PM Joseph Muscat is currently at ‘Baruni’ Beppe Hili’s house in Gharghur – here’s the picture

Published: May 23, 2013 at 8:58pm

The house with all the lights on is ‘baruni’ Beppe Hili’s home, where the prime minister is right now – talking about what, the new power station and gas terminal?

He is the only guest there. The car marked with a box is his personal Alfa, which the state is leasing from Joseph Muscat at Eur7,000 a year for use by the prime minister. It’s got the Malta flag up on the front and those men standing around it are his chauffeur and protection officers.

Quite frankly, this is the time for some reporter to go there and doorstep him on the way out, with a few questions about exactly what the PM was doing at a ‘baruni’ businessman’s house at this time of night, all on his ownsome, and what they have been plotting together behind the public’s back.

For future reference, the address is 4 Triq il-Gnien, Gharghur.

Left click on the image to bring it to full size.

Joseph Muscat at Beppe Hili's house 23 May 2013

27 Comments Comment

  1. Gahan says:

    Why is the prime minister using the backdoor?

    Normally prime ministers are given red carpet treatment and enter from the main door/gate not the service entrance.

    Tinten din il-bicca.

    • Claude Sciberras says:

      That is not the back door

    • Michael says:

      For a house of that size, I’m definitely sure that that wouldn’t be the main door. It would be a tad too small for someone who’s a baron.

      It’s been a while since I went down this road, but the door is actually located near the middle left-end of the photo (judging by the road rising).

      It’s humorous, however, how he decided to try and visit the baron without being detected (unless the media will give a damn to report this), and decided to go at sunset. He should know that stealth works best at night, at least that’s basic knowledge.

  2. maryanne says:

    “All on his own” Joseph Muscat is very transparent. No witnesses to what is being said, eh?

    Did Beppe Hili ask him to leave his mobile phone outside?

  3. Paddling Duck says:

    The white car in front of Muscat’s is the white Ford Focus mk3 which his protection officers use, the same one which is always parked in front of Castille when he’s there.

  4. The other Joey says:

    Did he take the twins to Beppe’s house, too?

    • P Shaw says:

      Why would he take them there? There are no TV cameras and hence he does not need to parade them as props in the stage managed events.

      More importantly, the toddlers can easily interrupt and make the participants lose focus during such important business deals.

  5. edgar says:

    I have a feeling that Beppe is going to receive much more than an iced bun.

    • P Shaw says:

      The government will announce huge infrastructural projects soon, such as land reclamation and other land projects. Who will be the beneficiary of these projects?

  6. admin says:

    Premier Capital Plc: Retirement of Senior Officer «Back
    Date: 14/02/2013
    Company announcement issued by Premier Capital plc in accordance with Chapter 5 of the Listing Rules.

    Mr Joseph sive Beppe Hili (ID Card 292355M) of 4 Triq il-Gnien, Gharghur, has resigned from the office of Director. This comes after Mr Hili’s decision to retire and is effective imnmediately. The Company thanked Mr Hili for his services and wished the best of luck for his retirement.

    By Order of the Board
    Date: 13th February 2013

    • Min Jaf says:

      All set for the post-9th March scenario then.

      Rumours linking Beppe Hili and other pampaluni to Muscat and PL, regarding the gas-fueled power station, were rife weeks and months before the general election.

      Looks like there is one big IOU being cashed in now, using tax payers’ money of course.

      Kif jghid il-Malti, kullhadd sinjur, bi flus hadd iehor.

      • Jozef says:

        Muscat ghadu ma ndunax li wehel bihom. Dinjita’ ta’ xejn.

        Beppe Hili qed jibghat sinjal; Muscat ruffjan bizzejjed li jmur hu ghandu.

        Ghidli x’jista’ jinnegozja l-‘prim ministru’ b’din il-mossa.

        Imma jien ghadni nhewden li Muscat jista’ forsi jisserja. Tal-misthija hu u l-gazzetti li jibqghu jghattulu.

      • ciccio says:

        If, and I repeat, if, Beppe Hili is behind any of the expressions of interest made to Enemalta in connection with the prospective Delimara gas-fired power plant, then the implications of this meeting cannot be underestimated.

        Why should a government officer, as high-up in the hierarchy as the PM, meet privately, in his home, one of the bidders in a procurement process of a public entity where the potential contract has such a significant financial value?

        One would expect the other bidders to cry foul and the matter would need to be referred to Parliament.

  7. Jonathan Bianco says:

    This is not a good report Daphne. Beppe is a very good man and can offer a lot to our country. Am actually pleased if the PM can involve such people. Today was surprised at some of the appointments made and am willing to give these guys a chance to prove that 37000 people saw something in Dr. Muscat that maybe others did not.

