Ronnie Pellegrini to be made Freeport chairman

Published: May 21, 2013 at 11:53am

Ronnie Pellegrini 1

ronnie pellegrini

General Workers Union man, very close friend of ex Super One chief Jason Micallef, Labour Party hanger-on, and long-time henchman of the late Lorry Sant, Ronnie Pellegrini, is to replace Mark Portelli as chairman of Malta Freeport.

The news is not official, but I have it on good authority from a member of my international worldwide network of spies. They are expecting Pellegrini to turn up at the office as from tomorrow.

This allows us to see in a new light Pellegrini’s GWU-leased car, complete with expired ‘parking in restricted areas for journalists on official duties only’ permit, parked on the pavement and blocking traffic outside the Auberge de Castille yesterday morning (see one of yesterday’s posts).

Jason and Ronnie: chairman of Valletta 2018 and chairman of Malta Freeport.

What can we say? Qabza fil-kwalita, from David Felice and Mark Portelli to Jason Micallef and Ronnie Pellegrini.

77 Comments Comment

  1. Jar Jar says:

    Recent events have confirmed my notion that Muscat is being overwhelmed by the diehards within the PL.

    At first I thought that the large majority of votes he obtained would protect him from the less savoury (to be diplomatic) elements within the Pl but it seems that they have now regrouped and encircling Muscat – witness the chain Jose/Consuelo Herrera – Jason Micallef – Ronnie Pellegrini.

    It will grow larger as they become more confident and maybe feed off the disillusioned who have not obtained a house/garage/plot as in he ‘golden years’

  2. H.P. Baxxter says:

    What can we say? WHAT is in the brown envelope?

  3. Jozef says:

    Mela qed jiggennu? Dak x’iz-z*&% jifhem?

  4. If there is a slogan that lost credibility at the first opportunity that it was put to the test, and which will be quoted as a blatantly deceitful promise to the electorate, it is the PL’s “Malta taghna lkoll”.

    • Francis Saliba MD says:

      No wonder that it was loud mouthed by fools with painted faces reminiscent of the biblical “Painted sepulchres”.

    • Catsrbest says:

      Not just the slogan ‘Malta taghna lkoll’ that lost credibility but also the slogan of ‘meritocracy’ – where the hell is it?

      As one commentator likes to put it – “pimps, thieves and scoundrels”. That is all that this shameful government has stooped to.

  5. Min Jaf says:

    One wonders how many more IOUs are yet to be cashed in.

    Prime Minister Joseph Muscat must be working full time matching the promissory notes with available slots or, as we have seen in notable incidents, carving out of a slot to match the chit to somebody else’s cost.

    Meantime, the wheels of government are grinding to a halt.

  6. mhux fl-interess tal-poplu says:

    How come Ronne is to be new Malta freeport chairman? Is this not a private company?

    • Orlando Ellul Micallef says:

      The Freeport Corporation is the Government appointed agency that oversees operations. It has nothing to do with the private company that operates the container transshipment port.

  7. one of us says:

    We can weep

  8. Galian says:

    At this rate, only Silvio Parnis seems to be left without an iced bun.

  9. Alex says:

    L-istess eh Mark Portelli u Ronnie Pellegrini, haqq ghal-pacenzja!

    Might as well nominate Tal-Ajkla for president.

  10. mario galea says:

    The incompetents are “taghna ukoll”. Poor Malta. Are there no competent people who can be given important posts??

    • Francis Saliba MD says:

      Muscat’s LP is not indebted to any competent people – only to brown-nosed boot lickers.

  11. socrates says:

    In the light of this yet unpleasant news, we can keep singing Gianluca’s ‘Tomorrow’…once more, every ‘tomorrow’ will revive our bad feelings and memories of having good and effective people being replaced with Labour’s friends. Shame on Labour.

  12. Jack says:

    The more I see these things happen every time Labour is in government the more I become aware how stupid, gullible and naive the typical Maltese citizen is.

    Our only way of getting out of this short-sightedness and vicious circle is by upping our education system.

    Now it seems that even this is destined to lose momentum. This would be very dangerous for the country as people who remember well the 70s and 80s can testify.

  13. sammy says:

    Kellek xi dubju? Ha naraw issa what they can offer! One word comes to mind…… X’misthija!!

  14. WhoamI? says:

    Ok, you’re not having me fall for this one.

    What is Ronnie Pellegrini’s background? Apart from hanging around Nikita Alamango’s arse which, well, could pass as experience in handling of objects the size of containers.

  15. edgar says:

    Please tell us that is a joke or maybe a bad dream. If this is true then we have really reached rock bottom.

  16. Village says:

    Typically Labour. Let us have more of this and hopefully they hit much harder where it hurts.

    Come on Labour. Ja qatta nies bla bocci tal-laham.

