This is not a man who pumps iron for an hour every morning at the gym and eats two oranges for lunch

Published: June 18, 2013 at 2:03am

If this screen grab from tonight’s ‘speech to the nation’ is anything to go by, when the prime minister goes to the gym every day, he takes a kip in the locker room.

And there is no way this man is eating two oranges for lunch as the pre-electoral propaganda would have us believe.

There’s something funny going on here, because the older he gets, the less masculine he looks – whereas normally, it’s the other way round.

But let’s leave that, shall we. It doesn’t bear thinking about. Let’s concentrate on the styling for the recorded ‘speech to the nation’ video.

Well, it certainly wasn’t done by the people who work on Mad Men. What exactly are they trying to do with that green banker’s lamp – recreate the Oval Office?

address to the nation


oval office 1

17 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    And where exactly did he hide the sign that should be displayed on his desk and which says “The Buck Stops Here”?

    But then he is not exactly President Tru(e)man.

    • Min Jaf says:

      In the case of Joseph Muscat, the buck never stops there, it gets to be delegated onwards through the maze of ministers, parliamentary secretaries, commissions, and foundations where, with luck, it can get lost and be forgotten.

      If the buck is not forgotten, then all Joseph Muscat needs to do is to pluck out one of his numerous lackeys in that complex setup and pin the blame on him.

      In most cases, such is the mentality of most of his appointees that the individual so identified would actually feel himself honoured to carry the can for his master.

  2. Harry Purdie says:

    Looks like he’s working out on multiple ‘gym and tonics’.

  3. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Never mind the lamp. A pen pocket on a dress shirt?

  4. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Not quite the Oval Office. Pear-Shaped perhaps.

    Glad to see the PM has my report open on his desk. I just wish he’d read it.

  5. Eva Peron says:

    Oranges? The only orange I can see is the colour of the spray on the top of his scalp which must have been added by the make up artist to give the impression that he has “Presidential hair.”

  6. Gahan says:

    TVM had a feature about gyms on the eight o’clock news yesterday, and guess who where the cameras where taken? Yes we had the Spinach man being interviewed in his gymn.

    No, Joseph did not pop in to pump iron. He’s more likely to be seen eating at Mc Donalds with Joe Grima.

  7. Gahan says:

    Why no lap top on his desk? Isn’t our PP minister a forward looking technological guy?

    [Daphne – It’s behind him, hard by the banker’s lamp.]

    • Min Jaf says:

      Figures, most of the time he talks through his arse. Possibly looks at his world through it as well.

    • Eva Peron says:

      Well, at least he should have a tablet – maybe one of those coloured light blue, to match the colour of his tie I hasten to add – to lead by example considering that he will be distributing free ones to Form 4 students according to his roadmap.

  8. Alexander Ball says:

    It’s a young bloke, inexperienced and totally out of his depth, desperately trying to look like he’s in control, and will probably be impressing the great unwashed.

    • Eva Peron says:

      The only thing he is in control of is the pedal – hidden under the desk – of those teleprompters.

  9. Min Jaf says:

    It now being the hot season, the banker’s green lamp is there to replace the log fire in the fireplace.

    They both have the same function, to divert viewers’ eyes from having to look constantly at the speaker.

    In this particular case, the green light proved to be the more stimulating aspect to watch.

  10. RosanneB says:

    He ‘tries’ to imitate Obama in every possible way.

  11. A Montebello says:

    And don’t you just love the standard “I-am-busy-hard-at-work-running-the-country-and-signing-documents-look-I’m-going-to-underline-something-really-important-now” standard statesman (ca1985 – 1995) to the whole charade?

    The sad thing is that more than half the country lap this sort of thing up.

  12. Chris Portelli says:

    If Im correct his gym instructor was on the news yesterday telling us to go to the gym in summer: Spinach Gym.

  13. pale blue my foot! says:

    The Prime Minister looks like a plump, well-fed girl to me. All he needs is a frilled bonnet, a bowl of curds and whey, and a spider.

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