    [Daphne – Jonathan, you are bound to think that way because it is your manner of reassuring yourself that you did the right thing in voting Labour. Why 37,000 people? Around 130,000 more than that voted Labour. It doesn’t mean they were brighter or more insightful than the rest of us. I can think of many ways to describe Beppe Hili, but ‘good man’ (in all senses of the word) is definitely not one of them. He is not being brought on board by Labour because he is a ‘good man’ but because he financed, funded and bankrolled the Labour Party and has been doing so since before the 2008 election. Also, I noticed today that your brother’s wife Ruth has been appointed to that board chaired by Joseph Muscat’s matron, Phyllis Muscat. Is this one of the appointments that had you so pleasantly surprised? I had noticed that when Ruth was (sadly) robbed of her precious possessions not so long ago, she chose to give an interview to, of all media, Labour’s. I immediately made the – correct, as it turned out – assumption that this meant she was rooting for Labour and would be voting for them. So…maybe she got that appointment on merit. Bully for her. She’s good at what she does, but then so are many other artists who don’t vote Labour. Merit doesn’t mean ‘talent & ability + voting Labour’. It just means ‘talent & ability’.]

    • Harry Purdie says:

      Jonathan, I fear that it was somewhat unwise to attempt to defend the indefensible, especially here. Credibility is cherished on this blog.

      • Jonathan says:

        Daphne, you are incorrect in your assumptions. Harry – if credibility is cherished then its not good to write on assumptions but one should base on facts only as Daphne has a very powerfull following and stating assumptions as facts can be very damaging. So I am supposed to have voted for the PL. LOL – Anyways – leave you guys to tearing peoples lives apart – I made an honest comment and did not expect such a dishonest reply.

      • Jonathan Bianco says:

        Dear Daphne, I sent in a reply to your comments which was not posted – WHY?

        [Daphne – You will have noticed that I didn’t touch this website at all since Friday, Jonathan. I was away for work and couldn’t. I am not going through the hundreds of comments that have piled up, in addition to catching up with posts. I don’t pick and choose, unless it’s for reasons of slander and offensiveness or really bad language, and I certainly wouldn’t refuse to upload any comment you sent in.]

        It is wrong to pick and choose the contributors replies. Basing your columns on assumptions, and not knowing the facts is not responsible journalism as a lot of damage can be done. Your reply shows that you have no idea about what you have written as I for one did not vote for the PL and I assure you that you are totally off the mark and you need to check your facts before writing such things as they cause a lot of grief.

        And Harry, if credibility is cherished on this blog, Daphne would have posted my 1st reply and her original reply would not have been made as all mentioned with regards to me and who I voted for are incorrect, and all she wrote regarding the appointments are lies as I know Ruth and know her as one of the most neutral persons around whose lifetime has been dedicated to art and that’s all that interests her – and Ruth is definately one of the most if the most qualified and experienced artist around for this job.

        [Daphne – You may know Ruth Bianco because she is your sister-in-law, Jonathan, but I know the art scene and also the political scene here in Malta, so you will forgive me, I hope, if my views are rather different to yours. Nowhere did I suggest that Ruth is not a competent or creative artist. I would never say that because it is not what I think. But she is one of several at the same level of competence, so when she is picked for preference over others at the same level, then there has to be a reason other than art and competence. Incidentally, it is not at all flattering to describe an artist as politically neutral, especially not one who creates the sort of art that Ruth does, which depends on social and activist engagement. She is not a painter of purely decorative pieces.]

    • Gahan says:

      I think this ‘good man’ was expecting to be made chairman of Malta Freeport.

      He had the right ‘talents & ability’+ he bank rolled and voted Labour.

      Joseph went to mend fences.He can’t please everyone, can he?

      • Jozef says:

        I think you’re right.

        If Muscat thinks he can keep himself between Beppe and his millions, (rumour has it he donated a couple), the prime minister’s playing for high risk.

        Unbelievable we’re at this level, seems Muscat’s a very busy man at the moment. Rushing from one crisis to the next.

        Explains his cabinet and preferred role set for himself. When the stakes and odds are this high who wouldn’t?

  8. aidan says:

    I am sure Anglu Farrugia’s iced bun wasn’t only the appointment of Speaker of the House. After the big fuss of the raba sular I dont think he is that cheap.

  9. Sv says:

    500,000 euros

  10. Paul Vella says:

    As the saying goes, no smoke without fire.

  11. Jozef says:

    The joys of colour theory la Maltija. Modern it-tifel.

  12. carmel debono says:

    I thought that the foundation stone would have been put the day following the Labour victory. Mizzi boasted that they have been planning since these last two years and that they have already the persons who are interested in the project.

    I can’t imagine how the power will be already functioning in two years’ time.

  13. Francis Saliba M.D. says:

    One wonders why the whole of the “Raba’ Sular” (Fourth floor) mentioned by erstwhile deputy leader of the LP Anglu Farrugia was discarded as a proper venue for this encounter! One suggestion would be that walls may have inconvenient ears and that secrets wouldn’t remain secret for ever and ever.

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