John Dalli, mom and apple pie…

Published: June 16, 2013 at 1:43pm

Malta Today tells us this morning that John Dalli (the new minister for health) plans to make “wholesome reforms” at the general hospital.

Wholesome? John Dalli?

I think you mean “wholesale”, sweethearts.

13 Comments Comment

  1. M... says:

    It’s going to be bran with everything

  2. P Sant says:

    100 days have gone by and GuziPL is still thinking he’s the leader of the opposition. Leading the country is quite different from being Leader of the Opposition, GuziPL.

    “Il-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat sostna li jaf x’qed jagħmel bħal ma kien jaf x’qed jagħmel meta ħames snin ilu sar Mexxej tal-Partit Laburista.”

  3. Alexander Ball says:

    Yeah, he’s gonna put Dr Michael Scholten in charge of Miracle Cures.

  4. Village says:

    Kellu ragun Eddie Fenech Adami ma jafdax lill Dalli fit-tmexxija tal Partit. Wheeler dealer f’kull sens tal kelma ma tistax tafdah fill-politika.

    Hasra li fil-glieda qalila kontra Mintoff, fit-tmexxija tal-partit Nazzjonalista dahlu numru ta opportunisti korrotti.

  5. L'Aquila says:

    Maltese politicians, okay most of them, never cease to amaze me. They have no ethics, no values and no loyalty when the pocket comes into play. This thing , I mean John Dalli’s, was very well planned starting with the ONE TV Breakfast show interview and then everything else fell neatly into place.

  6. jojo says:

    It will backfire on Joseph

  7. Manhattan says:

    Well … the mother of all iced buns can be described as “wholesome” … or not?

  8. Gorg Borg says:

    John Dalli said in the newspapers that he remains a politician. But by offering his services to both parties and being prepared to work for either of them, he makes it sound like prostitution, not politics.

  9. Galaxy says:

    John Dalli prostitutes himself to the highest bidder: what else does he think ‘offering his services to both parties’ means?

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