With Meinrad Calleja’s father on that commission: IL-BAGOLLU, ELENA ZAMMIT LEWIS’S FATHER. Unbelievable.

Edward Zammit Lewis (right), the parliamentary secretary for whatever: his father-in-law has just been appointed to an army commission.
The army commission which will be headed by the octogenarian father of a convicted cocaine trafficker who spent 15 years in prison, and to which position he was appointed by his son’s defence lawyer, Manuel Mallia, has just another two members.
One of them is a Roderick Cutajar, about whom I know nothing as yet.
But the other I recognised instantly, because his father Totty used to live round the corner from us when I was growing up. He is Raphael Farrugia, known otherwise in the Sliema neighbourhood of those days as Il-Bagollu. Totally, rabidly Mintoffian, of course, as is Maurice Calleja (always was – don’t run away with the idea that the Callejas are some kind of switchers, because they’re definitely not).
But more to the point in this Labour meritocracy of Malta Taghna Lkoll, Il-Bagollu is Elena Zammit Lewis’s (Mrs Edward Zammit Lewis’s) daddy.
Now, isn’t that sweet.
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How many times have we heard the accusation ‘hbieb tal-hbieb’?
They’ve moved one better. It’s all in the family, now.
This is what I would call “the all-in-the family jamboree” government.
Taht il-Lejbor kollox mahdum bizzilla.
Dak biex il-gustizzja mhux biss issir, imma tidher (jew tixghel / tiddi) li qed issir.
Bet none of them have a chip on their shoulder. All will be fair and square.
Labour are fast becoming a laughing stock. This is the only media avenue decent enough to expose the lies and deficiencies of this administration.
The Malta Independent are putting in a good shift too. We need more coverage of the pitiful state of governance.
Well bugger me – I never knew she was Bagollu’s daughter.
Perhaps Calleja could start off by examining the injustice or otherwise of his own appointment as brigadier to the detriment of his capable senior.
He may then wish to continue his investigations by delving into the allegations that he used to abuse his position by passing his incoming cocaine-trafficking son through the VIP lounge, with consequent scant attention from Customs.
In those days Meinrad had the free run of the airport arrivals section with security soldiers saluting him smartly and waving him on in areas where not even my men from the Drug Intelligence Unit had access unless escorted.
Everyday something new. What next? Ah well, curiosity makes life worth living.
The skip is overflowing….
Daphne I believe human resources expert Roderick Cutajar is the following person
I guess you don’t need me to tell you about his political inclinations.
I skipped the first site – after seeing the introductory bit by ‘you know who’.
I was astounded by the endless litany of the myriad astronomical achievements by our Bagollu listed in the second. ‘Wow’ and again another ‘Wow’.
They speak about meritocracy and what we’ve ended up with is mediocrity. And worse.
The Muscat family are off for another photo opportunity on Monday. With the Pope.
Illejla f’San Bastjan Hal Qormi quddiesa ta ringrazzjament ta Johnny Dalli fl-omelija huh, Dun Gorg qal: “John bhal San Bastjan qala hafna vlegeg f’hajtu …. dak li zergha fid-dmugh issa qed jahsdu fil-ferh …”
Is this a joke Gigi? Don’t tell me you’re serious, as I’m not a church goer and now I’ll make sure to remain so.
Dak Dun Gorg vera bniedem pruzuntuz. Jippretendiha ta’ xi qassis ribell u jahasra kieku jaf x’patafjun cucati jghid.
Bhal huh jipprova jigbed is-simpatija billi jghidilna li gej minn familja tal-haddiema (darba smajtu jghid tal-furnara) u fl-ezamijiet ma tantx kien imur tajjeb. Lanqas l-Universita’.
Sar qassis tant kemm dam jippersisti sakemm fl-ahhar sar dak li xtaq. Kieku kien ftit iktar umli u jaccetta l-limitazzjonijiet tieghu kien jaqta’ figura ahjar bhala qassis.
Li tkun bahbuh tista’ tigbed lil xi nies lejk imma li thalli marka warajk difficli, jekk mhux impossibli, specjalment jekk ha tidhol f’ghalqa li mhix tieghek.
Fl-ahharnett nixtieq infakker li daqs 20 sena ilu (jew izjed) kien hawn agha kbir ghax il-Knisja (tal-Vatikan) qatghet lil San Bastjan (tal-vlegeg) u Santa Katerina (tar-rota bix-xfafar) – fost ohrajn – mill-lista tal-qaddisin.
I hope Lou Bondi now understands why he should never have let himself be used by Labour.
Let me think, it’s like Azerbaijan
Today whilst driving from St Andrews all the way to Valletta I saw our beloved Muscat in his beloved Alfa 159 followed by an unmarked police car, driving at not more then 45Kms per hour on the right lane, so that means that intellect Joseph his appointed chauffeur and the goons following behind don’t know that slow moving traffic keeps to the left, lanqas isuq ma jaf, ahseb u ara kemm jaf jiggverna.
Were other cars undertaking him?
Will this commission also delve into the injustices that resulted from Mintoff’s commission which carried out the so called re-organization in the AFM in the late 70s? The results of that commission were extremely red.
Both the Brigadier and the Colonel were serving officers at the time. Surely they must know a bit about it so their task would be a lot easier.
Dan juri bic-car kemm il-PL ghandu ghal qalbu il-familja. Il-familja taghhom biss.
Used to have breakfast in bed before but you won’t anymore
By the way has anyone noticed that the government appointed as its representatives on the University council Reno Calleja.
He was already there before and I remember him in the interviewing board when I attended for an interview 18 years ago when I applied for a University course.
Is the Labour so poor in its content that they could not find an academic to represent the government on the council?
Your great daphne ! Every day with a new story . Keep on the good work so eveyone knows what is going around as if these stories aren’t told by you no one will bring them out THANK YOU for the info
Could Bagollu please investigate how and why David Attard was removed from the University council? Oh, sorry – it’s the army he’s dealing with.
Unreal! Raphael Farrugia (Il-Bagollu) who got to live in somebody else’s property way back in the “Golden Years” after the government requisitioned a Sliema house for him and his family to live in for FREE.
Raphael Farrugia, who then stayed in that requisitioned house for close to 15 years only to then make the rightful owners of the property pay a handsome sum to finally move out.
If this guy’s heading an injustices commission I dare say he’s got a lifetime of experience in the subject to fall back on.
Is that Andrea Cassar laughing her head off in the background?
[Daphne – No, it’s Mrs Michelle Muscat.]
His Excellency is to be found behind her, holding the mic. Such aplomb. He won’t be short of chocolate ferrets where he’s going.
Well as the idiom has it, it should begin at home, but then there is too much of this misplaced charity.