthed ghax it’s really singing for its supper.


Ms. Michelle Muscat attends the inauguration of 123 Malta, a new clothing store carrying an exclusive French brand.

Westin Dragonara Resort, St. Julians. (OPM_10052013_a)

Ms. Michelle Muscat attends the launch of a painting exhibition by George Large.

Intercontinental Hotel, St. Julians (OPM_10052013_b)

Castille hosts the International Designers Fashion Show under the patronage of Mrs Michelle Muscat during Malta Fashion Week 2013.

At Auberge de Castille, Valletta. (OPM_10052013_c, d)





40 Comments Comment

  1. Gahan says:

    Does Malta have a prime minister? Once Daphne remarked that he would be watching porn on the internet, while others are kept busy working for him. I think she wasn’t far off mark.

  2. Joanna says:

    You can’t imagine how some pn voters, some of whom are also Sliema girls or their daughters, most of whom are ex Dorotheans or Sacred Heart girls, fought over getting tickets from Me Shall for the fashion show. It’s disgusting how many San Anton mums suck up to her.

    [Daphne – Well, the only two Sacred Heart ‘girls’ I see there in that photograph are Marisa Micallef and Angela Arrigo. And the only St Dorothy’s ‘girl’ I see is Marlene Mizzi. I don’t know where her daughter, sitting next to her as usual, went to school. The rest of the spectacle looks like a sea of chavs in unrelaxed frocks, not that both schools aren’t and weren’t replete with that kind of thing, but you get the idea..U x’hemm hazin? Wara kollox, Malta taghna lkoll.]

  3. Natalie says:

    Where’s Joseph? Why didn’t he attend?

    And why on earth would I be interested in what Michelle is doing? I was never asked to vote for her (I wouldn’t have anyway), was never told about her role in the new government, and she’s not there raising money for charity either.

    So why would I care what she’s doing?

    • ciccio says:

      “Where’s Joseph?”

      Well, it was his turn to prepare the gingerbread men…

    • La Redoute says:

      Qbadta minn sieqa. Everyone should care that the wife of the prime minister, who has NO official role of any sort, takes over the prime minister’s office. Whatever the cause, it certainly wasn’t an OPM event, so why was it held at the OPM?

  4. maryanne says:

    Yes, what is her role at Castille?

    When switching channels, I saw her on Super One and she was on about ‘our’ work. We did not elect Mrs. Michelle Muscat. It went something like this:

    “In-nies qed jistennew hafna minn ghandna..imma ahna tlajna ghal hames snin…ma sibnix fjur meta tlajna fil-gvern….se nahdmu u nwettqu dak li weghdna, jiena u r-ragel tieghi u t-team kollu..”

    • etil says:

      Jiena u r-ragel tieghi (afterthought)? I thought it was a prerogative of the Queen to say ‘My husband and I’.

      • ciccio says:

        “Jien u r-ragel tieghi” – yes, it means the Prime Minister and her husband.

  5. Lupin says:

    She probably thought she was sitting near Michelle Obama in the third picture.

  6. Jozef says:

    Leasing Castille as a venue, or a backdated payment in kind.

    Mela qed jiggennu? Sahha se jinvadu Verdala.

  7. Prue Freeder says:

    Was this all in one night? Did she swan into each event, spend five minutes there to get her photograph taken and swan out again?

  8. Miss Forcina says:

    Sabu geddumhom fix-xgħir minn fuq darna!

  9. ic-cali says:

    Ma jistax xi membru parlamentari jsaqsi PQ biex inkunu nafu s-salarju? Kos mil-kliem għall-fatti hemm OCEAN jikkumbatti.Mort nipostja ittra; gġoliet 6c. Mhijiex taħarqu qalbu għall-ħaddiema dak li dejjem jitkellem fuq il-prekarjat.

    • Snoopy says:

      Marthese Portelli has tabled a PQ about that but was only told that she will get an answer during another siting.

  10. Stephen Borg Fiteni says:

    What’s the point of the Prime Minister’s wife attending the inauguration of a shop, or supporting the International Designers Fashion Show?

