Only the little people wait in queues (ghax issa ghandna l-power, tafux)

Published: May 6, 2013 at 6:21pm

Jane Marshall


Comment posted by Strakku earlier today:

I have just returned from spending the best part of this morning waiting at the ENT out-patients at Mater Dei Hospial with a very ill relative.

We were there for at least a couple of hours with several other people complaining to the reception staff about the lengthy delays.

To my disgust, Albert Marshall and Mrs Marshall waltzed into the waiting-room and were immediately shown into the consultation room.

The man did not even hand in his appointment book to the the receptionist. He should have sat his fat arse down like the rest of us and waited his turn. Labour should practise what they preach – int min int, stenna fil-queue bhal haddiehor. Shameful.

43 Comments Comment

  1. Paddling Duck says:

    Jiena nemmen f’ Joseph ghax Joseph jemmen fil-kjuijiet.

  2. Francis Saliba MD says:

    In a Malta that Joseph Muscat touted as “Taghna Lkoll” all swine are equal but some are more equal than all the rest.

    • C.Portelli says:

      And that’s the perfect example as to why socialism won’t work. I beg to differ: if properly practised, its principles aren’t exactly bad. But then again, it’s a vicious circle.

      • Francis Saliba MD says:

        Socialism will always “work” as long as there are idle scroungers incapable (or unwilling) to work and to earn a decent living, and as long as there are preying crafty scoundrels who promise to steal from the deserving achievers and to throw morsels at the salivating dogs under the table whilst they gorge themselves sick at the table.

  3. sandy:) says:

    Didn’t Jacques Rene Zammit say he’d stopped blogging about Maltese politics, the day after Labour were elected to government?

  4. Mulej Hudni says:

    Daphne, did you read Carmen Pullicino Orlando’s interview in yesterday’s ‘Illum’? Pearls, leather Jacket and low cut T-shirt with Club written in rhinestones on it. I believe she is also wearing a wig. Propja Dominatrix. U le le.

  5. Bubu says:

    I thought queues at the Emergency Dept were a thing of the past?

    • Ghoxrin Punt says:

      No they’re not. Even 00.30 am emergencies get to wait until 6.30 to be given a room in hospital.

      And that will always be a reality. The issues arise either when someone tries to politicise it, as Muscat did, or others try to abuse it, as Marshall did.

      • Ghoxrin Punt says:

        and i use the term room loosely, as it’s a bed that is given at 6.30am

    • carlos says:

      Yes for the Marshalls and their like the queues are things of the past. They were right when they said Malta Taghna Biss.

  6. Malta Taghna Biss - PL says:

    The benefits of belonging to the ‘new middleclass.’

  7. Jozef says:

    So that’s where she got her shirt.

  8. True blue says:

    Could the ENT on duty have been the minister’s brother? Maybe tah cempila bir-Red Touch phone?

  9. Min Jaf says:

    When Joseph Muscat said Malta Taghna Ilkoll, he was addressing PL supporters.

    When Joseph Muscat spoke about ‘meritocracy’, he was addressing PL supporters.

    The pre-1987 MLP fossils still form the hard core of the PL.

    Why is anyone now surprised that only PL supporters are being allowed anywhere near the trough? And that all manner of abuse is rampant in government matters?

    That much was obvious from the outset.

    • Grezz says:

      Ah, but many were taken in by ‘the new movement’ ( because, you know, Labour per se no longer existed, and the old Labour people who are still present were supposed to have changed).

      If there is one reason why I am glad that Labour have shown their true colours, it’s to be able to tell the switchers who voted Labour ‘hekk, hu go fik’, not that I am the type to do so.

    • Francis Saliba MD says:

      I am not surprised at all but the flippant “switchers” who voted for a change, any change, even a change for the worse, must be ruing their fate, already.

      • observer says:

        No, they are certainly not doing anything of the sort.

        The only problem they are worried about is why, on earth, they themselves are not yet having it as good as some others are already having it.

  10. Snoopy says:

    Maybe he had an appointment with the Minister’s brother, pre-arranged through the divine intervention of the Minister’s partner.

  11. pale blue my foot! says:

    The Marshalls were allowed to jump the queue because they`re “in”. That`s what meritocracy was always meant to mean.

  12. Joe Pavia says:

    Il-Labour l-ewwel u qabel kollox. Jason Micallef kien qal li Gvern tal-Labour ser ikun ghall-Laburisti biss and he was not wrong.

    Instead of bringing unity, JosephMuscatdotcom has brought about a division. Malta Taghana lkoll only if you are Labour. Fl-ahhar isibu kappel jigiehom. Komplu ghaffgu.

  13. ciccio says:

    Why are we surprised? In the rowt mepp, JosephMuscat.con promised that his “moviment” will cut the waiting times at hospitals.

