The Minister for the Police, Army, Justice and Broadcasting has a VERY thrilling day out, inspecting his privates

Published: May 23, 2013 at 9:15pm

I hate to be rude, but judging by the look on his face, it’s a good thing his jacket is just about long enough.

My God, he’s gross – a sort of cross between an overfed North African dictator and the bastard child of a Sicilian mafioso and Humpty Dumpty’s secret sister.

Pass Out Parade

34 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Push-back policy? The only thing he’s pushed back so far is his big fat disgusting belly. And without much success, either.

    Again, and as always, Norman Lowell and Stephen Farrugia, eat your hearts out.

    • Not the reindeer says:

      Maybe he’s pregnant with another pair of twins.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Or maybe he lied his way through the electoral campaign, along with Labour, wouldn’t you say?

        By all means let us poke fun at our politicians, but let us also hold them to account. Labour won the far-right (“Malta Rightwing”, as they call it) vote with a series of impossible promises about towing boats back to Libyan waters, towing them north to Italian waters, repatriation, and other tough Blut und Eisen babble which absolutely thrilled the Imperium Europa crowd. Manuel Mallia is their hero.

      • ciccio says:

        Maybe he’s been drinking too much water from the fountain? Perhaps even swallowed the jerry cans?

    • Harry Purdie says:

      The classic bulfrog prance. A few more steps and he’ll ‘pass out’.

  2. Carlos Bonavia says:

    Tony Zarb in disguise.

  3. Gahan says:

    From what I read , it seems that Mallia was full of rhetoric on One TV :

    Tonio Fenech who according to Labour was an incompetent minister ,and later Labour wanted to hire him as a financial services consultant , ridiculed him.

    This pay rise hullabaloo is a big red herring . Labour is trying to alienate us from the real main issue: the 3.7% deficit which they want to blame on the PN ministers’ pay rise.

    It will go like this “ We have a deficit because the PN ministers did not return the secret pay rise they got for themselves as Gonzi promised.”

    In my opinion the shit has already started hitting the fan for !

    and the cherry on the cake: WE LOST CREDIBILITY

    Joseph, where’s your positivity?

  4. Not the reindeer says:

    His arms are way too fat for his sleeves.

  5. P Shaw says:

    Did he take one of the soldiers home with him as a token gift from the army?

  6. Simon says:

    There’s an even worse photo of him on the AFM’s Facebook page with his huge beer belly sticking out of his crumpled suit.


    The President – and only the President – should perform these sorts of roles.

    • Catsrbest says:

      But he did it instead because the so called president is having a real rough time restructuring his credibility.

  7. Alexander Ball says:

    Better than anything on the telly.

    Fucking hilarious.

  8. ciccio says:

    Why exactly did the Minister stop in front of one of the women recruits in the second video here? Is it something to do with the most feminist government?

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Our Dear Leader Joseph says he wants to recruit more women in the AFM.

      We’ve enough trouble getting quality male recruits as it is.

      What exactly is he planning? One of those terribly naff Chinese mini-skirted battalions?

      • Min Jaf says:

        No, he’s probably thinking about setting up a Muammar-Gaddafi-style personal all-female bodyguard to protect him from threats posed by cellphones.

        Any meeting with Franco Debono, dak tat-telefown li jcempel meta jkun mitfi, would create a major crisis for Mallia.

      • king rat says:

        Erm no , the PL have always hads the hots for the African Amazonian bodyguards that our old friend Ghaddafi used to parade about with.

        Just imagine the scamble to aquire their services. Joseph and Co would make such a grand entry then. Me mate Borat needs to take a look at our tin pot ministers.

  9. anthony says:

    The Michelin Man in an ill-fitting suit.

  10. canon says:

    Daqs dawk majjalati li jattendi.

  11. kev says:

    Manolito I, ministro del interior, gobernador de nuestra seguridad, inspecciona las tropas en curso para la Guerra sobre las montañas.

    Atención! El gordo passa!

  12. Dissident says:

    He looks like Danny DeVito in Renaissance Man

  13. Village says:

    Suldati attenti….Mallia it-tobby jiekolkom wiehed wiehed.

  14. Malta Fan says:

    Malta is the only European country (and one of the very few in the world) where the same is individual is responsible for both the Police and the Army (let’s also leave out the fact that he is also responsible for the judiciary as well as for films and TV, so that is Chief of Staff is sure to get every single lighting contract).

    It is common practice, and sensible, to separate the Army from the Police, as many a time these will have conflicting ideals and attitudes. The minister responsible will be therefore forced to choose between one or the other.

    Also, it is uncommon to load one minister with all that power and responsibility. The separation of the forces means that the country is not controlled by one individual.

    It is crazy how not one single reporter picks up on this and asks the Government to clarify it’s position. It is not like we have a very small cabinet.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Normally, I would agree, but Malta is a terrible example here.

      Our armed forces function more like a police service than an instrument of foreign policy, so I’m not sure about the conflicting ideals and attitudes.

      After all, we’ve never had a defence minister, never had a defence budget, never had a defence policy and never discuss defence issues. Let us not forget too that the obfuscation of roles exists even within the armed forces.

      Remember the “combined effart” and the “exit wounds” with the sundress? And that was a PN-led government, which is the least worst option.

      But I’m told the brave stormtroopers over at Imperium Europa, some of whom are AFM members, hero-worship Manuel Mallia, so who am I to judge, eh?

    • ciccio says:

      Malta Fan, you raise an important point.

      This Ministry could basically lead a coup on the government and no one would be able to lift a finger or utter a word.

      The army could be ordered to advance on Castille, and the police could be asked to desist from making any arrests or prosecuting against anyone.

      The courts could be asked to acquit.

      And the national TV and radio would continue with their normal broadcasting schedule, seeking to reassure us that everything is normal at Castille, and that the national security services report that there are no threats to our democracy.

      Typical Labour appreciation of democracy and separation of powers.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Ciccio, I thought you were better informed. The commander-in-chief of the AFM is the President, George Abela, so there’s absolutely no way your scenario can ever unf—-

        What, wait….

      • Tabatha White says:

        I wonder whether Joseph had a choice with this decision or whether Manwel simply knew too much. He’s secured the bases. Who’s to keep tabs on them now?

  15. big bro says:

    @ ciccio: a picture which should make anyone in his right senses shudder.

    Dangerous amount of power in the hands of one man.

    Mildly reminiscent of the 80s or not?

  16. Francis Saliba M.D. says:

    The Minister desires more lady army recruits. That would provide a wider choice of gun-toting female security guards to cater for the needs of Labour potentates a la Muammar Gaddafi.

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