  17. P Sant says:

    Seriously Daphne. Can someone please confirm the earliest and latest date for the next general election? I would like to know the best and worst case scenarios for my countdown.

  18. Steve Forster says:

    The barrel (bottom of) must have been scraped clean by now.

  19. carlos says:

    Is the Freeport not a private entity?

  20. Malta taghna Lkoll says:

    Freeport Corporation and not Malta Freeport Terminals Ltd.

  21. cikku l' poplu says:

    Min flaxja wara Joseph Muscat qed jigi ipremjat minn flus il-poplu.

    Sewwa jghidu li kull poplu jkollu re li jixraqlu .

  22. The other Joey says:

    Sorry D, I keep posting but it’s not registering. By the way complained to Go again about your site being blocked. The guy said that they are receiving complaints but the technical department keeps coming up with all sorts of excuses.

    • Makjavel says:

      I predicted this a few months ago.

      This blog will be hacked and blocked by MITA in no time.

      The first signs were NO MOBILES during meeting with ministers.

      Control of the opposing press media.

      Elimination of INTERNET FREEDOM.

  23. helen says:

    Tiftakruha din?
    From a Jack to a King.
    From loneliness to a wedding ring.
    I played a Ace and I won a Queen,
    An’ walked away with your heart.

    From a Jack to a King.
    With no regrets, I stacked the cards last night.
    And Lady Luck played her hand just right:
    You made me King of your heart.

    Ghax Joseph ihobbhom

  24. Makjavel says:

    This is the guy who erupted into ST Microelectronics attacking the security guards and the HR assistants when there were union issues.

    I am sure Tonio Portughese, now chairman of the state broadcaster, remembers this very well.

    He was more than a henchman of Lorry Sant – he was a hatchet man.

  25. matt says:

    What are his salary and perks going to be?

  26. matt says:

    How much is Jason Micallef being paid as chairman of Valletta 2018?

  27. P Shaw says:

    Does that mean that the Super one boys will now entertain the ships’ personnel during their short stop in Malta?

  28. vic says:

    Here is the prologue to the revised code of ethics:

    “Ask not what you can do for your country, but what your country can do for you.”

  29. Riya says:

    Nies bla kwalifiki u bla esperjenza avdati b’azzjendi bhal dawn! Dan m’hu xejn hlief genn u xejn izjed.

    Joseph Muscat bilfors ikollu jaghmel hekk ghax aqta’ kemm qed jaqla go rasu minn Laburisti tal-qalba li min ga ha hafna u min ma’ ha xejn.

    Joseph Muscat qed jircievi tgergir kbir u anke l-Ministri ghax qed jintalbu biex jaghmlu il-pjaciri bhal ma’ kien isir fi zmien Mintoff, bhal per ezempju biex il-Laburistu jmorru fuq pensjonijiet tal-mard biex ma’ jahdmux aktar.

  30. M.F says:

    Kif nistghu nimxu l-quddiem?

  31. tromba says:

    Tkomplix tzra mibeghda u tixwiex ghax lil laburisti qatty ma int ser iddawarhom Joseph jaf kkif ghandu jahdem
    Ghalaq halqek u halli lil min irid jahdem bis serjeta

  32. king rat says:

    The economy is showing signs of slowing and PL is to blame. All in business know that the incompetents are having a whale of a time, so money is held on to with a wait and see attitude taking hold, with a siege mentality taking hold our happy days are over.

    • Harry Purdie says:

      The economy? These greedy people have reached their only goal. The honey pot. The economy be damned.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        It gives me no consolation, but we’d predicted this before the election, hadn’t we?

        By the way, who has replaced e-Cubed as consultants to the government?

  33. Sv says:

    He probably put them there purposely to fail and get rid of them

  34. Riya says:

    Din hi l-bidla fil-PL ?

    Dan hu l-Bidu Gdid u l’ Ucuh Godda ta’ Joseph Muscat ?

    Ha naraw x’inhu gej ghalina ?

  35. Wot the Hack says:

    What’s the strategy here? To have the workforce join the GWU? Giving the GWU a “pushjatura” at the Freeport?

  36. CIS says:

    Ah, the Birzebbuga local council will no longer object to the noise emitting from Freeport because it has a PL chairman.

    I hope that switchers are really suffering from this charade.

  37. Tracy says:

    Fejn mar jinheba Franco Debono? Ma jghid xejn fuq il-meritokrazija ta’ Joseph Muscat?

    Bir-ragun ghax dak li ma tawhx il-PN tahulu dan il-gvern u m’ghadux jinpurtah minn haddiehor.

  38. ciccio says:

    Meanwhile, the Professor of Mintoffianomics, who is now Minister of Finance – and who likes to keep us up to date about his rubbing shoulders with the Head of the IMF and the other leaders of the world of financial institutions through his articles in the media – is attempting (in vain) to justify his inadequacy at managing the country’s finances by trying to blame the previous administration.