    • Min Jaf says:

      That way Kurt the Coconut gets to have something to do, and Michelle gets media coverage. And something rubs off on Joseph to help prop up his rapidly sagging support among the voters.

  11. MojoMalti says:

    She looks like a Sicilian widow.

  12. pale blue my foot! says:

    Her dreams have come true….and she`s even getting paid from our taxes for all this “hard work”.

  13. etil says:

    Same dress for different occasions, or were they on the same day ?

  14. Min Jaf says:

    Was wondering where Michelle had disappeared to.

  15. Pied Piper says:

    Of course, she cannot afford to fail to keep up with the Joneses; and advertise it she must.

  16. Frans Cassar says:

    What about a press release on prospects of new jobs with added value? Does the press care about jobs anymore, or the government appointments are the only new opportunities for the ‘Malta taghna ikoll’ people around?

  17. Gahan says:

    The writing was on the wall:


    Who fits the tailor-made pre-election Labour Party specifications?

    Someone who has unlimited amounts of money to finance an electoral campaign.

    Someone who wants to influence our political leaders on how to vote in the European Union.

    Someone who has abundant cheap labour.

    Someone who was paid a visit by Muscat: http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20100407/local/muscat-meets-chinese-vice-president-in-beijing.301669

    This is that ‘someone’:


    “Meanwhile, those projects become the symbols of friendship and cooperation between China and foreign countries.”

    If THIS is not foreign interference , what is? And we were being told that we will use 20% of the interconnector load carrying capacity instead of a safe 70% because we do not want to sell our independence to Sicily!

    Tal-Labour jahsbu li l-Maltin huma CPECC ( Cwiec Per ECCellenza).

    L-oppozizzjoni Nazzjonalista ghandha topponi bil-qawwa kollha biex din il-kumpanija Komunista bi standards ta’ xoghol tat-tielet dinja titnehha mill-lista ta’ min qed jaghmel l-offerti.

    • Alexander Ball says:

      Well I am glad if it is the Chinese because it will make it easy for Simon to tell ’em to piss off when they demand a hike in electric prices after 5 years.

      • Gahan says:

        This is no joke, we’re talking about (at least) a half a billion Euro project paid from our taxes, executed by slave labour or in GWU’s jargon precarious work.

        I’m sure Simon will be assertive about all this, if it happens. This company never operated in the EU, and was one of the reasons why China vetoed UN resolutions on the Darfur region. China has control on Sudanese oil.

    • JoeS says:

      China Power Engineering Consulting (Group) Corporation

      Under the list entitled “Partial International Projects list”, there are 20 projects listed as “under construction”.

      Presumably the dates under the list “Year” are the year of completion of these plants.

      There in nothing listed under years 2005 to the present. Does this mean that the projects “under construction” have been in this state of “under construction” for several years…between 5 and 8 years. And they expect to complete our plant in approximately 20 months, from September 2013 to March 2015.

  18. Distressed Observer says:

    Is Michelle trying to pull off a Sam Cam? Next thing you know she’ll be appointed as Chairman of the Malta Fashion Council …

  19. Victor says:

    You’re so right about “the sea of chavs”!

  20. Wilson says:

    Today’s article hit the nail on the head: I have been following Roderick Galdes. Await some serious FUs from this guy!

  21. maws says:

    Malta’s answer to Wayne Rooney and Coleen

  22. noddy says:

    tajba, maws

  23. catharsis says:

    Is Mrs. Muscat’s job full-time, part-time or flexi-time, since it’s not likely to be a case of teleworking?

    On One TV last week, Mrs. Muscat told us that she loved to be with the children, that she personally collected them at school at 2:00 p.m. and took them to catechism classes (“muzew,” in her words).

  24. bookworm says:

    How distasteful, that’s debauchery at Castille. I think that the only officiality about her role is that she fills in official holes when her husband doesn’t feel like doing so.

  25. Finding Nemo says:

    Is that a knockoff Stella McCartney Michelle is wearing?

  26. Joseph says:

    You put a good question: what is her salary at the OPM, and a statement from her husband as to what he thinks she is doing there.

    The answer should be: ‘It is not for the interest of the public’. Remember these answers from the previous administration?

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