  14. anthony says:

    Direzzjoni gdida u bidu gdid for Albert Marshall and shameless Laburisti like him.

    Malta kollha taghhom.

  15. WhoamI? says:

    Kien mghaggel ghax sarlu l-hin ghall-ikel.

  16. Harry Purdie says:

    I really can’t believe how much fun we will have shitting on this bunch of scary assholes. So incompetent, dumb, and fucked up with antagonism.

    Gotta get them out in the next election, before they destroy the country.

    • Grezz says:

      The country will already have gone to the dogs by the next election, assuming that we’ll have one, that is.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      How do you shit on asshole? Wouldn’t that create a positive feedback loop which destroys the whole universe?

      Anyway, you may have observed it too, Harry. There is something of a feeling of anticlimax in the air.

      The promised cut in utility rates has yet to materialise. The more intelligent switchers have been conspicuous by their silence, as they watch various incompetents taking up the top posts in the land.

      And of course there has been no sudden explosion of anyone’s standards of living. Incomes remain unchanged. And the cost of living, following that most universal of laws, keeps rising.

      • Harry Purdie says:

        Good point, Baxxter. In Canada, we call that a ‘blow back’. (Had a summer job in the oil drilling industry)

        Most get covered in the stuff, (read shit) even though not responsible, (read the unaware Maltese)

  17. lino says:

    It’s called the kangaroo syndrome. He brought it from down under.

  18. Gahan says:

    So we will be keeping this expensive building after all?

    Does Joseph think that with this three line statement in parliament , he will get away with it?

    Was it a right choice or not? It seems it was.

  19. Nostradamus says:

    Animal Farm

  20. Lomax says:

    And it happens the world over. I was in Scotland some 12 years ago and got an extremely violent bout of gastro-interitis. A taxi took us to the nearest ER. There were some 3 patients waiting. Nobody else.

    I was still getting violent sick episodes. Yet I waited (together with the others) for about 4 hours.

    They even gave me a bucket. Nobody complained. I didn’t, of course.

    There had been a accident and yet when we could be seen to, we were. The queue wasn’t long by any standard.

    The wait was.

    But then again, my urgency was a picnic compared to a motorway pile-up.

    Waiting times at public hospitals should be welcomed with open arms. They are some of the very few occasion when we can, legitimately during a working day, relax with a good book whilst waiting for our turn.

  21. brimba says:

    But they will always find people (spineless) tro help them solve the problem

  22. rhinos says:

    Keep on doing what you’re doing now and Labour will be returned to the Opposition benches sooner than you think, Muscat, because what we are seeing now is not Malta taghna lkoll but Malta tal-Laburisti.

    Keep it up as I really love the negative comments – in a year’s time the majority will already have dwindled by half and it will show in the MEP elections and mark my words it will dwindle.

  23. Charles Vassallo says:


    I was also present waiting for my (forward dated) appointment. I drew the nurse’s attention to this matter and also lodged a complaint at the customer-care desk.

    I was contacted this morning by a very polite English-speaking lady, who clarified the issue with me.

    Her plausible explanation is good enough for me and I truly consider this an unfortunate misunderstanding due to the lack of communication coming from the desk-nurse.

    • Snoopy says:

      So please, why don’t you share the information? if this was offerred by the customer care office, it is not personal and actually very public knowledge.

      There is hardly anything that one cannot wait for in an ENT outpatient session in contrast with an ENT emergecy setup.

      • Charles Vassallo says:

        @ Snoopy

        I was contacted by Dr Lina Janulova (Hope I wrote her surname right). I believe that she is the hospital superintendent. Most probably customer care passed on my complaint to her office.

        As I previously stated in my earlier comment… Dr Janulova’s explanation was good enough for me to consider this matter an unfortunate misinterpratation of the actual facts.

      • Snoopy says:

        So help us understand also. Until then, we shall stick to what we think happened, and that is the fact that Malta Taghhom Biss!

  24. Tinu says:

    Arrogance galore! And this after less than two months in government.

  25. winwood says:

    “Gotta get them out in the next election, before they destroy the country” That would be too late. The country would be destroyed by the middle of the legislature

    • Catsrbest says:

      …’The country would be destroyed by the middle of the legislature’. The way things are shaping up, probably it will be by the end of this year not the middle of the legislature.

  26. Karl Abela says:

    This is precisely why PN should prime their guns ASAP. Up until now, the reorganisation of PN gave Labour a honeymoon period and they are using it to the full by doing what they please.

    Labour need to start facing the consequences of the promises they made before the election. Malta taghna lkoll is a slogan which the red eyed boys are now trying to bury.

    Simon, the onus is on you.

  27. L. Vella says:

    E jja N aghmluh T aghna

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