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Published: May 23, 2013 at 8:44am

Jason Micallef

ronnie pellegrini

The first press statement of the morning has just popped into my in-box. It’s from the Nationalist Party, on the topic of the moment.


Dawn huma l-kredenzjali biex tikkwalifika ghal kariga pubblika taht il-gvern ta’ Muscat:

1. Tkun Laburist minn ta’ gewwa fil-klikka ta’ Muscat, JEW

2. Fl-elezzjoni generali tkun fuq billboard tal-Labour tghid li se tivvota Labour ‘ghall-ewwel darba’

Ilbierah kellna l-ahhar ezempji fis-sensiela ta’ hatriet ghal tal-qalba. Ronnie Pelligrini mahtur Direttur tal-Freeport – xi kredenzjali ghandu Pellegrini biex ikun direttur ta’ entita tant sensittiva u importanti ghall-ekonomija tal-pajjiz.

Dak li ghamel lil Pellegrini elegibbli ghal din il-kariga hu r-riga li biha jkejjel Muscat meta jigi biex jahtar lil xi hadd f’kariga pubblika – li jkun minn ta’ gewwa – f’dan il-kaz eks Segretarju tal-GWU, persuna qrib l-eks Ministru Lorry Sant u haga wahda ma’ Jason Micallef. Dan fl-istess gurnata li Muscat hatar lil eks President tal-MLP biex imexxi l-Malta Enterprise.

Ir-riga tal-meritokrazija Muscat webbel lil kulhadd biha qabel l-elezzjoni u kif sar Prim Ministru qasamha f’elf bicca u minflok hareg riga ohra; ir-riga ta’ nippremjaw lil tal-qalba a skapitu ta’ min hu kompetenti u mhux ta’ gewwa.

B’din ir-riga kejjel meta ftit tal-granet ilu hatar lil Jason Micallef – sieheb Ronnie Pellegrini – bhala Chairperson tal-Valletta 2018.

PN – Uffiċċju Informazzjoni

25 Comments Comment

  1. Herbie says:

    Appropriate smile Jason “X’wahda tnejiikna bil poplu”

  2. Edward says:

    The worst part of this all is that when the PN return to government they will, obviously, remove all these people.

    It won’t be because they are as bad as the PL, but because these people have been appointed for no valid reason.

    But of course, the PL press will be up in arms, shouting foul play, and crying as they see their buddies being removed and saying “It isn’t fair cos they are such nice guys. Look how oppressive the PN is”.

    The PL only work towards their personal dream for Malta, not for the good of Malta, and anyone standing in their way is seen as unfair and oppressive.

  3. Alexander Ball says:

    Google translate in Chrome seems to infer they are a couple of irons.

    Is that right?

  4. Maria Gauci says:

    Who knows what Ramona Frendo has to say about this?

    Her face was plastered on several MLP billboards saying “Ghax jien nemmen dil-meritokrazija, ghalhekk nivvota Labour”, or something similar.

    I’m sure she’s not the only one, but only her name comes to mind, maybe because I didn’t expect it of her to be on one of the billboards.

    • Chris Ripard says:

      You didn’t – I did.

    • Josette says:

      She voted Labour because she has always been Labour. And, as someone told me before the elections, all old Labour were going to vote Labour this time even if they might have voted PN in 2003 for obvious reasons to do with EU membership. This was their chance to win and they weren’t about to lose it.

  5. canon says:

    Mela Jason Micallef u Ronnie Pellegrini hobz u sikkina. Jew xi haga izjed minn hekk?

  6. Stephen Borg Fiteni says:

    Now that’s what I’m talking about! They could have made a list of all the “meritocracy” appointments but this is a start. Well done PN.

  7. Catherine says:

    That latest job, looking for places for bands to perform….what’s next? It’s like the sort of job that would have existed in the court of Henry VIII. He even had someone whose sole duty was to wipe the king’s bum. Thajjar Joseph.

  8. ken il malti says:

    These two look very gay.

  9. Jack says:

    Hi Daphne,
    Can you please start a page for your readers to participate in listing prominent Labour-inclined characters who have so far not been ice-bunned. Something the sort of a hit parade…

  10. Jar Jar says:

    Ejja, fl-ahhar bdew jiccaqilqu.

  11. TinaB says:

    AirMalta promotion, God Bless – Woman is “Nisa” instead of “Mara”.

  12. Rosa Luxemburg says:

    Bring in the clowns!

  13. Kevin says:

    The Times of Malta is running a poll asking “Should the prime minister be able to grant waivers to the ministerial code of ethics?”

    An astronomical 78% of 17482 votes said “yes.”

    It is not surprising that Muscat duped so many people into voting Labour.

    • Gahan says:

      That percentage only shows that the little elves are still at work , waiting to get their iced buns.

      • Ghoxrin Punt says:

        That percentage only shows that The Times of Malta has become Labour’s English-language newspaper as opposed to an independent newspaper.

  14. Watchful eye says:

    New direction and new style of politics – no wonder; whither Melita

  15. Makjavel says:

    Min jaf x’hemm komuni bejn Jason Micallef u Lorry Sant.

    Mintoff qatt ma rnexielu jikontrolla lil Lorry Sant.

    Joseph qatt ma rnexxielu jikkontrolla lil Jason Micallef.

    L-istorja tirripeti ruha.

  16. ciccio says:

    Who said Maltese is not a fine language?

  17. Claude Sciberras says:

    I heard this on the radio and was not sure I heard well of if the insinuation was intended.

  18. “Meritokrazija” has proved to be nothing but “Dahqa fil-wicc”.

    Weakly translated into English, “a scornful laugh” in the face of the Maltese people.

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