What is sauce for the goose…

Published: May 30, 2013 at 11:07pm

From my column in The Malta Independent today – link to the piece below:

Maybe the prime minister doesn’t understand this yet (I’m sure he does, and that there are other reasons for his inability to control his men) but by allowing members of his cabinet to breach their own code of conduct, he has made a rather nasty noose for his neck, one that will eventually lead to his near or complete strangulation.

The code of conduct/ethics is a set of standards. No waivers are possible because by definition this means allowing somebody to operate beneath that set standard, which is unacceptable. Besides being unacceptable – a standard is a standard is a standard, and there is no point in having standards if they are not met – waivers are a very bad idea because they create a system of preferential treatment, and preferential treatment builds resentment and dissent among those who are not so preferred.

There can be no middle ground, with a code of conduct from which special exceptions are made for individual ministers or parliamentary secretaries. There can be only a uniform code which is uniformly adhered to, or no code at all, with a complete free for all.

4 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    Seems like the code of ethics has become a “code of tactics,” with back-room deals played down as “waivers” by the prime minister.

  2. qahbumalti says:

    Franco Mercieca is carrying out COSMETIC eye surgery. I really wish one of the journalists will ask the PM if cosmetic surgery is allowed under the waiver, and how he justifies this.

  3. M. Cassar says:

    Having just read the news about the Cyrus Engerer case, I think it is fair to say that the ‘What is sauce for the goose…’ saying can be officially declared defunct.

    [Daphne – There was no other way it could turn out, given that his accuser didn’t wish to proceed.]

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