    It is clear that the European Commission does not believe the Minister – who comes from the largest cabinet since Independence and which will cost us an extra euro 30 million over 5 years – about his capability to control the deficit.

    • Ta'sapienza says:

      Which reminds me, isn’t this the same guy who spearheaded the Birzebbugia residents against the Freeport extension which was proudly announced to be on track by Chris Cardona recently?

      Not as much as a whimper from the vociferous Ricky and the rest of his Labour council. Iz-zmienijiet jinbidlu.

  39. Ronnie and Ronnie says:

    Saviour Balzan on the subject of Ronnie Pellegrini, in 2008:

    “The two Ronnies
    Now really, if JPO is in absolute denial and not in the mood to realise that he is up to his neck in cow dung, then surely Lonzu is at a complete loss on how to face JPO. At the same time, Jason Micallef must really be the closest to JPO when it comes to being a complete reject.
    Still campaigning actively with delegates for the future post of secretary general, he remains at loggerheads with present and past senior Labour figures; and though Jason will be credited for taking Alfred Sant to new heights, he will also be accused of taking Labour to new lows.
    That, I guess, is the problem when you have a secretary general who lacks the political depth and appreciation for history in a party as big and complex as the Labour party.
    The last time I talked to Jason he told me that the story that we carried about Ronnie Pellegrini was wrong.
    I do not think so. A problem with details, perhaps, but not wrong.
    But then, if anyone has any doubts they should read through the news story on Ronnie.
    Unlike Jason I remember Ronnie in years gone by. When Jason was hardly a teenager, Ronnie Pellegrini was in his prime, a sidekick to one of Labour’s most unforgettable nightmares. He was there when Lorry bulldozed his way through everything and always had his way.
    And Ronnie was not only his lieutenant with direct access to many of Lorry’s excesses; but probably quite aware of how, when and how many of those excesses where committed.
    That he continued to survive politically, and more importantly, failed to get hammered by the media when he took the role of assistant to Jason Micallef, beats me.
    Now Jason has said that Mr Pellegrini, who has an office at Mile End large enough to dance the waltz; who is heard screaming and phoning from his room; who signs circulars on Jason’s behalf; who accompanied Alfred Sant, Jason Micallef and Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi everywhere, is not an employee.
    Well, that may be the case. Which means there are two Ronnies, and we should really all thank the GWU for looking the other way while one of its paid up employees spends all his friggin’ time at Mile End.”

  40. uhuru says:

    Kif tista’ ma tibkix?

  41. RF says:

    Good thing there is no more Mid-Med Bank, Airport and Maltacom to meddle with. Thanks to PN.

  42. Boris says:

    Please make a distinction between Malta Freeport Corporation (MFC) which was chaired by Mr. Mark Portelli and the Malta Freeport Terminals Ltd. (MFT). These are two separate companies not to be mixed up.

    MFT is a private company, not a government organisation and is the single operating company of both Container Terminals and the warehousing facilities.

    On the other hand, MFC regulates the affairs of all companies residing at Kalafrana.

    Therefore MFC (or Freeport as boldly titled) has nothing to do with the operation of ships, containers and employees working at the Terminal.

  43. jack says:


    What about Alexandra Mizzi’s (it-tifla ta’ Marlene) appointment to the board of the Malta Communications Authority?

    [Daphne – ]

  44. A la Francisa says:

    On a different note: how about The Times of Malta’s headline “This time… it’s William Mangion”. Again, the silence of the switchers is deafening.

  45. Rita Camilleri says:

    Wow! Did you see the comments after this article appeared in The Malta Independent? Eddy Privitera said that Ronnie is not suitable for this job. One blunder after another – his words not mine – keep pinching myself to see whether I am dreaming.

  46. Plutarch says:

    “Proset Ronnie well done u awguri hi…God bless…ejja ha nuruhom x’nafu naghmlu..haqq ghal ………”

  47. La Redoute says:

    Muscat has yet to make a single meritocratic appointment. Is there no one on Labour’s camp who’s competent? Or is this just another case of neo-Mintoffian cynicism?

  48. john says:

    Ronnie Pellegrini eh?

    Happy days are here again, here again.

    Howdy gay times.

    Happy days are here again, here again, howdy gay times.

  49. Tinu says:

    Watch out, UHM.

  50. kram says:

    So finally William Mangion got his prize, he has been appointed coordinator for the promotion of local bands, what ever that means.

    Is there anyone left to redeem his/her gift voucher?

  51. one of us says:

    @ Rita Camilleri

    It wasn’t Eddy Privitera, it was someone taking the piss – he spelt the surname wrong.

  52. Tracy says:

    Is there a piece of cake left for me Joey ?

  53. JCS says:

    Qargha hamra mill-kbar dan, minn dawk li zgur ma ssibx ghand Mike tal-Potatoes.

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