Minister Marie Louise Coleiro has chipped a couple of fossils out of the rocks

Published: June 5, 2013 at 8:15pm

Marie Louise Coleiro Preca

From The Government Gazette:

(CAP. 318)

Appointment of Additional Medical Panel

IN exercise of the powers vested in her by article 106 of the Social Security Act, the Minister for the Family and Social Solidarity is pleased to appoint the Medical Officers shown hereunder to be additional members of the Panel of Medical Practitioners for the purposes of the said Act.

These appointments shall remain valid up to the 31st December, 2013.

The list of medical practitioners on the panel includes (wait for it):

Dom Mintoff’s health minister from the Golden Years, Censu Moran, who is 81 years old;

Dom Mintoff’s personal doctor, Anglu Psaila, who is in his late 70s;

difficult ex MP Adrian Vassallo, who fell out publicly with Joseph Muscat and needs to be kept quiet (Minister Marie Louise has already appointed his wife chairman of the Housing Authority);

failed Labour candidate Anthony Zammit, who last made the news in a big way when he was found by his houseboy/maid tied up in bed and claimed to have been restrained by burglars, only for the police to find that the ‘burglars’ were seen on CCTV entering and leaving the front door by the regular method of using a door-key, but not before he’d given a big interview to The Sunday Times.

And Marie Louise Coleiro herself, of course, was secretary-general of the Malta Labour Party in the Golden Years, which is why she looks so favourably on those fossils she chipped out of the rocks, Censu Moran and Anglu Psaila. Or maybe I should say they were all chipped out together.

12 Comments Comment

  1. observer says:

    Maybe the ‘additional members’ are meant to investigate solely cases of ‘tal-bazwa’.

  2. Alexander Ball says:

    What about Doctors Crippen, Spock and Hook?

  3. Toni says:

    Who said that we’re not going back to MLP times? All these resurrections.

  4. Spock says:

    Censu Moran and Anglu Psaila? None other then the Mintoffian former health minster who kick-started the 10 years dispute with the MAM doctors and the Medical Council in 1977, and the strike-breaker-in-chief who quickly made it to ”Profs”when his seniors got conveniently sacked from government service and exiled abroad for abiding by the legitimate directives of their Union.


  5. Edward says:

    So it is pretty clear now. Muscat’s dream is what all Labour supporters’ dream has been for the past 25 years: to bring back the good old days.

    You can disagree with them, but they give a damn because you’ll have no option but to work with them and do as they say.

    Wait for it, the people of Malta are about to get a taste of what things were really like, and they had better brace themselves.

  6. Natalie says:

    Let’s hope they make it till 31st December, some are seriously approaching their ‘best by’ date.

  7. Snoopy says:

    And another one is Peter Fenech, exPMO under Mintoff and Co.

  8. stefan says:

    May I point out that,in fact, the medical fossils are three not two as we have Dr. Peter Fenech , ex medical superintendent at St. Luke’s Hospital in the GOOD old 80s days, joining in to share his expert experience. Who said there is shortage of medical doctors at the health department?

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